Sen. Daines Introduces Senate Prefunding Repeal Bill and House Bill Exceeds 290 Cosponsors

On December 3, Sens. Steve Daines (R-MT) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced S. 2965, legislation to repeal the requirement that the United States Postal Service prepay future retiree health benefits. This is the Senate companion to H.R. 2382.

As you may recall, the prefunding requirement has accounted for over 90 percent of the Postal Service's accumulated losses. No other public or private entity is required to prefund retiree health benefits to the level required by the Postal Service. In part, the obligation precludes the USPS from investing in much-needed infrastructure.

NAPS supports S. 2965 and urges its members to request their Senators to cosponsor the bill.

Also, yesterday, H.R. 2382 gained its 294th cosponsor, surpassing the 290-cosponsor threshold for floor consideration. Consequently, we anticipate that its sponsor, Rep. Pete DeFazio, will submit a motion that the legislation be placed on the "consensus calendar," meaning H.R. 2382 could come up for a House floor vote in January.