Spring 2022 Executive Board Meeting
Spring 2022 Executive Board Meeting
Submitted by Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
The spring 2022 Executive Board Meeting was called to order at 8:31 a.m. on March 30 by Board Chair and Southern Region Vice President Tim Ford who also gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Central Region Vice President Craig Johnson. Pacific Area Vice President Chuck Lum and Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green were appointed sergeants-at-arms. Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden conducted the roll call of officers; all board members were present.
President Ivan D. Butts welcomed the board members and advised them they faced a tight agenda including the budget. Butts thanked Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore for a great Legislative Training Seminar; the meeting was well received.
He also thanked the staff for the success of the new registration process, which will be used at the national convention. Butts congratulated Western Region Vice President Marilyn Walton for receiving the 2022 Stanley Gold Award for Legislative Excellence. He then discussed the schedule for later in the morning of the ceremony dedicating two plaques and the conference room doors.
Mulidore welcomed the board and credited everyone with helping make the LTS successful. He thanked board members for the raffle gifts.
Warden was next to welcome the board members. He said he was glad to see everyone in person once again and doing well. He thanked the board members for their support the past six months as he transitioned into his new position as secretary/treasurer; the transition has been going well, he said. Warden reminded everyone to remember those who have lost their lives over the past year. This LTS and Executive Board meeting are special because just two years ago COVID was beginning.
Ford gave his report as chair:
“The past six months have proven to be an exciting, yet challenging, time for our organization and its members. While we rely on people to complete our mission of processing and delivering the mail, the Postal Service has become increasingly data driven, giving us more tools to reach even higher levels of efficiency.
“While our structure has changed and package volumes continue to increase, we remain the most trusted agency in America. We successfully have met the challenges of weather disasters, a pandemic and staffing issues. And the efforts of NAPS on all levels have given us both legal and legislative victories that were a long time in the making.
“During these past six months as board chair, I have attended numerous Zoom meetings, all board meetings—with one exception due to a medical condition—and all consultative meetings, with one exception due to a communication error. NAPS Headquarters received one complaint regarding a local branch election issue that was referred to me from President Ivan D. Butts.
“After an investigation involving research, interviews and witnesses and input from our parliamentarian, Dr. Bruce Bishop, I completed a four-page response that was submitted to President Butts. This issue has been resolved.
“The three resident officers—Ivan, Chuck and Jimmy—all deserve recognition for their assistance and open communication, providing input and guidance for NAPS, engaging our members and making sure we pursue our goals. And fellow board members, all your work truly has made this a successful organization. It should make us all proud to be part of something great. Thank you for everything you do.”
Southeast Area Vice President Bob Quinlan made a motion, seconded by Cotton Belt Area Vice President Shri Green, to accept the minutes of the fall 2021 Executive Board meeting as previously submitted to the board. The motion was adopted based on a voice vote.
Sheri Davies of ConferenceDirect provided an update on the LTS; room pickup was 997 room nights, which satisfied the pickup. Sponsorship increased from $9,500 in March 2020 to $29,675 this year. Some delegates had voiced concerns that they went online and found a lower rate at the Marriott Crystal Gateway for the same days as LTS.
Davies said she will verify, but this has occurred in the past and it was determined the overall cost was higher for such rooms than the rate contracted to NAPS. The website has different fees for different days; overall, the cost most likely would be higher. There also was an issue of some members checking in and being told their rooms were comped; this was corrected.
Davies next discussed the national convention. Puerto Rico had expressed interest in hosting the 2026 National Convention, but does not qualify because there would be insufficient rooms available near the Convention Center. No other branch submitted a site for consideration. The Executive Board unanimously agreed any future sites submitted for consideration must allow the Postal Service access as part of the criteria to qualify. If the site won’t allow the Postal Service on site, it will not be considered.
Warden gave the financial report. As of Feb. 28, 2022, NAPS investments totaled $11,863,398.20. On June 1, 2021, NAPS investments totaled $13,601,587.01. This is a 2022 fiscal year-to-date decrease of $1,738,188.81 or 12.78%.
As of March 20, 2022, the NAPS General Fund Signature FCU checking account balance was $245,117.44; the Signature FCU Money Market account was $56,586.09, for a total of $301,704.53.
As of Feb. 28, 2022, NAPS Property Inc. (NPI) had $125,743 in cash on the balance sheet. There is $133,595 in outstanding liabilities (security deposits, prepaid rents and accrued expenses), which means all cash is encumbered and there is no free cash flow.
