H.R. 3077 - Postal Service Improvement Act

H.R. 3077 was introduced by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY). The measure, as introduced, would enhance the capability of the U.S. Postal Service and state election authorities to track absentee election ballots, and would authorize paid parental leave for employees of the agency. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) successfully amended H.R. 3077 to include the provisions of H.R. 1623 and H.R. 1624. The first Connolly Amendment would provide currently excluded EAS level postal employees the right to appeal adverse personnel actions to the Merit System Protection Board. The second Connolly Amendment would calibrate the beginning of EAS pay talks to the expiration of the existing pay package, and would provide that the recommendations of a statutory fact-finding panel, etsbalished to resolve an impasse between NAPS and the USPS, would binding on the agency. Also, H.R. 3077 was amended to authorize the acquistion of an electric fleet of delivery vehicles and to maintain current service standards.