On September 7, 1908, 50 postal supervisors from post offices in 13 states met in Louisville, KY to establish an association that comprised members dedicated to the welfare of supervisors within the then-United States Post Office Department. More than 100 years later, the National Association of Postal Supervisors (NAPS) continues to work toward this same goal.
(L to R) National Auxiliary President Laurie Butts, South Bay California Branch 266 President Evelyn Benjamin, NAPS National President Ivan Butts
(L to R) Bobby Bock, Chuck Mulidore, Tammy Brock, Tommy Roma, Jim McHugh
From left to right: Branch 82 Vice President, Elvina Cox, Representative for Georgia's 5th Congressional District (D), Nikema Williams, Georgia State Secretary/Treasure, Luretha Slaton & Past Vice President Branch 82, Josephine Wooley.
From the bottom left to the top right: NAPS Southeast Area Vice President, Bobby Bock, NAPS President, Ivan Butts, Past Georgia NAPS President, Roger Finley, Secretary Branch 82, Clarissa Daniels, Eva Jeter, Georgia State Secretary/Treasure Luretha Slaton, Rosa Caldwell, Georgia State Vice President, Ozzie Camacho, Georgia State President, Jose' Smyly, President Branch 126, Solomon Harris, Vice President Branch 82, Elvina Cox, Trevilyn Jackson, Patty Holmes, President Branch 567, John Harris, Josephine Wooley, Vice President 595, Sylvia Johnson, Roxanne Butler & Kevin Moore
From left to right: Bjoern Gruetzmacher, Charlie Krogh, Congressman Derek Kilmer, LaTanya Patterson, Cindy McCracken
NAPS member Anselmo Davila (left) with Congressman James Comer (right) after his presentation at the 2023 LTS.
Branch 589 NAPS members met with Charles Truxal, Congressman Morgan Luttrell's Legislative Director, to discuss H.R. 82, 594, and 595. From left to right: Gilbert Miranda, Anselmo Davila, Charles Truxal (Congressman Charles Truxal's Legislative Director), Rosalind Lewis, and Edward De La Rosa.
Branch 589 NAPS members met with Reaves D. Taylor, Congressman Troy Nehls' counsel to discuss H.R. 82, 594, and 595. From left to right: Gilbert Miranda, Anselmo Davila, Reaves D. Taylor (Congressman Troy Nehls' Counsel), Edward De La Rosa, and Rosalind Lewis
Left to Right: NAPS Margaret Grant Branch 127 Legislative Rep Glen Gray, Congressman Mike Thompson, Western Region VP Marilyn Walton, Edna Gray Branch 127 and Barbara Kelly, Auxiliary Branch 77.
NAPS Auxiliary Pat Grigsby and Barbara Kelly with Congressman Mike Thompson.
Left to right: NAPS Margaret Grant Branch 127 Legislative Rep Glen Gray, Edna Gray Branch 127, Western Region VP Marilyn Walton, and Barbara Kelly, Auxiliary Branch 77.
NAPS Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore with Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA) Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, discussing advancing HR 3076, the Postal Reform Act of 2021, from the Ways and Means Committee to the floor of the House for action.
Nevada Air Guard - Javier Contreas, Master Sergeant (and
NAPS Branch 249 Officers); Senior Master Sergeant David Hill, Master
Sergeant Patrick Faenza and Technical Sergeant James Reeser.