LRB vacated its offices on the 1st and 3rd floors of the building as of Jan. 31, 2022, per the terms of its settlement agreement. The company is continuing to pay $1,000/month for February and March as Comcast internet equipment remains in the storage closet in Suite 105. The settlement agreement provides for monthly payments of $2,000/month toward the past-due balance, which STOLADI will monitor closely.
Current cash projections assume continued vacancy on the 2nd floor. An outside broker has been contracted to lease the space at the market rate of $29 per square foot. The overall pace of leasing activity remains slow, but is anticipated to pick up as restrictions from COVID-19 begin to relax.
The cash forecast for the balance of the fiscal year assumes contributions of $45,000/month from the landlord to cover the deficit created by delinquency from LRB and current vacancies and building operating expenses. However, to the extent vacancies are leased out and LRB continues payments toward their past-due balance, these contribution requests may be lowered.
Total square footage of rentable space is 44,922. This does not include common areas, such as the lobby, hallways and restrooms.
As of Feb. 28, 2022, NAPS Headquarters social media results were as follows:
Facebook had 3,310 followers (up from 3,018 in February 2021; or 9.68%).
- Posts continue to garner an average of approximately 300-1,000 views; the most engaging posts get about 1,000-4,000 views organically.
- The post with the highest reach during this period was from 8/25/21 (about 4.2k+ reach/views): “NAPS Newsbreak—NAPS Approves USPS EAS Pay Decision Through May 20, 2023.”
- The next highest posts/reach:
- 3/3/21 (3.7k+): “USPS Headquarters Announces Division Alignment, District Restructurings and Limited Voluntary Early Retirement (VER).”
- 2/24/22 (2.7k+): “NAPS Newsbreak—The National Association of Postal Supervisors Wins on All Points Before Federal Appeals Court in Challenge Over Pay, Benefits and Representation.”
- 1/3/22 (2.3k+): “This article discusses a new collaboration between Dr. Joshua Colin, chief Retail and Delivery officer and EVP, and Isaac Cronkhite, chief Logistics and Processing Operations officer and EVP. The process is called the CRDO/CLPO IOP Scorecard.”
- 2/24/21 (2.2k+): “USPS Facts: The Postal Service receives NO tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations. Read the top 13 facts.”
- 7/26/21 (2.1k+): “NAPS Executive Vice President Ivan Butts and NAPS Secretary/Treasurer Chuck Mulidore Attended a Town-Hall Style Meeting at the Pittsburgh NDC with Members of NAPS Branch 554.”
Facebook continues to be highly trafficked; competition for organic views on the timeline is fierce. Because so many people are on the platform and more advertisers pay for ads every year, NAPS is competing to have its posts seen (even by people who already follow the page).
Each year, the NAPS page is competing with more organizations/people/pages to show up in people’s timelines when they scroll through Facebook. Boosting posts can be a cost-effective way to get more reach; it is relatively inexpensive and can allow your posts to be seen by more people.
Most of NAPS’ web traffic from social media continues to come from Facebook (90%+); still, it’s very important to be on other platforms for visibility (Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn).
Twitter had 670 followers. Typical monthly impressions are approximately 3,000 to 5,000, depending on the type of news shared.
Instagram had 311 followers.
LinkedIn had 75 followers.
Web traffic for 2021 showed a 4.8% overall increase in users over 2020. The number of overall page views increased by 10.63%. Also, the data shows users who are visiting the page are clicking through more pages (fewer people are leaving after just visiting the first page on which they land). This is evidenced by the bounce rate decreasing by 3.27%.
Email continues to be a large driver for readership and traffic to NAPS’ website. The news pages and magazine columns posted regularly also are some of the most-visited pages. It’s important to repost the magazine content on the website because it allows members and prospective members another avenue to get the information. It also provides consistent, regular and fresh content for the website, which is important for Google and searches. Five of the top-25 pages (20%) were from The Postal Supervisor.
Looking long term, in addition to the magazine content, it’s worth considering developing an ongoing content plan to have more original news/blog articles or other types of content written and shared on the website. Articles from The Postal Supervisor get a lot of traction and are great, but if and when it makes sense, it is worth exploring the creation of more original content and articles exclusively for the website. This could help the website continue to grow web traffic, if that is the goal.
As of the January 2022 DCO (reflecting DCO membership through PPs 1 and 2), NAPS had 25,299 members (23,921 active and 1,378 associates; 94.55% and 5.45%, respectively). Total membership from a year ago (PPs 1 and 2, 2021), was 27,190 (25,852 active and 1,338 associate); an overall total SPLY decrease of 1,891 members or (6.95%).
As of the January 2022 DCO, the total number of active EAS nonmembers was 8,819. This number is based on the USPS payroll files of nonmember EAS employees who are coded nonpostmasters. Based on current membership totals, there are approximately 25.85% nonmembers.
