GIVE SHELTER: Housing & Shelter
Everyone has heard this famous movie quote: “There’s no place like home!” But too many people around the world either don’t have a place to call home or no longer feel safe in their home. According to a recent Census report, nearly 327,000 people in the United States lived in shelters during the 2018 – 2022 period. And around the globe, ongoing disasters and crises have forced many families to become refugees, relying on the kindness and generosity of strangers and organizations for temporary shelter.
Many CFC-participating charities are working hard to provide this basic necessity for those in need around the globe. It takes billions of dollars per year to accommodate those facing unstable housing situations by funding housing programs, supporting shelter-based organizations, rehoming refugees, and providing resources to those who have limited ability to care for themselves.
Here are a few examples of how when you GIVE HAPPY through the CFC, you can GIVE SHELTER through charities working in the housing & shelter cause area:
- Offer transitional housing to a homeless female veteran.
- Ensure an abused mother and child have a safe place to land.
- Build a ramp to make a home wheelchair accessible.
Learn more and GIVE HAPPY today at #GiveCFC