SPAC: Electing NAPS Allies

SPAC: Electing NAPS Allies

Supervisors Political Action Committee

In 1978, the NAPS Executive Board established the Supervisors Political Action Committee (SPAC) as the legislative fundraising arm of the organization. Since then, SPAC has raised millions of dollars to aid political candidates who support NAPS’ legislative priorities. Only NAPS regular, associate or auxiliary members are eligible to donate to SPAC. Members can donate online, through payroll deductions, or by sending a check or money order to NAPS Headquarters.

Current & Recent SPAC Campaigns

The Midsummer Nights’ Gift Raffle will arm NAPS for full engagement in the 2024 congressional elections, which will help decide whether NAPS allies are elected to Congress in November. The heated political environment and pending legislation that impacts NAPS members combine to make our SPAC efforts vital to the livelihood of each and every NAPS member. This online raffle is an exciting opportunity for all NAPS members to participate, not just those present at a branch, state or national meeting.


Contribute to SPAC

Contribute to SPAC

Contribute Online via Credit Card

Rules for SPAC Contribution

SPAC has Group Collection Form that will help better identify SPAC contributors and enhance our ability to account for SPAC receipts. In addition, there should be separate SPAC Contribution Forms or completed SPAC Envelopes for each contributor, or listed on the 50/50 SPAC Form. All forms are posted below.

In many instances, SPAC contributors will use credit cards to make a SPAC donation. Forms that include credit card numbers should be shielded from publlic view and kept in a secure location until mailed to NAPS Headquarters. In this way, we can reduce the probability of a member's credit card being compromised or used fraudulently.

It is important to note, Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules require that SPAC-collected funds, along with the supporting SPAC Collection Forms be sent to NAPS HQ within 10 days of collection.

  • Do not combine cash contributions from multiple contributors into a personal check. (Convert cash into USPS Money Order; complete SPAC form for each contributor or include on 50/50 Form)
  • Do not use Branch checks, Branch credit card, or Branch funds to make SPAC contributions
  • Do not accept contributions by NAPS vendors, or individuals who are neither NAPS members or members of the NAPS member's immediate family
  • Do not send contributions that are not associated with individual contributors
  • Contributions in excess of $100 must be by check, money order or credit card -- not cash

Unidentified receipts associated with "pass-the-hat" or raffles cannot be credited to the Branch/State. The Group Collection Form requires SPAC Chairs to reconcile the total amount sent to Headquarters with the individual Contributions Forms. All collected funds must be associated with individual NAPS members. In sum, the total SPAC funds sent to Headquarters must equal the total reported on the individual Contribution Forms.  

Special Instructions for 50/50 raffles: Individual contributors who participate in a 50/50 raffle must be identified on a special form. The individual’s name and actual contribution to SPAC should be on the SPAC 50/50 Contribution Form. For example, if Mary Smith submits $10 to a 50/50, only the $5 sent to NAPS HQ can be credited towards a SPAC contribution, because this is the amount we report to the Federal Elections Commission.

Thanks for your help in enhancing SPAC operations and accountability.

SPAC Webinar: Rules of the Road

Click below to view the SPAC Webinar — for state & local branch officers as well as NAPS Auxiliary members who collect funds for SPAC.