NAPS continues to encourage membership growth by providing sponsors of new members a $25 NAPS check and has established the “High-Five Club” where a member can receive an additional check for $25, a membership pin and certificate.
Local and state branches continue to receive their NAPS Nonmember and Change Summary reports, along with their DCO and Mail Address reports, on a monthly basis. In addition, a promotion report is sent to all Executive Board members to share with their respective branches. This report shows EAS employees who have just had their Form 50 take effect that specific pay period. This is a good opportunity to contact those newly promoted into management.
Per a board motion, contracts expiring before the October 2022 Executive Board meeting to be discussed are John Wallace for accounting services and the STOLADI Group for NPI building management.
The board recessed for an hour and a half to attend the ceremony dedicating the Margarete A. Grant Executive Board Conference Room and unveiling the plaques honoring former NAPS Presidents Ted Keating and Louis Atkins.
National Auxiliary President Laurie D. Butts reported that $9,470 was collected at LTS for SPAC. Butts thanked the Executive Board for its help and support. The resident officers and the Executive Board members thanked Auxiliary members for all the great work they do in supporting NAPS and helping SPAC reach a greater level.
After the Auxiliary report, two recommendations were presented:
Recommendation #1—Submitted by Chuck Mulidore, seconded by Richard Green, that NAPS give $10,000 to the Auxiliary for expenses toward the 2022 NAPS National Convention. The recommendation passed.
Recommendation #2—Submitted by Ivan Butts, seconded by Luz Moreno, that the NAPS resident officers purchase 50 tickets in support of the National Auxiliary luncheon—two tickets per each board member, purchased with NAPS funds. The recommendation passed.
Mulidore asked to reconsider Recommendation #1 and increase the amount from $10,000 to $15,000.00; Kevin Trayer seconded and the board agreed to the reconsideration. The recommendation passed by a 13 to 11 vote.
A copy of the 2022-2023 budget was given to all Executive Board members, then read. The budget presented was for June 2022 through May 2023, including the 2023 LTS budget and 2022 National Convention. The budget stipulated four columns, with the first showing the projected budget for the next fiscal year, the second column showing the present year’s budget, the third column showing actual for the first eight months of the present fiscal year and the fourth column showing the projection for the end of the present fiscal year.
Director of Legislative & Political Affairs Bob Levi reported that approximately 20% of the surveys from LTS and the congressional visits had been received: 94% reported overall excellent/good; 95% of first-timers rated excellent/good. The Town Hall meeting rated 80% excellent/good and the LTS rated 82% excellent/good. Congressional presentations overall average rated 70% excellent/good as the rating differed for each presenter.
Twenty laptops were used at the hotel to enable Zoom meetings; at times, all 20 were being used. One concern was delegates could hear what members on other Zoom meetings were saying. In the future, the stations should be spread out more effectively.
Levi informed the board that at 10:15 a.m., the confirmation hearing would take place to decide whether or not to confirm the two new USPS Board of Governors nominees. Also, the signing of H.R. 3076 was scheduled for the following week.
He said the LTS surveys offered great, positive feedback having both Democrats and Republicans attend and speak at LTS. The total amount raised at LTS for SPAC was $13,350. The online raffle before LTS raised $15,707, for a grand total of $29,057.
Disciplinary Defense Fund Provider Al Lum and Mulidore reported that 42 cases were closed; 24 are pending—debt collection cases, 11 (17%); ELM 650 cases, 7 (10%); and MSPB cases, 48 (73%).
The major issue in MSPB cases is sexual harassment. The average cost per case is $2,953.90—total cost of FY22 cases was $76,801.48. There
is a concern that 650 hearings are being denied, with the claim that the charges are egregious, but there is no clear definition of what constitutes “egregious.” MSPB cases totaled 48, with 21 (44%) settled: wins, 5 (11%); pending, 17 (35%); withdrawn, 1
(2%); and lost, 4 (8%).
Debt Collection Act cases totaled 11: wins, 4 (36%); pending, 5 (46%); settled, 1 (9%); lost, 1 (9%); and withdrawn, 0.
ELM 650 cases: wins, 2 (28.5%); lost, 3 (43%); and settled, 2 (28.5%). The types of cases being received are sexual misconduct (14), performance (15), finance (11), attendance (9), violence (8), falsification (4) and theft (3). Questions and concerns were shared regarding charges in the cases. For 2021, agency action sustained 30 cases (76.9%), reversed 7 cases (17.9%) and mitigated two cases (5.1%). In 2020, 80% of cases were sustained.
