USPS' Proposed Pay Matrices Adjustments

NAPS has had recent discussions with the USPS concerning proposed changes to the NPA payout metrics for Field NPA and the expanded Headquarters NPA HERO process for FY23. NAPS has made it clear that actions need to be taken to address current shortfalls in the USPS Pay Metrics in light of continued economic shortfalls, as well as the Aug. 31 announcement of a 5.2% (4.7% pay, .5% locality pay) wage increase authorized by President Biden for other federal employees.

The announced 5.2% pay raise for federal employees was the subject of recent discussions between the USPS and the NAPS resident officers. While the resident officers have some reservations regarding what end-of-year budget flex will be implemented that could negate the benefits of this adjustment to the pay matrices, NAPS agrees with this proposal:
