NAPS Headquarters FAQ Guide
NAPS Headquarters is here to answer any questions you may have regarding your membership or our work on Capitol Hill. Below you will find just a few of the frequently asked questions that we receive in our office. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at NAPS headquarters
Membership Questions
If you need a reason for joining NAPS, here are three: representation, information, and opportunity. Over 26,000 NAPS members have representation where it counts–at Postal Service Headquarters and on Capitol Hill. Whether the issue is pay, benefits, or working conditions, you have a qualified group of professional advocates working on your behalf, especially in times of real need. For approved cases, NAPS’ Disciplinary Defense Fund provides a trained advocate for members facing removal, reduction in grade, and postal financial indebtedness (Debt Collection Act).
From the EAS employee’s perspective, members also receive information on legislation, postal policy, and ways of achieving your career goals. Area training seminars are held on a variety of topics. Our annual legislative training seminar in Washington teaches grass roots legislative techniques and provides information on bills of interest to members.
Perhaps most important of all, NAPS members have the opportunity of becoming better informed and more efficient, while making the USPS a better place to work. NAPS exists to raise the standard of efficiency, to widen the field of opportunity and to improve the quality of the work environment for those members who make the Postal Service their career.
You may join NAPS by completing a Form 1187, authorizing dues withholding, and returning it to your local branch officer or to NAPS headquarters in Alexandria, VA. Be a part of a dynamic organization that works for you. Complete your Form 1187 today.
NAPS HQ will accept your Form 1187 submission at our office and then forward it to USPS HRSSC for dues-withholding. However, HRSSC requests that the forms be submitted by mail so that the member’s signature is original. Therefore, it is recommended that you submit your Form 1187 to NAPS HQ via mail. If you elect to submit important forms, requests or information to NAPS HQ via fax, please call our office to confirm that we have received your fax successfully.
Before submitting your Form 1187, it is important to review the information to make sure it is legible and accurate. Incomplete or illegible information may delay the successful processing of your membership application. If the local NAPS branch number, officer signature, or dues amount is missing, NAPS HQ will research this information and complete the missing fields as needed. However, if personal data is missing or illegible on the form (such as the member name & address, signature, or SSN#) and cannot be researched at our headquarters, our office will contact you and your local branch officers for assistance in completing the application. If for any reason a Form 1187 is returned to our office unprocessed from HRSSC, we will notify the member and local NAPS branch involved in order to complete the member application process.
NAPS HQ considers you a member of the organization after you and your branch officer or NAPS HQ has signed and dated your Form 1187. You may participate in local branch meetings and events as soon as you submit your application to your local branch or to NAPS HQ.
Once we receive your application at NAPS HQ, we enter your information into our NAPS membership database. We make a copy of your 1187 for our records and forward the original to HRSSC for processing. Once HRSSC has processed your 1187, your dues deductions will become active and your name will appear on the local branch membership reports. NAPS dues will be indicated on your USPS pay stub as Union Dues - S.
Soon after HRSSC has processed your Form 1187, a welcome packet will arrive in the mail from NAPS Headquarters. Your subscription to The Postal Supervisor magazine will also become active. Please inform NAPS Headquarters if your address changes so you may continue to receive your monthly magazine.
NAPS dues are noted on your paystub as Union Dues – S. If you see another letter besides “S” next to the deduction, this means that the dues are for another organization. If you have questions about your labor or management organization affiliation or dues, please call USPS Human Resources Shared Services Center (HRSSC) at: 1-877-477-3273.
You can find the contact information for local NAPS branch officers in the “Find Your Branch” section of our website. For more information, please feel free to contact NAPS
headquarters Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at: 703-836-9660 or We invite you to communicate with your local NAPS officers to learn about branch events, meetings, and representation.
Local NAPS branch affiliation is based on your postal employee pay location finance number. Member dues are determined individually by each local NAPS branch. Branch dues per pay period may range between $6.00 to $15.00 per pay period. Please call our office or a local NAPS representative to inquire about your branch affiliation or dues. Your branch affiliation and dues per pay period may change if your USPS finance number changes.