Questions were asked regarding what can be done if special-exempt employees are instructed to work and are not paid. Statute 785.11 (for spe-cial-exempt) wage and hours revision specifies if an employee is entitled to work and get paid for additional hours and does not get compensated, they can file a complaint online with the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
The March consultative meeting was held in conjunction with the spring board meeting (click here).
PNC Bank representative Stacey Herndon discussed economic volatility; the situation in Russia is a concern and being closely watched. Also, oil prices are having a great effect. The U.S. Government is about to release oil reserves. Interest rates will increase about 1.5%. There will be continued volatility.
NAPS’ portfolio is pretty defensive, which offers more protection in a downfall. There will be decelerating growth, unlike last year’s 12% growth—probably a 5% to 6 % annual return. It is believed the market was not prepared for higher oil prices and the war in Ukraine.
Inflation is projected to normalize to 2%-2.5% in 2023. The NAPS portfolio’s mutual fund with exposure to Russia is .1%—$12,000. NAPS’ exposure is very low as it has a conservative portfolio, but it needs to be prepared for volatility.
Regarding the 2026 NAPS National Convention, as specified in the NAPS Constitution, Article 7, Section 4, the Executive Board voted on the convention site for the 2026 National Convention. San Juan, PR, was submitted by San Juan Branch 216 for consideration, but did not qualify as the hotels did not release a sufficient number of rooms.
ConferenceDirect requested proposals from hotels throughout the country. Seven hotels that responded and met NAPS’ criteria were shared with the board: Indianapolis, IN; Chicago, IL; Memphis, TN; Cleveland, OH; San Francisco, CA; and two sites in Orlando, FL.
A discussion was held, then a vote was taken; Cleveland and San Francisco were the top two choices. Neither received a majority of the vote, so a runoff vote was held. San Francisco was selected as the site for the 2026 NAPS National Convention.
Bruce Moyer, NAPS’ legal counsel, updated the board on the Montgomery case (Scialla and Simpson). The judge ruled on a motion for summary judgment and dismissed NAPS from the case about one year ago. NAPS filed for summary judgment and won. The defendant could decide to file a former-consideration or appeal.
Moyer reviewed the NAPS lawsuit and pointed out the case was remanded to the District Court to seek a determination on SDA and pay comparability. UPMA has asked the court to reconsider by asking the full appellate court to reconsider the appeal court’s three-judge panel’s decision.
Moyer believes it is unlikely the court will take the case as the three-judge panel’s decision was unanimous; petitions are filed, but rarely granted. The Postal Service has until April 8, 2022, to file, should the agency decide to appeal. Until the matter is final in the appellate court, it won’t be remanded to the District Court.
Moyer said that if the appellate court does not take the case, it could be appealed to the Supreme Court. A settlement between NAPS and the Postal Service would be possible if both sides are willing. Legally, UPMA only can represent managers and postmasters. The association can sign supervisors as members, but cannot represent them outside disciplinary issues. NAPS represents managers, postmasters and supervisors in all aspects.
Eric Berlin, senior director, and Jessica Miller, managing director, from the commercial real estate company Cushman & Wakefield addressed the board. Effective Jan.1, 2022, NAPS contracted with the company to find tenants for the vacant space in the NAPS building; STOLADI was the previous realtor. NAPS signed an agreement with Cushman & Wakefield for one year.
The company has offices throughout the country and works with a number of associations and nonprofits. It has a submarket just for Old Town Alexandria. Vacancies in Old Town are 11%; subleases bring it to 12%. Typically, Old Town has single-digit vacancies and has the lowest submarket vacancy in Northern Virginia.
Cushman & Wakefield sees the potential for educational and medical uses. The challenge is many companies still are allowing employees to work from home. The realtor is targeting small businesses for nonprofit buildings. Concession packets have changed, but rents remain high in other buildings in Old Town. NAPS has lowered the square-footage rate, but is limiting concessions.
The current trend is many companies are renewing leases, but with shorter terms and leasing less square footage in other buildings. It would be difficult to convert some of the space to residential as NAPS is part of the King Street Condominium Association.
A presentation was given on vacant commercial real estate in Old Town and Cushman and Wakefield’s plan to lease NAPS’ vacant space. Under consideration is having an open house; about 75% of brokers have not seen the NAPS property.
Next were the NAPS committees updates. Butts announced he has formed a new committee: NAPS Property Inc. (NPI). Illini Area Vice President Luz Moreno is chair; committee members are Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green and Texas Area Vice President Jaime Elizondo.