John DiPeri, USPS Northwest Division Director Processing
Operations and Debra Johnson, NAPS Branch 88 and National QWL Coordinator
Ivan Butts, NAPS National President
Chuck Mulidore, NAPS National Executive VP
Jimmy Warden, NAPS National Secretary/Treasurer
Brian Wagner, Immediate NAPS Past President
Glenn San Jose, Acting Special Agent in Charge Western Pacific Area Field Office
Al Lum, NAPS National DDF Provider
Western Region Training Seminar Attendees
Left to right - Margaret Grant Branch 127 members- Glenn Gray VP, Vontina Swygert President, Ivan Butts National President, D'Arcy
Bush, Edna Gray, Dorotha Bradley, Verlina Covington and Charles Patterson
Auxiliary to NAPS -Top row left to right Nan Coppolella, Br 373, Patricia Jackson-Kelley Western Region Aux VP; (LA) Nina Graham, Br
88; (San Francisco) Lauri Butts, National Auxiliary President; Barbara Kelly, Br 77; (Sacramento) Bottom row left to right - Carrie Hansen, Rachel
Hansen, Branch 373;( Orange County) Chanel Dodson, Br 39.(LA)
LA Branch 39 (Los Angeles) & National Officers
Left to right Sam Booth, Brian, Jimmy, Patricia Jackson-Kelley; (back) Felicia Pennington, Chanel Dobson (back), Marilyn Jones, Chuck, Alvetia Smith (front), (back) Velma McClinton,
Chuck Lum, Ivan (rear), Youvet Profit (back) Marilyn Walton
Joint Installation -
Ivan Butts, Tanner Esler, Br 300;(Wyoming) Kanani Also Br 214, (Honolu) Keliinani Eberhart Br 214, Bob
Aldrich, Br 907; (Colorado) Laroma Parker, Br 214; Laurie Lum, 214; Henry Medel and Billy Gans Br 915 (Idaho)
President's SPAC Awarded to Laurie Lum President Honolulu Branch 214 and John Kerns, Colorado/ Wyoming Br 907 by NAPS Resident Officers
Bjoern Gruetzmacher Sargent at Arms with Morgan Jones Br 61 (Seattle WA)
Western Region Training Seminar (WRTS) Volunteers Dinner
Kristina Moore & Stan Johnson Branch 60 (Spokane, WA)
Branch 244 (Mary Burkhard Branch) left to right - Sherrie Torres, Rizwan Chaudry, Delmy Alarcon, Edward Moore. Hosts of the 2022 California
State Convention in Santa Barbara CA
John "The Ace" Aceves - provided 650/101 Training and SWC's training coordinating with Brian Wagner and Jimmy Warden
Marilyn Jones California State President and Zoom Trainer along with Sam Booth Jr., Representative Skit Player Los Angeles, CA
Evelyn Benjamin WRTS Registration Chairperson, South Bay, CA, NAPS Branch President
Click here to read a review by an independent journalist from Law360 about the recent appeal of the NAPS lawsuit vs. the U.S. Postal Service.
Left to right: Branch 403 President Steve Shawn, former Eastern Region VP Dotty Wileman, NAPS Executive VP Chuck Mulidore, Branch 42 President Maxine Campbell, Eastern Region VP Richard Green, and NAPS President Ivan Butts.
Branch 100 now has a website! Visit napsbranch100.org
NAPS Executive VP Ivan Butts along with NPMHU National President Paul V. Hogrogian host a Legislative breakfast for the United States House Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman Carolyn Maloney (NY-12th).
NAPS National President, Brian J. Wagner and NAPS Director of Legislative and Political Affairs, Bob Levi attended a political event on February 27 for Republican Congressman Mike Bost of Illinois’s 12th Congressional District. Congressman Bost is a strong supporter of NAPS and the Postal Service. Also attending the political reception were special guests Congressman Rodney Davis (IL-13), Congressman John Shimkus (IL-15) and Darin LaHood (IL-18). President Wagner also had the opportunity to speak one-on-one with his own Congressman, Darin LaHood. (Pictured L-R) President Wagner with Congressman LaHood.
NAPS National President, Brian J. Wagner and NAPS Director of Legislative and Political Affairs, Bob Levi attended a political event on February 27 for Republican Congressman Mike Bost of Illinois’s 12th Congressional District. Congressman Bost is a strong supporter of NAPS and the Postal Service. Also attending the political reception were special guests Congressman Rodney Davis (IL-13), Congressman John Shimkus (IL-15) and Darin LaHood (IL-18). President Wagner also had the opportunity to speak one-on-one with his own Congressman, Darin LaHood. (Pictured L-R) Congressman Bost and with President Wagner.
Executive Vice President Ivan Butts recently presented José Santiago with a NAPS Certificate of Appreciation for his years of service to NAPS Members as President of NAPS Branch 538 and NAPS Northern New Jersey State Vice President. Thank you José! We appreciate all you have done!