NAPS members are automatically affiliated to a branch, local or state, based on their USPS finance number. If a USPS finance # is not already affiliated with a local branch, then that office will be affiliated with the State branch per the NAPS National Constitution & Bylaws.
In most cases, the NAPS database affiliates members appropriately based on their USPS finance #. Local NAPS branch officers review their monthly membership reports and contact will contract NAPS headquarters if changes or inquiries are needed. For example, the name of an active branch member may disappear from the local membership report because they had a USPS finance # change that affiliated the member to a different NAPS branch.
Sometimes a member’s office of physical domicile is different from their employing office. If so, a member is eligible to fill out an Exception Form to request affiliation with the NAPS branch located in their domicile location. The form must be submitted to the respective NAPS Area V.P., who will investigate the request and send it to NAPS HQ for concurrence by the entire Executive Board. Exception Forms are available for download in the Members Only section of our website. Please also see our FAQ on how to change your local branch affiliation.
If you have questions about your NAPS branch affiliation, please contact your local NAPS representative or NAPS headquarters at: 703-836-9660 or You may search for local
NAPS branch contact information by state in the FIND YOUR BRANCH link at the top of our website.
If you are a NAPS member and have a change of address, or are not receiving The Postal Supervisor magazine, please send your address information to NAPS headquarters ( or to your local NAPS branch. When contacting NAPS HQ, please include your full name, and if possible, branch and/or finance number, to make sure we can correctly identify your NAPS membership profile in the database. Please feel free to supply your non-postal e-mail address and phone number as well, so that we may include this information in your member profile. NAPS HQ does not sell or distribute your personal information to outside sources. NAPS HQ relies on your important updates to keep our member information accurate. Thank you in advance for your time and help in this matter.
You may submit your information to NAPS HQ by mail, email or fax. Our NAPS headquarters’ contact information is as follows:
National Association of Postal Supervisors
1727 King Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314-2753
p: (703) 836-9660
f: (703) 836-9665
If you are an active dues-withholding NAPS member, please review our rule for Exceptions of Branch Affiliation, outlined in Article III, Section 6, of the NAPS Constitution &
The Executive Board shall accept requests from members for branch affiliation exceptions in the following situations:
a) When members are affected by Postal Service initiated consolidations, and
b) When a member’s office of physical domicile is different from his or her employing office.
In both cases, the member’s attendance and participation at branch meetings and activities would be hampered by physical distance. The Area Vice President shall investigate said petitions by contact with the involved members branches and report said findings to the Executive Board for concurrence.
Active members may download the Exception Request Form from the Members Only section of our website. You may also contact NAPS headquarters or your local NAPS officer to receive a copy of this form. At the bottom of the form, you will see that approval is required from your Area Vice President before we may process your request in the member database at NAPS HQ. You may submit your forms to NAPS HQ by any means of communication. If your exception form is not signed by your Area Vice President, NAPS HQ will forward your request for review and approval as needed. If your request is denied, you will be notified by mail the reason for the denial.
According to Article IV, Section 2 of the NAPS Constitution and Bylaws; Members of other offices in the vicinity may affiliate with a local branch by consent of the local branch.
For all regular dues-withholding members who move from one branch to another, your dues amount automatically adjusts through USPS payroll and NAPS cannot control this change. At the end of each month our system notifies USPS payroll to process any member dues changes as needed, according to USPS scheduling. When your local affiliation changes from one branch to another your dues are immediately directed to your new branch regardless of the deduction amount. No action is required on your part to also change your dues or the deduction amount.
You will see any dues change reflected on your paystub before it appears on the local branch membership report, since our reporting is done a month behind real-time. NAPS dues are noted on your paystub as Union Dues – S. If you see another letter besides “S” next to the deduction, this means that the dues are for another organization.
