Click here to learn more: 2024 NAPS v USPS Litigation Update
Community Improvement cause area provides a wide range of services including Disaster Relief, First Responders, Legal Aid, Crime Prevention, Transitional Housing, Faith-Based Support, Rehabili…
The communities to which we belong are so important to our overall well-being. Communities can be physical and geographic (where we live or work) or more intangible, such as through the connec…
Spreading happiness around the world one gift at a time through the @USOPM CFC! GIVE COMPANIONSHIP. GIVE HAPPY. Make your impact today at
In honor of Halloween this week, consider giving an extra special treat through the CFC. Your gift can make an impact, and that’s no trick. Here’s a real-life example of the impact…
Being good stewards of the animals in our care includes raising awareness for rescue efforts, supporting wildlife rehabilitation, and protecting the multitude of species on our planet. Accordi…
Animal Welfare cause area provides a wide range of services including Pet Adoption, Wildlife Preservation, Endangered Species, Fisheries, Zoos, Aquariums, Animal Rescue, Animal Shelters, and O…
Arts & Humanities cause area provides a wide range of services including Libraries, Social Sciences & Cultural Studies, Preservation (Historical, Landmark, Cultural), Media (Public…
Throughout history, humans have explored our identity through our creative pursuits: film, painting, dance, poetry, music, literature, sculpture, photography, and more. The arts help communiti…
Throughout history, humans have explored our identity through our creative pursuits: film, painting, dance, poetry, music, literature, sculpture, photography, and more. The arts help communiti…
Board Memo 159-2024: BREAKING NEWS: USPS, NALC Reach Tentative Agreement Executive Board, With the tentative agreement that has been reached between the NALC and the USPS, NAPS finally moves…
Spreading happiness around the world one gift at a time through the @USOPM CFC! GIVE OPPORTUNITY. GIVE HAPPY. Make your impact today at
End Poverty cause area provides a wide range of services including Economic Development, Community Improvement, Refugees, Infrastructure Improvement, Women & Girls, Human Trafficking, Clea…
Give the gift of OPPORTUNITY by supporting End Poverty. Your $5 donation gifts two new books to a child, helping to ignite their imagination and cultivate a passion for learning. Let's spread…
An estimated 712 million people around the world live below the international poverty line and are all too often deprived of basic human needs such as health care, nutrition, clean water, prop…
Spreading happiness around the world one gift at a time through the @USOPM CFC! GIVE HELP. GIVE HAPPY. Make your impact today at
The number of billion-dollar natural disasters has been steadily growing in the United States, with 28 occurring in 2023 alone. While some natural disasters allow some time to prepare, others…
CLICK HERE to GIVE HAPPY TODAY! As postal employees, we connect the nation and deliver critical services. The CFC is an opportunity for us to do even more by supporting the causes we care a…
Disaster & Crisis Response cause area provides a wide range of services including Public Safety, Fire Prevention, Search & Rescue, Natural Disasters, First Responders, Women & Girl…
Education cause area provides a wide range of services including STEM, Early Education, Colleges & Universities, Continuing Education, Vocational Training, Educational Infrastructure &…
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