October 1, 2024
With Pure Gratitude
By Ivan D. Butts
NAPS National President
Hello, my NAPS brothers and sisters. This is my first column after our 69th National Convention. I am genuinely grateful to everyone who contributed to its success. To everyone who served as a committee chair, co-chair or member, thank you for your time and commitment to advancing the NAPS brand. Your willingness to serve is what keeps the USPS one of America’s best-loved treasures.
To the 214 first-timers in attendance, thank you. You represent the future of our great, 116-year-old association. And, I must say, the future never looked brighter. I encourage you to stay engaged and focused on advancing the NAPS brand as you continue to advance your careers as postal leaders and executives. To the delegates in attendance, thank you for your dedication in working through the many resolutions presented for consideration. Your focus on and discernment of the issues show your care and concern for our great association. The adopted resolutions help give us at NAPS Headquarters clear direction in continuing the work of providing leadership for membership.
Thank you to our many sponsors and vendors who provided sponsorship funds to help support our convention. Your services added volume to the presentation of the NAPS brand for our convention delegates. I thank those who could be present for your speaking opportunities and apologize to those unable to stay. We will work to strengthen these ties that have proven beneficial to our association.
To our NAPS Headquarters office support staff, including Sheri Davies of ConferenceDirect, Karen Balent-Young, our Postal Supervisor editor, Bruce Moyer and Andrew Freeman, who are part of the NAPS Legal Team, and the team from the Stoladi Group, who manage and maintain our NAPS Headquarters building—thank you all. Your efforts demonstrate what can be done with a collaborative effort.
Special thanks to our NAPS Auxiliary, led by the love of my life, Laurie Butts, and her Leadership Team. Your continued support of the parent body is so vital and appreciated. I applaud this group and its leadership for the vital growth of your group. I look forward to working with you as you work for the membership.
In closing, serving the membership of this association is the most tremendous honor I ever have had. I am humbled to be your servant, voicing the cares and concerns of all EAS employees for the sustainability of America’s Postal Service, as well as the restoration of dignity and respect for the EAS employees who run the day-to-day operations in the most challenging times we ever have experienced in the Postal Service.
I will not sugarcoat what you and we at NAPS Headquarters are feeling. We no longer are just sitting near the table, waiting for crumbs of prosperity to hit the floor. We will continue to stand for and pursue our rights under federal law per the Appeals Court ruling on Feb. 22, 2022.
We always are willing to collaborate as equal partners at the table with USPS leadership. However, we never will stop fighting and advocating for this agency to do right by its EAS employees.
In solidarity…
Categories: The Postal Supervisor
December 30, 2024
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