If you are a NAPS member in good standing at the time of your USPS retirement, you are eligible for Associate membership in NAPS. Complete a NAPS Form 1187-A, requesting the NAPS branch you wish to be affiliated. Have an officer of the branch sign and submit the 1187-A to NAPS HQ. Associate members pay dues directly to the branch they wish to affiliate, not directly to NAPS HQ, unless you want to be a Member-At-Large (MAL) and not affiliated with a specific branch. NAPS HQ will also accept a letter on Branch letterhead, instead of an 1187-A, notifying NAPS HQ of your request for Associate membership.
Before submitting your Form 1187-A, it is important to review the information to make sure it is legible and accurate. Incomplete or illegible information may delay the successful processing of your Associate membership application.
If you are recruiting a new NAPS member who is an active employee of the Postal Service, please include your personal information at the bottom of the Form 1187 of the member you are sponsoring. The Form 1187 includes a section, NAPS SPONSOR, at the end of the form to record your information as the recruiter. Please include your full name, branch number, and mailing address in the NAPS SPONSOR section. When NAPS HQ receives the Form 1187 of a new member, as the sponsor, you will receive a $25.00 check in the mail. Please allow up to 30-45 days to receive your sponsor award ($25 check).
You must be an active Regular or Associate member of NAPS in order to be credited as a NAPS recruiter. To be a sponsor, you do not have to be affiliated with the same branch where the new member is joining. Only one sponsor can be listed for each newly recruited NAPS member. If an employee is already a NAPS member, and a duplicate Form 1187 is submitted to our headquarters on their behalf, NAPS HQ cannot credit a second recruiter. If the NAPS SPONSOR section of the Form 1187 is left blank NAPS HQ understands that there was no local recruiter for the application. Executive Board members may be listed as NAPS SPONSORS, but will not receive a sponsor check. NAPS Sponsorship is not recorded or credited for the recruitment of new Associate members. On the Request for Associate Membership Form, there is no NAPS SPONSOR section.
Local NAPS members and officers are the best recruiters to guide and encourage fellow EAS employees to join our organization. If you would like to obtain NAPS recruiting materials, you may
download them from the “Forms and Documents” section of the NAPS website. You will find the following recruitment items on our website: a recruitment letter to EAS employees from
our NAPS HQ, the Form 1187 to join NAPS and the current NAPS Historical Sketch. You may also access a copy of the current or past issue of The Postal Supervisor magazine to
print and place in your recruitment packet. Please feel free to contact our headquarters office at 703-836-9660 or to request these items to be
mailed to your branch. Recruiting materials from our office are identical to the online materials, except you will receive a NAPS folder containing your recruitment materials to give to your
potential new member.
NAPS HQ distributes a monthly USPS Non-Member report to local branch officers. This report is the USPS data of employees who are eligible to for NAPS membership. Generally these USPS reports are accurate and help NAPS representatives find and recruit new members who are eligible to join. Please contact NAPS HQ if you have questions about the names listed on your latest branch non-member report.
If you are going on active military duty, please inform your local NAPS branch officers or our headquarters. With notification, NAPS HQ can adjust your member profile so that no Per Capita Tax will be deducted from the branch for your membership while you are away on active duty. This special demarcation is only for active members who are on active military leave. Please also tell your branch officers or NAPS HQ when you return from active duty, so that we may fully re-activate your NAPS member profile.
Active dues-withholding NAPS members must submit the PS Form 1188 to USPS HRSSC (Human Resources & Shared Services Center) in order to cancel their membership and stop automatic dues payroll deductions. The form may be submitted at any time. NAPS membership also ends automatically upon retirement or separation from the Postal Service.
Please be advised that NAPS cannot cancel a member’s dues deductions. The member must do so through their USPS HRSSC Benefits office. You may obtain a blank Form 1188 from your Human Resources office or by going on the USPS Intranet Blue to: Resources, then Postal Forms, and then PS Form 1188.
