November 2024 Consultative
NAPS President Ivan D. Butts, Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore, Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden and Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum attended the Nov. 25 Zoom consultative meeting. Representing the Postal Service were Bruce Nicholson, James Timmons and Paulette Wimbush, Labor Relations Policies & Programs; Nashelle Dukes, employment policy specialist.
Agenda Item #1
NAPS requested that EAS employees receive training on time management in the form of a “Learn and Grow” to help them handle the large workload volume they face each day.
This request is overly broad because it’s a request for every EAS employee. Any employee who feels they are having difficulty handling their assignments and workload should discuss that with their manager. In turn, managers should evaluate the workload and discuss it with the employee to make any necessary adjustments, if needed.
Training material is available in MyHR on time management. “Learn and Grow” sessions are a helpful way to communicate information. If NAPS can provide specific topics for sessions, they will be considered.
Agenda Item #2
Currently, there is approximately a two-month period before new NAPS members are not listed as nonmembers on NAPS membership rolls. NAPS asked if USPS Headquarters could expedite the process so when new 1187s are sent into HRSSC they can be processed within the next pay period.
HRSSC indicates there is no delay in processing 1187s, which are processed in seven days. In accordance with ELM 924.5, 1187s are processed to be effective in the next full pay period following the receipt of a properly completed SF 1187 at the HRSSC.
924.5 Implementation of Dues Withholdings
The Eagan Accounting Services begins dues withholdings with the first full pay period following the receipt of a properly completed SF 1187 at the HRSSC. In the event that an SF 1187 is received at the HRSSC without the date of delivery filled in, the HRSSC enters the date of receipt as the “date of delivery,” and proceeds to process the form, using the “date of delivery” as the anniversary date. The HRSSC sends a copy of this annotated form with an appropriate explanation to the installation of origin for transmittal to the organization.
Agenda Item #3
NAPS asked for the percentage of customers who take the RCE survey. Also, what is the average national score for RCE/CSV?
FY23 POS survey response rate: 0.3593%
FY24 POS survey response rate: 0.3713%
FY23 RCE overall score: 92.86%
FY24 RCE overall score: 92.11%
FY24 CSV average national score: 94.34
Agenda Item #4
NAPS requested the percentage, nationally, of rural routes considered overburdened in their evaluations.
The approximate percentage of overburdened rural routes as of PP25 is 18%. This percentage changes after each semi-annual route evaluation. We currently are working through a phased approach to adjust overburdened rural routes, with the most recent adjustments effective Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024. The next phase will be scheduled in the beginning of CY25.
Agenda Item #5
NAPS conveyed that members in Ohio 1 District are concerned about the large numbers of EAS employees on various unauthorized details. This concern was brought to the attention of the district manager; her response was they were approved by the Central Area vice president. If the workload justifies these positions, NAPS asked that the USPS formally create authorized EAS positions to address these ongoing needs.
NAPS should direct this inquiry to the Central Area. It’s a local issue that is not suitable for this forum.
Agenda Item #6
NAPS said it has received information that EAS special-exempt and non-exempt employees currently on auto-rings should not be. NAPS also has been told by members in the field that USPS Headquarters Payroll is working to clean up deviations from policy where employees eligible for pay premiums need to record their time. No new requests for auto-rings for these two categories should be granted. Headquarters Payroll has a plan in place to, over time, remove the designation for non-exempt/special-exempt employees currently on auto-rings. NAPS asked for clarification on what process EAS employees will be directed to follow to record their workhours.
The Postal Service is considering expanding the Mobile Delivery Device-In Office (MDDIO) timekeeping in CY25 to field EAS employees in Retail and Delivery who are classified as FLSA non-exempt or special exempt in those facilities.
Agenda Item #7
NAPS observed that the USPS has been conducting F4 reviews over the past several months, particularly at newly opened S&DCs. NAPS Headquarters is notified of these impending reviews, yet has been denied the results on completion of the reviews. As these F4 reviews potentially impact EAS staffing, NAPS requested that these results be provided on completion of the reviews.
Function 4 reviews consist of reviews of activities performed by bargaining-unit employees. We are not modifying how we determine EAS staffing. The results of the Function 4 reviews are shared with EAS employees in the installation.
Agenda Item #8
NAPS once again brought up the issue of proper work schedules for EAS relief supervisors. NAPS is under the impression, based on an attached memo, that each relief supervisor should have a base schedule relieving five regular supervisors.
NAPS provided documentation that this policy is not being followed in districts. NAPS asked that USPS Headquarters reiterate to the field that EAS relief supervisors are to have a regular schedule with established nonscheduled days.
As discussed with NAPS on previous occasions, the relief supervisor positions should be created and scheduled in accordance with the Doug Tulino Memorandum dated June 28, 2023, Establishment of Relief Supervisor Jobs. Specific allegations of establishing jobs inconsistent with the Tulino memo should be reported through the appropriate channels to be investigated.
Agenda Item #9
NAPS requested clarification of ELM 353.2, which was changed in September 2021. NAPS is concerned the language can lead to abuse of EAS employees by having their schedules randomly changed without operational rationale.
353.2 Reassignment
A reassignment is the permanent assignment, with or without reloca-tion, of an employee:
To another position with the same grade, or
To a position with an equivalent grade.
353.21 Management Option
Authorized management officials may reassign nonbargaining employees without following regular competitive procedures (see Handbook EL-312, Section 743.11).
353.22 Employee Self–Nomination
Employees who desire noncompetitive reassignment may nominate themselves by making a written request to the selecting official.
353.23 Unassigned Employees
Unassigned nonbargaining employees (i.e., employees whose positions have been abolished) are reassigned in accordance with 354.
353. Temporary Assignment
See Handbook EL-312, 716.1, Temporary Assignments.
353.4 Realignment or Reevaluation
In a realignment or reevaluation involving nonbargaining positions, Headquarters Employee Resource Management determines the effect on individual positions. Based on those determinations, the following general rules apply when assigning incumbents and filling affected positions:
a. The incumbent is automatically assigned to the position if there is no significant change in duties or responsibilities and no change in grade.
b. The incumbent is promoted noncompetitively if the position is upgraded with no significant change in duties or responsibilities.
c. The incumbent has no assignment or promotion right to the new position if there is a significant change in duties and responsibilities that result in the authorization of a new position at the same or higher grade and abolishment of the present position. The new position is filled in accordance with regular procedures, and the incumbent of the abolished position is assigned in accordance with 354.
d. The incumbent is treated in accordance with 354.241 in any situation where a position is evaluated at a lower grade.
354.12 Nonbargaining Employees
Assignment of unassigned career nonbargaining employees must be in accordance with the procedures described in 354.2, as appropriate. Postal Service policy provides equal opportunities for all employees with-out discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age.
Nashelle N. Dukes, Employment Policy specialist (TL), provided the clarification.