You Are the Heroes
You Are the Heroes
The holiday season once again is here—a time of joy and thanks! Unfortunately, it’s peak season in the Postal Service. The time of the year when package volume soars and we are asked to meet monumental demands and challenges. But, year after year, we all endure and meet those demands and customer expectations.
Just as during the COVID-19 pandemic, postal employees keep America open and moving forward by continually delivering to every address in the country every day, every peak season. You are the true heroes! And for that I am thankful. Your actions instill pride in all of us.
I have a great deal to be thankful for this holiday season. Not just the honor of serving as NAPS secretary/treasurer, but also for the great family support I have received in the Warden family and my NAPS family, as well. Many of us have had a tough 2021.
This holiday season will be a time of happiness and sadness, smiles and tears and joys and sorrows. Every one of us has been put to the test of endurance this past year, whether it was grieving the loss of a loved one or rebuilding one’s life after losing a home or relocating due to a wildfire, flood, hurricane or tornado.
Many of us might have been affected in other ways, including shattered plans and dreams as graduations, wedding plans and trips had to be postponed or canceled. Also, the inability to simply gather with friends and family, a loss of security and safety. Friendships have become estranged over issues such as politics.
For many of us, our roles as family members changed as we became tutors to our children and grandchildren with remote school learning. This year has been unprecedented; it has had an effect on everyone in one way or another. And those are just changes in our private lives. Look at all the change you have gone through in 2021 in the Postal Service! But, through it all, we have endured.
We all should give thanks this holiday season. As I always say, never forget the past, but look forward to the future. Help us understand others. Recognize both sides of the equation by showing empathy toward family, friends and coworkers.
When asked who I worked for, I always responded, “My family.” I was employed by the Postal Service, but I worked for my family. This always has been my belief that has helped me get through difficult times. Be thankful our glass is half full; don’t cry believing it is half empty. Remember, many don’t even have a glass. Maya Angelou said, “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
I wish everyone a very happy and healthy holiday. Enjoy and be thankful.
Stay safe!