Ethics—Central Region Vice President Craig Johnson (chair), Central Gulf Region Vice President Roy Beaudoin, Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green, Northeast Region Vice President Tommy Roma and Western Region Vice President Marilyn Walton.
An ethics concern was presented to Butts who referred it to Executive Board Chair Tim Ford during the Executive Board meeting. The concern then was given to the Ethics Committee, which met and investigated, as well as spoke with the individual in question. It was determined there was no ethics violation.
Constitution & Bylaws—Texas Area Vice President Jaime Elizondo (chair), New England Area Vice President Bill Austin, North Central Area Vice President Dan Mooney, Rocky Mountain Area Vice President Myrna Pashinski and Northwest Area Vice President John Valuet. The committee submitted resolutions for consideration to amend the Constitution & Bylaws at the upcoming national convention in New Orleans. Seven resolutions were submitted and passed. The resolutions will be submitted for consideration to the body at the national convention.
SWCs—Northeast Region Vice President Tommy Roma (chair), Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden, Mideast Area Vice President Tony Dallojacono, Capitol-Atlantic Vice President Troy Griffin, Northwest Area Vice President John Valuet and former Secretary/Treasurer John Aceves. On March 15, a Zoom meeting was held with the resident officers and the committee members.
The Postal Service previously discussed and presented the resident officers with a SWCs proposal that was shared with the committee. The new proposal basically keeps the current SWCs format, but recommendations were made to add credit for specific employee groups.
There is concern that the workload-based program previously built is not being incorporated into the new SWCs proposal. The new proposal does not eliminate any credit presently given to an office, station or branch. It is proposed that credit be granted for RCAs-ARCs, relief postmasters and Sunday hubs, as well as a change to the 35:1 ratio and the requirement to be authorized a SCSS.
There was discussion on whether the new proposal helps larger cities or the suburbs. There also was discussion regarding the previous workload-based program as some of a supervisor’s duties no longer are being performed by a supervisor. Recommendations were made by the committee members for Butts to send a counterproposal to the Postal Service.
Roma thanked his committee members for their dedication to this project.
Duties and Responsibilities—Cotton Belt Area Vice President Shri Green (chair), Central Gulf Area Vice President Roy Beaudoin, Illini Area Vice President Luz Moreno and Pioneer Area Vice President Tim Needham. Two recommendations were submitted:
Recommendation #8—That a new paragraph 5 be added to the Expense Allowance section of the NAPS Officers Duties & Responsibilities to address outgoing board members’ national convention expenses. The new paragraph reads:
“During a national convention, if a current NAPS Executive Board member (regional vice president or area vice president) is not reelected or elected to a new position on the Executive Board, NAPS Headquarters will reimburse the outgoing board member’s related national convention expenses for their return trip home for the day following the last official day of the national convention. This one day of reimbursement will include airfare, baggage fees, mileage, parking fees, meals for self and one guest and one day of substitution pay. In the event the outgoing board member is approved in advance by the NAPS president to return home on the second day following the close of the national convention, total return travel reimbursement paid by NAPS Headquarters will include one additional hotel night stay plus applicable taxes, airfare, baggage fees, mileage, parking fees, two days of substitution pay and two days of meals for self and guest.”
The recommendation passed.
Recommendation #9—That a new paragraph 5 be added to the Expense Allowance section of the NAPS Officers Duties and Responsibilities to address outgoing board members’ national convention expenses. The new paragraph reads:
“During a national convention, if a current NAPS Executive Board member (regional vice president or area vice president) is not reelected or elected to a new position on the Executive Board, NAPS Headquarters will reimburse the outgoing board member’s related national convention expenses for their return trip home for the day following the last official day of the national convention. This one day of reimbursement will include airfare, baggage fees, mileage, parking fees, meals for self and one guest and one day of substitution pay. In the event the outgoing board member
is approved in advance by the NAPS president to return home on the second day following the close of the national convention, total return travel reimbursement paid by NAPS Headquarters will include one additional hotel night stay plus applicable taxes, airfare, baggage fees, mileage, parking fees, two days of substitution pay and two days of meals for self and guest. The outgoing board member will not have access to their former board allowance account starting the first day following the final adjournment or close of the national convention.”
The recommendation passed. The NAPS Officers Duties & Responsibilities will be updated. Green acknowledged and thanked her committee.
Legislative Committee—Western Region Vice President Marilyn Walton (chair), Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore, Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green, New York Area Vice President Dee Perez, Southeast Area Vice President Bob Quinlan and Michiana Vice President Kevin Trayer.
Walton reported that she communicated weekly COVID updates provided by Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) and communicated all legislative alerts to her members. During the Western Region Training Seminar, a very successful SPAC raffle was conducted; $7,300 was raised—exceeding the original goal of $5,000.
