May 2023 Executive Board Zoom Meeting

Submitted by Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer

The May 9 Executive Board Zoom meeting was called to order by President Ivan D. Butts at 4:30 p.m. All board members were in attendance except Pioneer Area Vice President Ed Laster and Rocky Mountain Area Vice President Myrna Pashinski.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the NAPS 2023/2024 budget. Butts thanked board members for attending, affirming the NAPS budget needed to be addressed. As requested by the Executive Board at the spring board meeting, March 29-31, the resident officers were directed to review the budget and follow up with the Executive Board to recommend any reductions in the General Ledger (GL) accounts. (click here for spring board report). Butts then turned the meeting over to Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum.

Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden was asked to give an update on the finances. As of April 28, 2023, PNC investments were $7,176,316.73. As of May 9, 2023, the checking account balance was $347,432.08; the Money Market account was $66,156.75.

Southeast Area Vice President Robert Bock asked if there has been any movement on leasing space in the NAPS building. Warden responded there has been no change since the spring board meeting. The company looking at leasing the second floor decided to lease space in another building.

Motion #1—Submitted by President Ivan D. Butts, seconded by Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore, that:

“Beginning in NAPS FY24, the NAPS Executive Board go to a $79 per diem rate for all board meetings and LTS.”

Northwest Area Vice President John Valuet moved, seconded by Butts, to amend the motion—change “$79” to “GSA” (Government Services Administration). The motion was amended to read that:

“Beginning in NAPS FY24, the NAPS Executive Board go to a GSA per diem rate for all board meetings and LTS.”

Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, R. Green, Johnson, Elizondo, Walton, Perez, Dallojacono, Griffin, Trayer, Mooney, McCartney, Bock, S. Green, Davis, Valuet and Wagner. Voting “no” were Roma, Austin and Moreno. Absent were Laster, Studdard and Pashinski.

The motion passed 18-3.

Motion #2—Submitted by Chuck Mulidore, seconded by Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green, that:

“Effective June 1, 2023, NAPS FY24, membership dues allotted the Executive Board expense account no longer will be used to travel to NAPS (non-national) events outside of the assigned NAPS region. Exceptions will be made for 2023 trips already scheduled.”

Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, Roma, R. Green, Johnson, Walton, Moreno, McCartney, and S. Green. Voting “no” were Elizondo, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Trayer, Mooney, Bock, Studdard, Davis, Valuet and Wagner. Absent were Griffin, Laster and Pashinski.

The motion failed 10-11.

Motion #3—Submitted by Jimmy Warden, seconded by Northeast Region Vice President Tommy Roma, that:

“Effective for NAPS FY24, resident officer expense accounts be reduced by 10%.”

Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, Roma, R. Green, Elizondo, Walton, Perez, Dallojacono, Moreno, McCartney, Bock, S. Green, Davis and Valuet. Voting “no” were Johnson, Austin, Trayer, Mooney, Studdard and Wagner. Absent were Griffin, Laster and Pashinski.

The motion passed 15-6.

Motion #4—Submitted by Ivan D. Butts, seconded by Robert Bock, that:

“Effective in NAPS FY24, NAPS Headquarters implements an increase for registration fees at the 2024 LTS to $275; effective with the 2025 LTS and beyond, registration fees will be $300.”

The motion passed unanimously. Absent were Laster and Pashinski.

Motion #5—Submitted by Chuck Mulidore, seconded by Cotton Belt Area Vice President Shri Green, that:

“Effective in NAPS FY24, NAPS Headquarters increases registration fees for the 2024 National Convention to $300. Beginning with the 2026 convention in San Francisco and forward, registration fees will be $350 for national conventions.”

The motion passed unanimously. Absent were Laster and Pashinski.

Motion #6—Submitted by Jimmy Warden, seconded by Richard Green, that:

“Effective in NAPS FY24, the NAPS Executive Board expense accounts be reduced by 5%. This excludes the resident officers; a motion passed to reduce their expense accounts by 10%.”

Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, Roma, R. Green, Elizondo, Walton, Perez, Dallojacono, Griffin, McCartney, S. Green and Davis. Voting “no” were Johnson, Austin, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, Bock, Studdard, Valuet and Wagner.Absent were Laster and Pashinski.

The motion passed 13-9.

Recommendation #1—Submitted by Ivan D. Butts, seconded by Chuck Mulidore, that:

“The NAPS Executive Board reduces the spring board meeting to a one-day budget meeting to be held Wednesday after the LTS. Cost-saving measures will be used to determine the best suitable location (NAPS Headquarters or the Marriott Crystal Gateway). This would be effective beginning in NAPS’ FY24.”

The recommendation passed on a voice vote.

Recommendation #2—Submitted by Chuck Mulidore, seconded by Michiana Area Vice President Kevin Trayer, that:

“Beginning in NAPS’ FY24, that the NAPS Executive Board change the fall board meeting to three days, coming in Sunday, leaving Thursday.”

The recommendation passed on a voice vote.

Recommendation #3—Submitted by Jimmy Warden, seconded by Illini Area Vice President Luz Moreno, that:

“Beginning in NAPS’ FY24, the Executive Board eliminates the Executive Board dinner.”

The recommendation passed on a voice vote.

Recommendation #4—Withdrawn.

Recommendation #5—Submitted by Chuck Mulidore, that: “Effective in NAPS’ FY24, any and all changes can be reviewed again one year from the start of FY24 for adjustments based on financial conditions at the time, with the exception of attending events outside of one’s region.”

The recommendation was withdrawn.

Recommendation #6—Submitted by Immediate Past President Brian Wagner, seconded by Luz Moreno, that:

“The Executive Board submit a resolution for the 2024 National Convention to amend that NAPS pay only for state legislative chairs to attend LTS in the same year it is held with the national convention.”

The recommendation was referred to the Executive Board Resolutions Committee.

Recommendation #7—Submitted by Chuck Mulidore, seconded by Luz Moreno, that:

“The Executive Board attend the State Legislative Chair dinner in support of their areas and regions.”

A voice vote was taken; the result was undetermined. A vote then was taken by a hands-raising vote. The recommendation failed 7-12.

Recommendation #8—Submitted by Jimmy Warden, seconded by Central Region Vice President Craig Johnson, that:

“The Executive Board considers methods to increase registration fees for LTS delegates who stay elsewhere than the Marriott Crystal Gateway; a 50% to 75% registration increase.”

The recommendation passed on a voice vote.