At the New York Branch 100 Dinner Dance scholarships were awarded to the children of Branch 100 members who will be attending college in the fall of 2020. Photo from left to right: Tom Hughes President of Branch 100, Allen Tanko Mgr. Marketing NY District and his daughter Christine Tanko, Einer Arevalo S.C.S. Church Street Station with his son Matthew Arevalo along with Einer's wife, Gary Manglacena representing M3 Technologies who sponsored the scholarships, Yuvraj Mallick along with his Mom Bhavna Suri-Mallick S.D.O. Morgan P&DC and Kai Huie along with her Mom and Dad Mr. Howard Huie former Mgr. Maintenance. Congratulations to the winners and their families as we wish them all the best in their endeavors.
New York Branch 100 celebrated its 102nd Annual Dinner Dance on February 23, 2020. It was another exciting day of networking for many with over 330 attendees. Branch 100 President Tom Hughes (Pictured on the left) and the Branch 100 Officers wish to thank honored guests President Brian Wagner, V.P. Ivan Butts, Secretary/Treasurer Chuck Mulidore, Northeast Regional V.P. Tom Roma, NY Area VP Jimmy Warden, Mideast Area VP Tony Dallojacono, former Eastern Regional VP Dottie Wileman, former Mideast Area VP Hans Aglidian, NALC Branch 36 President Charlie Heege and the Officers of NALC Branch 36, former UPMA President Gregory "Sean" Accord, USPS Headquarters Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Nicholson, Former Mgr. Labor Relations & Policy John Cavallo, Westchester D.M. Elvin Mercado, Bronx Postmaster Scott Farrar as well as all the NAPS Branches who have always supported Branch 100 in making this a yearly memorable event.
NAPS National Secretary/Treasurer Chuck Mulidore and NAPS Mideast Area VP Tony Dallojacono after speaking with the New Jersey State board on Local, Area and HQ issues of concern. Picture from left to right; Roberta Hoag, Chuck Mulidore Tony Dallojacono George Barrett, Russell Carmody, NJ State President Jon Kofsky, Gary Rutter and Sal Grasso.
At the February branch 146 meeting in Miami, Secretary Treasurer Chuck Mulidore attended and swore in the newly elected branch officers.
From left to right are Michael Murphy, Patricia Guyton, Ann Strickland, Carolyn Williams, Chuck Mulidore, Michael Lecounte, Tayloria McPhee-Johnson, Ken Franz, Bernlce Scriven, Patricia Nolan, Linda Scott, Abel Ortiz, and Joan Meadors is seated.
Left to right: Vontina Swygert, Brian Wagner, Chuck Lum, Laurie Lum, Marilyn Walton, seated Dorotha Bradley, past Western Region VP who recently recuperated from a serious illness!
Laurie Lum, President Branch 214 (Honolulu); Chuck Lum; Vontina Swygert, Branch President; Diana Munoz, Sr Plant Manager Oakland P&DC; Brian Wagner, Marilyn Walton.
Left to right: Marilyn Walton, Rachel Gholston, Sergeant-at-arms; Stephanie Ann Blythe, Trustee; Edna Gray, Trustee; Gary Pope, Trustee; Valerie Loera, Secretary; Yolanda Lewis, Treasurer; Glenn Gray, Vice President; Vontina Swygert, President; Chuck Lum; Brian Wagner.
Left to right: Marilyn Walton, Rachel Gholston, Sergeant-at-arms; Stephanie Ann Blythe, Trustee; Edna Gray, Trustee; Gary Pope, Trustee; Valerie Loera, Secretary; Yolanda Lewis, Treasurer; Glenn Gray, Vice President; Vontina Swygert, President; Chuck Lum; Brian Wagner.
On Sunday, February 16, 2020, NAPS National President Brian Wagner, Western Region VP Marilyn Walton and Chuck Lum, NAPS Pacifica Area VP attended the Margarete A. Grant NAPS Branch 127 Retirement/Installation of Officers Brunch. NAPS national officers addressed the retirees and installed Branch 127 officers.
Brian Wagner, Key note speaker, Margarete A. Grant Branch 127 Retirement/Installation Brunch, addresses attendees.
