NAPS Officers Visit Golden, CO, S&DC;

NAPS Officers Visit Golden, CO, S&DC
By Myrna Pashinski
NAPS Rocky Mountain Area Vice President

NAPS Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden and I took the opportunity while he was in Denver to install new officers for Mile High Metro Branch 65 to tour the Golden S&DC, scheduled to go online in June. The facility was in its beginning phase of installing equipment and laying out the floor plan, but we could visualize what it would look like.

There have been some major changes to the original plan for this S&DC, about which I was pleased to hear. Originally there were five ZIP codes moving into the S&DC; now there only are two. While it’s possible the operation could work with six ZIP codes, there will be much more of an impact on employees and the business community. It was a good move by the Postal Service to make that change.

John Douglas, supervisor, Customer Service, gave Jimmy and me the tour and explained the grand vision of the new operation. He introduced us to the rest of the management team in Golden. We all discussed how we feel the new operation will work.

We were pleased to learn how this change can work; staff is looking forward to the changes. We also had the opportunity to talk with Chun Han, the postmaster, who seemed to be up for the changes, as well.

Jason Tat, Branch 65 president, and I plan on taking more time to visit the Golden S&DC. We will be able to see how the opening of the facility progresses and this new concept develops for delivery operation.