Walton attended Rep. Mike Thompson’s (D-CA) annual Christmas celebration at the Culinary Institute in NAPA Valley. He is a member of the Ways & Means Committee so Walton and her team had an opportunity to express their concern about H.R. 3076 being stalled in his committee.
She attended all branch and Zoom meetings and also provided legislative updates, promoted SPAC, encouraging everyone to contribute. California branches had two additional SPAC fundraisers for 2022: Los Angeles Branch 39 in January and Margarete A. Grant Branch 127 in February. California NAPS members participated in the NAPS virtual SPAC raffle in February.
Walton reported on the 23rd Annual California Postal Legislative Coalition event on Feb. 6. Because of COVID, the event was held via Zoom. The keynote speaker was Dr. Shirley Weber, California State secretary, who is a strong proponent of voting by mail. Weber reported that over 19 million Californians voted by mail in the 2020 elections and the 2021 governor’s recall election. California continues to encourage voting by mail and, as an extra incentive, the return envelope is postage-paid.
Guests attending the event included national and state representatives of all the postal unions, management associations, NARFE and
a representative from the Alameda County AFL-CIO. It was a great, informative event.
Walton thanked Butts for greeting attendees and welcoming them to the event. A special thanks to Mulidore and Warden, as well as Bob Levi for his knowledgeable and informative presentation. Walton said she was honored to be cohost with Ron Jones, NALC California State vice president.
California learned in January it is leading the nation in SPAC contributions. California NAPS members are fired up and intend to continue to lead the nation in contributions. The California State Branch is planning a big event for its 100th anniversary convention in April and will have a very ambitious SPAC fundraiser.
Perez reported on events supporting NAPS’ legislative initiatives and what he and his members have done thus far:
1. On Dec. 14, 2021, Bob Levi notified Perez that Joe Morelle, a candidate for a congressional seat, was having a meeting and NAPS was invited to attend. Branch 11 President Scott Englert and Legislative Chair Jessmer Spencer planned to attend the Rochester event, which was canceled due to COVID.
2. On Jan. 7, Perez messaged his area distribution list that the SPAC raffle and prizes for LTS were open for business.
3. On Jan. 25, Perez held a Zoom meeting with the New York Area, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands that included Levi and Mulidore to discuss the upcoming LTS and bills needing everyone’s support, especially H.R. 3076, sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY).
4. On Feb. 3, Perez messaged his area distribution list to go on the NAPS website and support the NAPS Legislative Action Center and communicate support to their representatives for H.R. 3076, which was being voted on that day.
5. On Feb. 12, Warden spoke at FDR Station Plaza in Manhattan, thanking Maloney personally for getting H.R. 3076 passed in the House with a bipartisan consensus. NAPS members attended, led by Branch 100 President Tom Hughes.
6. Feb. 13, Warden again spoke at FDR Station Plaza, this time to thank Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for introducing H.R. 3076 in the Senate. Schumer promised to get the bill passed. Branch 100 President Tom Hughes and his members were present.
7. On March 1, Perez messaged his area distribution list with an additional reminder for members to use the NAPS Action Center and urge their legislative leaders to put H.R. 3076 up for a vote as soon as possible.
Trayer was proud to report the Michiana Area members worked hard on helping get H.R. 3076 to the finish line. Indiana and Michigan held state conventions with SPAC raffles.
He noted this year’s LTS attendance was not as strong as in previous years. Many of Michigan’s congressional members would not meet with them. Trayer had a face-to-face meeting with Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI). Just as H.R. 3076 was a top priority, now, NAPS members need to roll up their sleeves and get H.R. 3077 passed.
At this year’s Central Region Training symposium and Michigan State Convention, SPAC collections will be a priority.
Quinlan acknowledged it has been a busy year for postal reform. The big push was for H.R. 3076 and it passed, thanks to a team effort back home and from the NAPS resident officers.
He gave a shout-out to Florida and Georgia members for their excellent job in spreading the word. Quinlan already had contacted Republican Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott to ask for their support of the bill when it goes to the Senate.
Quinlan provided the voting record of Florida House members on H.R. 3076; there were 20 yeas and 7 nays.
Richard Green reported that, since the fall board meeting, Eastern Region members have engaged with their lawmakers to drive home the importance of passing postal legislation. Eastern Region Executive Board members asked their members, through in-person and Zoom meetings, to become involved in the legislative process and reach out to their representatives and senators by using emails sent to NAPS members by Bob Levi to engage their representatives concerning the importance of supporting postal legislation.