On Sunday, February 16, 2020, NAPS National President Brian Wagner, Western Region VP Marilyn Walton and Chuck Lum, NAPS Pacifica Area VP attended the Margarete A. Grant NAPS Branch 127 Retirement/Installation of Officers Brunch. NAPS national officers addressed the retirees and installed Branch 127 officers.
Chuck Lum addresses Margarete A. Grant Branch 127 Retirement/Installation Brunch attendees.
NAPS members joining NAPS National Officers Brian Wagner and Marilyn Walton at the California Postal Legislative Coalition Event – NAPS Members representing Sacramento Branch 77, San Jose Branch 94 and Margarete A. Grant 127 (Oakland).
NAPS President Brian Wagner with Panel members at the California Postal Legislative Coalition annual event in Sacramento, CA (Feb. 9) L-R: Helen Zajac, NARFE VP Region VIII; Norma Powell, UMPA CA State Legislative Representative, Brian Wagner NAPS President, Harold Kelso, CA State NALC President.
NAPS President Brian Wagner, Harvey Smith, Jacquelyn McCormick, Project Advisors to the National Post Office Collaborate; Clarice Golden, UPMA and founding member of the Postal Coalition; Susan Hammer, Coalition member, APWU Rep and Community Activist.
On Sunday, January 19, 2020, Dan Rendleman, former NAPS Illini Area VP, installed the 2020-2022 newly elected officers of the Heart of Illinois NAPS Branch 255. Pictured (L-R): Michael Winters-Legislative Representative; Aaron Ruebling-President; Dawn Hagan-Executive VP; Susan Patten-Treasurer; Charlotte Cohoon-Vice President II; Priscilla Bryant-Vice President III; Linda Wilson-Secretary; and Dan Rendleman- Immediate Past President.
Honolulu Postmaster Kenji Higaki with NAPS officers.
Left to right: Marilyn Walton, Kelle Eberhart, Treasurer Kanani Also, Chuck Mulidore, Lori Kamel, Secretary Wendy Iyoki, President Laurie Lum, Pacific Area VP Chuck Lum.
Left to Right: Marilyn, Chuck, retiree and former Hawaii State President Scott Luzon, and Chuck Lum.
Left to right: Grey Wolny, Hawaii District Manager; Marilyn Walton, Chuck Mulidore, Lauri Lum, Branch President; Chuck Lum, Pacific Area VP.
Left to right: Executive VP Ivan Butts, Mideast AVP Tony Dallojacono, Eastern Region VP Richard Green, Virginia State President Lloyd Cox, National President Brian Wagner, Branch 20 President Jeanine Adams, Pioneer AVP Tim Needham. Virginia State VP Phil Butler, Sec Treasurer Chuck Mulidore, Capitol Atlantic AVP Troy Griffin.
Georgia State President, Jose Smily, conducted a swearing-in of new officers for Branch 125, Macon, GA.
Left to right: Secretary, Andrew Benefield, Vice President, Christina Olivas, President, Solomon Harris and Georgia State President Jose Smyly.
Not pictured: Treasurer, Rita McDougald
Branch 82 Executive Board (left to right):
Jacquese Thompson, Elvina Cox, Clarissa Daniels and seated Jose Smyly
Look for more pictures of the Branch 82 Holiday Party in the upcoming issues of The Postal Supervisor.
NAPS Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore with Congressman James Comer (R-KY), discussing final floor action on HR 3076, the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022. Representative Comer is the ranking member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, and an original cosponsor of HR 3076.
Peggy Allen (left), Branch 46- Cleveland, Ohio
Marcia Kimbrough (right), Branch 46- Cleveland, Ohio
President - Jose Smyly
Vice President - Elvina Cox
Treasure - Jacquese Thompson
Secretary - Clarissa (Michelle) Daniels
(R to L) MINK Area Vice President Mary Caruso, NE Congressman Don Bacon, and Roger Humphries, member of Branch 10.
Random attendees of the Western Region Training Seminar were selected to answer questions about NAPS.
NAPS' representation spans across the postal workforce, ranging from first-line supervisors who work both in facilities where postal employees process and deliver mail, to mid-level and senior managers in every functional area of the Postal Service as well as postmasters.
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