Postmasters are eligible to be members of NAPS. If you have changed to a position not eligible for representation by NAPS, you must write a note across the top of the 1188 form stating “Returned to craft, job title and effective date, no longer eligible for NAPS representation. Cancel deductions immediately.” The notation should be printed in large letters to stand out and preferably in a different color ink (such as red). In this situation the HRSSC office should cancel the individual’s dues deductions immediately. However that is not a guarantee as NAPS membership may only be canceled twice during a calendar year either during the first full USPS pay period in March or September.
If you do not write across the top of the Form 1188, or you are still eligible for NAPS membership, the cancellation will not be processed until the first full pay period following either March 1 or September 1, whichever month most closely follows receipt of the 1188 at the USPS Shared Services Center in Greensboro.
The Form 1188 asks for the member’s NAPS anniversary date. However, this information is not necessary in order to process the cancellation and the field may be left blank. (The anniversary date is the day the employee originally signed their USPS Form 1187 to join NAPS.) The member’s NAPS anniversary has no bearing on when their Form 1188 is processed by HRSSC.
The original Form 1188 is to be sent to HRSSC. If you send NAPS HQ your original Form 1188 package, NAPS HQ will keep its respective copy and forward, as a courtesy, the remaining
copies to USPS HRSSC Benefits Office at PO Box 970400, Greensboro, NC 27497-0400. Additional information may be obtained by calling HRSSC at 1-877-477-3273, Option 5. NAPS HQ is not responsible for cancelling any active NAPS membership. This is an HR function that requires action by the
USPS employee, even if NAPS HQ receives the original Form 1188 at our office.
Your NAPS Anniversary Date does not need to be included on your Form 1188 in order for USPS HRSSC to process your cancellation. Your anniversary is the date you signed your original Form 1187 to join NAPS. However, this information has no bearing on your membership cancellation request. Please also see the FAQ on how to cancel membership and payroll dues deductions.
If you are a new, active, or former NAPS branch officer and your information has changed, please submit the Officer Update Form to NAPS HQ. This form is available for download in the Members Only section of our website. NAPS HQ relies on your updates and inquiries to keep our branch officer and member information accurate in our database. Please submit all officer profile updates in writing.
You may submit your information, updates, or questions to NAPS HQ by any means of communication. Our headquarters contact is as follows:
National Association of Postal Supervisors
1727 King Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314-2753
p: (703) 836-9660
f: (703) 836-9665
Please contact us if you are a NAPS officer and would like to update information on behalf of members. A Member Change of Address Form is available for download on our website, and is particularly useful for updating multiple member address records with NAPSHQ. If you need a new branch member address list, please let us know and we will be happy to e-mail this information to your non-postal e-mail address.
Please inform NAPS HQ if you are an active branch officer and would like to be included on the monthly branch membership report distribution, called the “e-DCO”. When contacting NAPS HQ, please supply your full name, branch officer title, non-postal e-mail address, and a phone number, so that we may update our records. Also see the FAQ on how to update your branch officer profile information at NAPS HQ.
It is imperative for local branch officers to review their monthly branch DCO membership reports for accuracy. Please contact NAPS HQ immediately if you have any questions or concerns regarding your local membership reports.
If you are having trouble opening or printing an Adobe PDF file, try downloading a free upgrade for Adobe Reader: . Also, contact NAPS HQ for further assistance.
If you are an active NAPS officer and need a new address list for your branch, please contact NAPS HQ. We will output current address lists from our database upon request. We will send this information to your non-postal e-mail address as an Excel spreadsheet. If your non-postal e-mail address is not included in your branch officer profile at NAPS HQ, please provide this information when you request an address list.
Please note that our NAPS database will only output member addresses that are marked as deliverable in our system. Therefore, you may see more member names on your latest branch DCO report compared to the address list. Please feel free to contact NAPS HQ whenever you need further information or if you have questions.
If your branch has address updates, please submit this information to NAPS HQ at any time and we will correct our member or branch officer records as needed. Please do not submit your full branch mailing list to NAPS HQ for review. Rather, please submit the names and new information of those members who need to be updated in our database. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance and we look forward to hearing from you!
