Continuing Education Is Key

Continuing Education Is Key
Robert “Bobby” Bock
Southeast Area Vice President

It’s hard to believe three months already have passed since our 2022 National Convention and I started in my new position representing NAPS Southeast Area members. I have participated in local meetings in the Florida panhandle and Atlanta, where we arranged meetings with USPS and NAPS branch leadership. There was open and frank dialogue that addressed issues from both sides to help develop solutions for NAPS members and the Postal Service.

I also was invited to attend and participate in the Gulf Atlantic Area’s end-of-year meeting with USPS Area Vice President Mark Dahlstrom and his plant managers. They shared their successes for the close of this fiscal year and opportunities for improvement in the new fiscal year. It was a good opportunity for NAPS to collaborate with postal executives.

We just completed a successful Southeast Area training seminar in Orlando that broke all previous attendance records. We had a presentation on NPA from Don Flak, USPS executive director, Performance and Field Operations Support. Jamie Brown, USPS program manager, Wellness, discussed retirement issues. The emphasis on timely and quality training cannot be overstated. We need to continue to educate our branch leaders.

I attended the fall NAPS Executive Board meeting in mid-October. We focused on increasing membership—an issue close to my heart. We must continue our efforts to increase membership by reaching out to new supervisors as they are promoted and educate them on the benefits of NAPS membership. We also need to review the most recent nonmember listings regularly provided to all local branches for opportunities to sign new members.

Deputy Postmaster General Doug Tulino addressed the board, stressing the importance of two-way communication with our resident officers and executive board. I spoke privately with Tulino about a local issue, to which he responded he would take care of it. I also had the opportunity to meet with senior fleet management leaders who were in the area for an important meeting.

We discussed support for the Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF), especially postal employees in Florida who were affected by Hurricane Ian. I made a motion, which passed, for NAPS to donate $25,000 to PERF to support our fellow employees and members in need.

I want to thank all the branch presidents for welcoming me to my new position. I am committed to helping each branch provide professional representation, increase morale and grow our membership.