2025 Legislative Training Seminar
Annual Legislative Advocacy Seminar
Over 500 active and retired postal managers, postmasters and supervisors attend the annual NAPS Legislative Training Seminar (LTS) held in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area. This hallmark event educates NAPS members on current legislative and political issues confronting them and the U.S. Postal Service. The comprehensive legislative training and keynote addresses from Senators, Representatives and USPS leadership equip NAPS members with the tools they need resulting in more effective meetings with lawmakers and their staff members.
If you have any questions about LTS events, please contact Bob Levi at naps.rl@naps.org.
If you have any questions about LTS events, please contact Bob Levi at naps.rl@naps.org.
Registration is now closed.
List of Events
Hotel Rates & Reservations
Delegates and guests attending the 2025 LTS are responsible for making their own lodging reservations directly with the Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel. To make a reservation by phone, please call the Marriott at (703) 920-3230. Reference the group's name: National Association of Postal Supervisors. You may also book your room online using the reservation link below.
The LTS single/double room rate is $289, plus applicable state and local taxes. Check-in time is 3 p.m.; check-out time is noon. Room rate is subject to availability.
Reservations are open until March 19, 2025. To guarantee reservations, the hotel must receive a deposit of one night's room rate and tax by major credit card at the time of the reservation. Cancellations must be received at least 24 hours before arrival or the deposit will be applied to your credit card. The hotel confirmation is your responsibility. NAPS Headquarters does not confirm lodging reservations.
2025 LTS Agenda (Tentative)
Wreath Laying Ceremony
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cementary
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Registration & Check-In
Arlington Registration Desk
01:00PM - 02:15PM
Non-Denominational Worship Service
(Location TBA)
02:30PM - 4:00PM
First Timers Orientation
(Location TBA)
04:15PM - 05:45PM
Town Hall Meeting with Resident Officers and Executive Board
Grand Ballroom - Salons A, B, J & K
06:30PM - 08:00PM
State Legislative Chairs Dinner
Grand Ballroom - Salon C
06:30AM - 08:00AM
Full Breakfast Buffet
Arlington Foyer
06:30AM - 10:00AM
Registration & Check-In
Arlington Registration Desk
07:30AM - 05:30AM
Arlington Registration Desk
Opening Session & Legislative Training
Arlington Ballroom
Grand Ballroom
Legislative Training (Continued)
Arlington Ballroom
SPAC Photos
(Location TBA)
State Caucus Meetings
(Location TBA)
06:00PM - 09:00PM
SPAC Reception - By invitation only, for President's Ultimate and VP Elite Contributors
Arlington Ballroom
06:30AM - 08:30AM
Continental Breakfast
(Location TBA)
Morning - Afternoon
Delegate Meetings on Capitol Hill
(Location(s) TBD)
02:00PM - 05:00PM
Capitol Hill Debriefings
National Landing 3 Room, Lobby Level
07:30AM - 11:00AM
Capitol Hill Debriefings (Continued)
National Landing 3 Room, Lobby Level
2025 LTS Documents
Become a Sponsor
Contact us for more information about sponsoring Legislative Training Seminar 2025! Contact us today: click here
Sponsors (Coming Soon)
Grand Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
2024 LTS Photos
Future LTS Dates