You may submit your information, updates, or questions to NAPS HQ by any means of communication. Our headquarters contact is as follows:
National Association of Postal Supervisors
1727 King Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314-2753
p: (703) 836-9660
f: (703) 836-9665
NAPS HQ distributes a monthly USPS Non-Member report to all of our local branches. If you are a branch officer and do not receive this report, please provide NAPS HQ with your non-postal e-mail address so that we may add your contact information to our distribution.
This report contains the USPS data of non-postmaster EAS employees who are eligible to become NAPS members. NAPS does not receive from USPS HQ a list of postmasters that are non-members. Generally, these USPS reports are accurate and help NAPS representatives find and recruit new members who are eligible to join. Please contact our headquarters if you have questions about the names listed on your latest branch non-member report.
When a dues-withholding NAPS member retires from the Postal Service, their name is listed on the local NAPS DCO membership report with the payroll status flag “RET” (for “retired”). By the next calendar month their NAPS membership is automatically cancelled and their name no longer appears on the DCO. If the retiree would like to become an associate (retired) member of a NAPS branch, they must contact the branch of their choice or complete a NAPS Form 1187-A. Associate membership is not automatic upon retirement from the Postal Service.
The local branch notifies NAPS HQ when they gain or lose associate members. Once an associate is registered at NAPS HQ, our database deducts associate per capita ($1.75 per pay period per associate) from the monies returned to the branch each month on the membership reports. The associate also begins to receive a subscription of The Postal Supervisor magazine. Associate members pay annual dues of at least $45.50 directly to their local branch. Dues payments are managed between the branch and their associates.
To register a new branch associate, NAPS HQ requires the officers to provide the full name, former USPS EIN or last 4-digits of the member’s social security number, branch number and mailing address of the associate. Please mail this information to: NAPS HQ, 1727 King Street, STE 400, Alexandria, VA 22314-2753. However, if NAPS HQ receives advanced notice that a member will retire and become a branch associate, we can save and reuse their information for their associate profile. In this case, associate membership occurs a month after the regular (dues-withholding) profile has been purged from the NAPS database. The member name then appears under “Associate” on the branch reports.
The only action the branch must take with NAPS HQ is to notify us when they wish to cancel a person’s associate membership. The associate member may also contact NAPS HQ directly in writing cancelling their membership at any time. Once NAPS HQ is notified to cancel a person’s associate membership, NAPS will stop deducting the associate per Capita from the branch. This process will occur within the next two DCO periods. NAPS HQ will not refund associate per capita if we were not notified to remove the member from the database as needed.
Direct Pay membership works like Associate membership. However, a direct pay member is an active member and therefore pays the full branch dues amount instead of half the amount directly to the branch. The active member must contact NAPS HQ to change their direct pay to dues withholding. If the active member cancels their NAPS membership, the direct pay dues paying process will cease.
Once the Direct Pay member is registered in our database, our system automatically deducts their National Per Capita Tax, $3.50 per pay period, before sending the branch their membership share in the monthly DCO. The member pays the full branch dues amount directly to the branch and not to NAPS HQ. It is the responsibility of the branch and the direct pay member to schedule payments to the branch.
Unless it is stated in the Branch’s Constitution & Bylaws, a meeting needs to be held and a motion made and passed by the membership to increase branch dues.
A letter then needs to be sent to NAPS Headquarters (either or to the Membership Manager & Secretary/Treasurer) stating the day the meeting was held and a motion made and passed. Included in the letter should be the old and new dues amount (to confirm) as well as the effective date—preferably sent on branch letterhead—and sent by a branch officer.
If it was voted upon at a meeting, it is recommended to include the relevant portion of the meeting minutes. If it is in the Branch’s Constitution & Bylaws to automatically increase dues in the event that NAPS Headquarters raises national dues, please provide a copy of the bylaws page along with the letter stating such.
Dues increases will be processed and transmitted to USPS monthly according to the NAPS-USPS transmission schedule so be sure to send your requests in well before the end of the month to ensure they are able to be processed before the next deadline.
