The Transparency of Integrity
By Ivan D. Butts
NAPS National President
Hello, my NAPS brothers and sisters. I come to you this November unlike my normal Thanksgiving column heading i…
Time for New Ideas
By Jerry Eckert
NAPS Auxiliary Pacific Area Vice President
Trains, planes, and automobiles —whatever mode of transportation was taken by delegates to arrive…
Are You Ready to K-MIT?
By Brian J. Wagner
NAPS Past NAPS President
First, I want to congratulate all the NAPS Executive Board members who were elected/reelected at the 69th NAPS Na…
Stay Connected—Join Our Zooms
By Jimmy Salmon
Postmaster of Clarkdale, AZ, and a Member of Phoenix Branch 246
Hello, NAPS postmasters. I’d like to give an overview of our…
Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum called the Aug. 10 Executive Board meeting at the 2024 National Convention to order at 8:36 a.m. Vice President Chuck Mulidore gave the invocation; President Iv…
Sunday, Aug. 11 ‘Walk by Faith’ This is the day the Lord has made,” declared Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green as he welcomed NAPS members to Sunday’s worship…
National Convention—What Wasn’t Accomplished?
By Dee Perez
NAPS New York Area Vice President
I want to thank New Haven, CT, Host Branch 3 and all the New Englanders who c…
Honoring the Legacy of Pamela Jane Rock
By Robert “Bobby” Bock
NAPS Southeast Area Vice President
It’s been two years since I first was elected to the NAPS Executi…
NAPS President Ivan D. Butts, Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore, Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden and Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum attended the May 14 Zoom consultative meeting. Repre…
During Tuesday morning’s business session at the 2024 National Convention, delegates were given an update on the NAPS v. USPS lawsuit. NAPS Legal Counsel Bruce Moyer greeted members and…
Performance Matters
By Bob Levi
NAPS Director of Legislative & Political Affairs
In my previous column, the congressional summertime postal snowball took center stage. It was a p…
Thanks to Many, We Enjoyed a Successful Convention
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
I must start by thanking New Haven, CT, Branch 3 President Denis Wright and his team for t…
Time to Get Back to Work
By Chuck Mulidore
NAPS Executive Vice President
Wow! For the nearly 1,200 delegates who attended the 69th NAPS National Convention at the incredible Foxwoods…
With Pure Gratitude
By Ivan D. Butts
NAPS National President
Hello, my NAPS brothers and sisters. This is my first column after our 69th National Convention. I am genuinely grateful…
Always Looking Forward
By Heather Hommerson
NAPS Auxiliary Michiana Area Vice President
The NAPS Auxiliary—local, state and national—always is looking forward. Looking fo…
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