Time for New Ideas
Time for New Ideas
By Jerry Eckert
NAPS Auxiliary Pacific Area Vice President
Trains, planes, and automobiles —whatever mode of transportation was taken by delegates to arrive at our convention, let’s reminisce and think of the great time we had. As we reflect on the success of our recent convention—celebrating our achievements, the funds raised for SPAC, the Auxiliary and the productive discussions we had—it’s time to focus on how we can continue to support our cause. Gift cards have been a fantastic tool for fundraising due to their convenience, but it’s essential for all of us to keep innovating.
For the next two years, we will encourage each Auxiliary member to brainstorm and propose new fundraising ideas. We all lead busy lives and, as time goes on, it may take us a bit longer to complete tasks.
However, this should not deter us. Engaging with fellow Auxiliary members and collaborating on new ideas can spark creativity and drive.
Our next major event will be the annual NAPS Legislative Training Seminar in Washington, DC. We look forward to seeing everyone there. It’s wonderful to see more men joining our Auxiliary ranks; I want to extend a special thank-you for your hard work and dedication.
Let’s put our thinking caps on and continue to support SPAC and the Auxiliary with innovative and effective fundraising efforts! See you in Washington, DC.