He said the work of NAPS members came to fruition as H.R. 3076 was passed by both houses of Congress and was sent to President Biden for his signature.
At the Eastern Region Cabinet Meeting in January, Mulidore provided a briefing of the upcoming legislative agenda and an overview of LTS. The members were engaged and motivated to do everything asked at the grassroots level to drive NAPS’ legislative agenda and were looking forward to LTS. Members raised $4,555 for SPAC at the meeting.
Walton thanked her committee members.
PFP Advisory—North Central Area Vice President Dan Mooney (chair), Immediate Past President Brian Wagner, Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green, Capitol-Atlantic Vice President Troy Griffin and New York Area Vice President Dee Perez. The committee updated the board on the FY21 NPA mitigation NAPS presented to USPS Headquarters in December 2021.
NAPS had asked for FY21 NPA to be set aside and everyone given a 3% raise based on impacts of the ongoing COVID pandemic. The Postal Service decided to continue with NPA even though it wasn’t until June (75% through the fiscal year) that a scorecard was released, then everyone was relegated to a national scorecard.
The mitigation NAPS presented was based on factual events from FY21 that were major impacts on postal operations. Despite those facts outlined in mitigation, the Postal Service denied NAPS’ mitigation request for an extra one-half percent.
The committee then updated the board on the various timelines that USPS Headquarters gave NAPS for FY22 NPA goals, weights and targets. It was given to NAPS in four pieces. NAPS also asked the USPS for specific historical information on scores and data to help review FY22 NPA goals. NAPS was not given any of that information.
As a result, NAPS again asked that FY22 NPA be set aside and everyone be given a 3% raise based on the fact NAPS was not given an opportunity to be part of the development and goal setting for FY22 NPA.
Mooney thanked the PFP Committee members for their work.
Postmaster—Pioneer Area Vice President Tim Needham (chair), New York Area Vice President Dee Perez, Michiana Area Vice President Kevin Trayer and MINK Area Vice President Kelly McCartney. The committee met on Thursday, March 31, and discussed obtaining or creating a distribution list for postmaster members to share information and use to communicate future Zoom meetings. The group would like to have an initial meeting with the National Postmaster Committee to involve them in setting up monthly training via Zoom.
The training topics would incorporate NAPS issues, as well as education, in their duties and responsibilities as a postmaster. The committee plans to discuss a membership drive with the national committee, using its current members to recruit new postmaster members. Zoom meetings would be scheduled on a monthly basis.
Needham thanked his committee members.
Training and Advocacy—Myrna Pashinski (chair), Immediate Past President Brian Wagner, Southern Region Vice President Tim Ford, Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green and Pacific Area Vice President Chuck Lum.
A Zoom meeting was held to discuss previous emails Wagner sent regarding the modules on which the committee has been working. The committee discussed adding the ELM Chapter 7 portion about supervisors and managers being required to provide training. The committee agreed it should add to the 650 training only as an additional defense to discipline issues.
Pashinski purchased 30 thumb drives for the Executive Board; Wagner will copy the modules to give to each board member to use for trainings in their areas. This was completed and given to each Executive Board member.
The committee is going to look further at modules on balloting and elections, updating constitutions and bylaws for branches and where to add Garrity, Kalkines and Miranda rights into which training module.
Pashinski thanked her committee members.
Plant—Pacific Area Vice President Chuck Lum (chair), President Ivan D. Butts, Texas Area Vice President Jaime Elizondo, Cotton Belt Area Vice President Shri Green and Illini Area Vice President Luz Moreno. A Plant Staffing Committee Survey was performed with plant employees that concentrated on the tasks and frequency needed to perform Organizational Effectiveness.
Then, logistics, processing and maintenance received a survey. It’s uncertain as to how the results will be used. The committee would like to know the percentage who took the survey.
Lum acknowledged and thanked his committee members.
Membership—All Executive Board members are responsible for increasing membership. The board received an update from NAPS Membership Coordinator Emily Christophersen on getting updated branch officer profiles, as well as a discussion of new Finance numbers from the USPS causing some issues with the NAPS membership program.
Warden gave a final reading of the budget. A discussion was held regarding the budget that consisted of next fiscal year’s budget, the 2022 National Convention and 2023 LTS. Concerns were raised regarding expenses for the 2021 National Convention.
The board was informed of additional expenses not budgeted due to COVID, as well as the SPAC reception and the grab-and-go lunch on Monday. Butts said he would establish a Budget Committee to review 2021 National Convention expenses.
