October 3, 2024
Time to Get Back to Work
By Chuck Mulidore
NAPS Executive Vice President
Wow! For the nearly 1,200 delegates who attended the 69th NAPS National Convention at the incredible Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT, it truly was an amazing week. As your reelected executive vice president, I only can say I am humbled by the faith shown in me by our members. Thank you so much for the privilege of continuing to serve you at NAPS Headquarters. I pledge to work hard to reward your confidence in me.
Kudos to Denis Wright and members of New Haven, CT, Branch 3 for their hard work in making this a memorable event. Their dedication, commitment and vision gave NAPS a convention that long will be remembered.
One of the great things about a national convention is seeing so many friends and making new ones. Each convention is unique, yet some things never change! Those of us who are convention veterans always are happy to see first-timers. This year, over 200 first-timers came to a NAPS national convention for the first time; that is truly remarkable!
These first-timers got to see debates over numerous resolutions—some adopted, some not—but the point is NAPS members come together every two years to determine the future of the organization. That really is the true strength of NAPS—it is owned and operated by its members! And, in true NAPS fashion, after the debates finally are settled and all the votes taken, we celebrate like no other group.
Special thanks, as well, to the National Auxiliary members who provide so much help and support to NAPS, and to National Auxiliary President Laurie Butts. Without the great assistance of the Auxiliary, NAPS could not do what we do so well, which is represent our members!
Many thanks to the generosity of NAPS members at the convention who contributed over $33,000 to SPAC, the Supervisors’ Political Action Committee, to help support our legislative efforts on Capitol Hill. This is a huge year for NAPS’ efforts in this critical election year to support those candidates who support NAPS’ positions on a variety of issues, as well as the Postal Service.
So now, the work begins anew. Your team of resident officers at NAPS Headquarters always will put your interests first because NAPS belongs to you—the members—and our job is to work for you! Most importantly, every decision must consider, “How does this impact our members?”—whether we are discussing an issue involving the NAPS budget or pay talks with the Postal Service.
I am reminded that NAPS was born on Sept. 7, 1908, when a group of 50 supervisors gathered in Louisville, KY, to unify around the goal of improving the pay and working conditions of all supervisors. That struggle continues to this very day, but we can take heart in the fact that our first president, L.E. Palmer of Pittsburgh, would be proud of the organization created in Louisville.
However, he likely would be dismayed to learn that many of the same struggles that brought folks together to create NAPS in the first place remain today. Our challenge is to continue the legacy that began in September 1908 to keep NAPS strong, viable and growing.
There is much to do, much work ahead. You have our commitment; I know we have yours. Now, it’s time to get back to work!
Categories: The Postal Supervisor
December 30, 2024
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