Regular dues-withholding NAPS members are sometimes put in a temporary no-deduction payroll mode by USPS. This relates to their job status, for example, the employee could be on leave-without-pay (LWOP). When a member is not receiving USPS pay to cover branch dues, automatic deductions cannot be made from their paycheck.
A no-deduction payroll mode is indicated with Status Flag, “NO DED”, by the member’s name on the monthly branch DCO report. In most cases, this status is relatively brief. As soon as the member begins to receive USPS payroll, their automatic NAPS dues deductions resume. The branch may choose to absorb the cost, or charge the member directly for unpaid branch dues that were not deducted. The National Per Capita Tax of $3.50 per pay period for each active member, even those in a NO DED status, is still withheld by NAPS HQ from the total dues returned to the branch on the monthly DCO.
If an active member is not paying dues for an extended period of time (for example, 3 months) and is not in good standing with the branch, local NAPS officers should mail a letter to the member. NAPS HQ recommends sending this letter via certified mail for proof of delivery. This notifies the member of their standing and asks them to settle dues in arrears. If the member does not respond to the official request after 30 days from the delivery date, the branch may request NAPS HQ cancel the person's membership for non-payment of dues. NAPS HQ requires the branch to provide documentation of their attempts to contact the member, both in an effort to be repaid and to notify the member of their pending NAPS cancellation. The branch should use whatever means available to reach the member, including email and/or phone if possible. Once documentation is provided, NAPS HQ sends a letter to HRSSC on behalf of the local branch to process this membership cancellation.
Having a NAPS member indicated with “NO DED” on the branch DCO roster does not signify automatic membership cancellation. A member in a NO DED Payroll Status who is in good-standing with the branch still has full rights as a member. They also continue to receive The Postal Supervisor magazine, if their current address is listed in their member profile at NAPS HQ. The only time NAPS membership is automatically cancelled by USPS is when the member retires from, or is no longer working for, the Postal Service. Cancelling active dues-withholding NAPS membership under any other circumstance, such as non-payment of dues or returning to the craft, etc., requires the member to submit a Form 1188 to HRSSC or the above official request from the branch.
In the matter of recovering dues from a member who is not earning a salary due to being out of work for illness or any other reason, the local branch has the right to contact the branch member who is not paying dues out of their paychecks to provide their bi-weekly dues payment directly to the branch. If we currently have the member in question shown on our reports as a member of your branch, and we also show that the member is not currently paying their dues through payroll deduction, NAPS headquarters is deducting the $3.50 per capita withholding from your branch every postal pay period.
Local branches have the right and obligation to request that the member pay their dues directly to the branch as long as they are not having their dues withheld through payroll deduction. Should the member not comply with the request, then the local branch can contact NAPS HQ to advise that attempts have been unsuccessful to have the dues reimbursed by the member. The branch may then request NAPS headquarters remove the person from NAPS membership. NAPS HQ will request HRSSC to cancel the person’s NAPS membership due to non-payment of dues. Please contact the member in writing and document the request for dues payment.
The only time NAPS membership is automatically cancelled by USPS is when the member retires from, or is no longer working for, the Postal Service. Cancelling active dues-withholding NAPS membership under any other circumstance, such as non-payment of dues or returning to the craft, etc., requires the member to submit a Form 1188 to HRSSC or the above official request from the branch. (Also see FAQ: What happens when a NAPS member is in a USPS No-Deduction Payroll Status?)
NAPS is a non-profit organization but we are not tax exempt. NAPS has to pay sales tax, hotel taxes, and any other taxes for goods and services. NAPS HQ does not pay federal or
state income taxes, due to our non-profit status. However, local branches may not piggyback onto NAPS HQ’s non-profit status. Each state or local branch is required to file
paperwork to become non-profit and file their own annual income tax returns. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our headquarters at 703-836-9660, or
Legislative Answers
Go to the SPAC page, click on “Directions for setting up an online Payroll Deduction Allotment” and follow the steps.
Go to the SPAC page and choose “Make an Online Contribution” and you will be prompted through the process.
That can be found at the NAPS Capwiz Legislative Action Center.