Motion #1—Submitted by Moreno, seconded by Trayer, that:
“The Executive Board accepts the 2022-2023 budget proposed by Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden.” Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, Roma, R. Green, Johnson, Walton, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Griffin, Needham, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, Quinlan, Beaudoin, Pashinski and Lum. Voting “no” were McCartney, S. Green, Elizondo, Valuet and Wagner. The motion passed 19-5.
The drawing for seat selections at the 68th National Convention was held. Sections were chosen by region for business session seating and Friday night’s grand banquet.
Motion #2—Submitted by Wagner, seconded by Roma, that:
“NAPS and the resident officers accept the four amendments of the NAPS and STOLADI agreement as presented with the terms stated in the agreement from March 2, 2022, to Feb. 28, 2025. The motion passed 24-0.
Recommendation #10—Submitted by Wagner, seconded by Lum, that:
“Effective for calendar year 2022 and each calendar year thereafter that active, associate and Auxiliary members whose total calendar year contribution to NAPS’ Supervisors’ Political Action Committee (SPAC) is $1,000 or more (President’s Ultimate level) will be the only SPAC level to receive an invitation for self and one guest to attend the following year’s SPAC Reception.”
The recommendation failed.
Recommendation #11—Submitted by Wagner, seconded by Moreno, that:
“Effective Sept. 1, 2022, in odd-numbered years, the annual NAPS SPAC Reception will be held during the Legislative Training Seminar and in even-numbered years, the SPAC Reception will be held during the national convention. In the event LTS and the national convention are held during the same odd-numbered year, the SPAC Reception will be held at the national convention.”
The recommendation failed.
Recommendation #12—Submitted by Wagner, seconded by McCartney, that:
“The NAPS resident officers enter into discussions with NAPS Accountant Jack Wallace to reach
a reasonable agreement to renew Wallace’s current service contract for five years that includes a contract fee of $3,900 per month over the length of the five-year contract. In the event the resident officers cannot reach a reasonable contract agreement with Wallace, the resident officers will seek new accounting services per NAPS’ current contract policy.”
The recommendation passed.
For new business, it was asked where the New Supervisor Program stands and if pilots are being conducted. A meeting was held with the resident officers and the Postal Service. NAPS was told it could participate in reviewing the new training modules.
NAPS was not made aware of pilots with craft unions on how to improve employee retention. This issue was addressed at the Central Region. Pilots were conducted in Warren, MI; Denver, CO; Louisville, KY; and in Wisconsin. CCAs are placed on a route and work only eight hours; retention has greatly improved. CCAs don’t get moved for 60 days and are not allowed to work over a certain number of hours.
Butts and board members thanked Ford, Quinlan, Beaudoin and Needham for their dedicated work and friendship to NAPS; they will not seek reelection.
The 68th National Convention board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 6, at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. The fall Executive Board meeting dates are Oct. 22-27.
Board members were asked to state their intentions regarding running for office:
- Ivan Butts—Running for NAPS president
- Chuck Mulidore—Running for NAPS executive vice president
- Jimmy Warden—Running for NAPS secretary/treasurer
- Tommy Roma—Running for Northeast Region vice president
- Richard Green—Running for Eastern Region vice president
- Craig Johnson—Running for Central Region vice president
- Tim Ford—Will not run for Southern Region vice president
- Marilyn Walton—Running for Western Region vice president
- Bill Austin—Running for New England Area vice president
- Dee Perez—Running for New York Area vice president
- Tony Dallojacono—Running for Mideast Area vice president
- Tim Needham—Will not run for Pioneer Area vice president
- Troy Griffin—Running for Capitol-Atlantic Area vice president
- Kevin Trayer—Running for Michiana Area vice president
- Luz Moreno—Running for Illini Area vice president
- Dan Mooney—Running for North Central Area vice president
- Kelly McCartney—Running for MINK Area vice president
- Bob Quinlan—Will not run for Southeast Area vice president
- Roy Beaudoin—Will not run for Central Gulf Area vice president
- Shri Green—Running for Cotton Belt Area vice president
- Jaime Elizondo—Running for Southern Region vice president
- John Valuet—Running for Northwest Area vice president
- Myrna Pashinski—Running for Rocky Mountain Area vice president
- Chuck Lum—Running for Pacific Area vice president
For the good of the association, Tim Ford, Bob Quinlan, Roy Beaudoin and Tim Needham thanked board members for their partnership and friendship.
In his closing remarks, President Butts thanked the board for the great work during the spring board meeting. He again thanked Chuck and Bob for running a great LTS. He thanked those board members not running for reelection for all their years of service. “It was great seeing everyone and it is an honor working in this position,” he declared. “Safe travels home.”
The closing prayer was led by Moreno. Quinlan made a motion, seconded by Beaudoin, to adjourn; the motion was adopted.