October 5, 2024
Thanks to Many, We Enjoyed a Successful Convention
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
I must start by thanking New Haven, CT, Branch 3 President Denis Wright and his team for the outstanding job they did hosting our 69th National Convention at the amazing Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT. The resort was a great venue for hosting our convention. The hospitality from the hotel staff was overwhelming.
I also would like to thank Sheri Davies, ConferenceDirect, for doing another amazing job managing our national convention, Karen Young for reporting on the daily activities of the convention and Greg Bates and his AV crew. Our national convention was a great success due to a team effort led by President Ivan D. Butts.
Thank you to all the delegates who attended the convention; you helped make this convention a success. I am humbled, honored and privileged that you showed your confidence, trust and faith in reelecting me NAPS secretary/treasurer. I meant what I said at the convention: You loaned me your vote and I have two years to repay that loan. NAPS cannot be about any one person; it is about the members!
Special thanks also to the NAPS office staff—Sheena Williams, Tierney Campbell, Patrick Gustafson, Charles Caburian and Bob Levi for all their behind-the-scenes work in preparing for the convention and running the office at the event. Great job!
And last, but never least, thank you to all who served on committees. You volunteered your services to help make this convention a success and help us, your resident officers, in moving NAPS in a positive direction into the future. Great job by all!
Special thanks to the Sergeants-at-Arms who volunteered their time every day and some evenings, assisting with the events by giving guidance to many and keeping order. Everyone did a fantastic job. The success of our convention truly was a teamwork collaboration!
Three years ago when I first was elected NAPS secretary/treasurer, I ended my first column with “Moving forward—never forget!” I still believe in this. We must never forget what we have experienced and achieved, but we also must never be stagnant in representing members of the National Association of Postal Supervisors. One accomplishment should lead to another.
This leads me to our 70th National Convention to be held in San Francisco. Linda Thomas, president of San Francisco Host Branch 88 and the Western Region team already are working on making this a convention to be enjoyed and remembered by all.
On returning to NAPS Headquarters after the convention, I was invited to attend Sundance, UT, Branch 139’s annual picnic. Branch President Jeff Fratto decided to step down as president, but he had built a bench. Teresa Barrett stepped up and accepted the nomination to be the next Branch 139 president. Jeff was nominated and accepted to stay on as branch Legislative chair. I want to thank Jeff for all his dedicated years serving as president; he helped so many members by advocating for them.
Jeff was and still is a great representative for NAPS and what our association stands for. I also thank Teresa for stepping up and taking on the responsibility. I know Sundance Branch 139 will not miss a step representing members in the great state of Utah.
Delegates at our national convention heard me speak of membership. We acknowledged the top-10, new-member sponsors for the previous two years: 10th—Kanani Alos, Branch 214, HI; tied for 8th—Jon Kofsky, Branch 568, NJ, and Steve Shawn, Branch 403, MD; 7th—Keith Hansen, Branch 43, MA; 6th—Deborah Johnson, Branch 88, CA; 5th—David Joseph, Branch 183, NC; 4th—Jacshica Laster, Branch 46, OH; tied for 2nd—John Bu, Branch 68, NY, and Derek Lothridge, Branch 96, ME; 1st—Brian Wagner, Branch 255, IL.
As of the July 2024 DCO, we have 27,131 active member and 1,443 associate members, for a total membership of 28,574. At the convention, delegates learned that anyone who sponsors a new member between the convention and Nov. 1, 2024, will have their name placed in a drawing for a $500 gift card. This is in addition to the $25 sponsor check. We also have the “High-Five Club.” For every five new members you sponsor, you will receive an additional $25.
The drawing will take place in December. The more new members you sponsor, the more chances you have to win. So, let’s get out there and inform those nonmembers of the benefits of joining our association.
I sincerely thank you all once again for allowing me to serve you! Remember, increasing membership demonstrates leadership.
Stay safe.
Categories: The Postal Supervisor
December 30, 2024
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