Postal Coalition Highlights Legislation

Postal Coalition Highlights Legislation
By Marilyn Walton
NAPS Western Region Vice President

The 25th annual California Postal Legislative Coalition event was held Sunday, Feb. 4, at the Laborers 185 Hall in Sacramento. All four postal unions, both postal management associations and NARFE members were in attendance Lelton Gibson, NAPS San Francisco Branch 88, and Garre Davis, APWU California State President, were co-emcees.

Special guest speakers John Hatton, NARFE national Legislative director; Judy Beard, APWU national Legislative director; and Paul Swartz, National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA) director of Governmental Affairs, provided legislative information via Zoom presentations.

Ann Newman, a representative from the “Save the Post Office” initiative, provided information on their nationwide efforts to support a strong, stable Postal Service.

Special guests Chuck Mulidore, NAPS executive vice president, and Katie Maddocks, National Mail Handlers Union Legislative & Political director, traveled from Washington, DC. Tania Cason, UPMA California Chapter president, traveled from Southern California with Tammi Headrick, NRLCA California president, to support their members. Harold Kelso, NALC California president, represented the carrier’s union.

We had presentations from Keith Brown, Alameda Labor Council, and Ivan Fernandez, California Labor Council (both affiliated with the AFL-CIO; and Dwane Camp, director, California Alliance for Retired Americans.

Their information was timely, informative and practical. They provided in-depth legislative information.

I want to thank Ron Jones, NALC California vice president, my coalition partner, in hosting quarterly meetings. Also, special thanks to Mary DiGioia, NAPS Long Beach, CA, Branch 698, for coordinating the coalition’s finances and event planning, and Marilyn Jones, NAPS California State Branch 905 president, for controlling the audio/visual for the Zoom presentations. And a special shout out to all the volunteers for helping ensure each year’s event is successful.

Aloha from Hawaii

NAPS officers traveled to Hawaii in mid-February for a post-holiday visit to Honolulu Branch 214. After a bumpy plane ride to the island, we met up with NAPS Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden and his wife Ivonne, Pacific Area Vice President Chuck Lum Branch and Branch 214 President Laurie Lum. On our first night, we had a Polynesian dinner on the patio of a local restaurant and watched the beautiful sunset.

The next day, we visited Honolulu District Manager Eileen Veach and her staff for a meet and greet. I encouraged Veach and staff to interact with Warden and ask questions.

Honolulu was second in NPA. We also discussed upcoming changes with Amazon and plans for dealing with new processes and changes during the new year.

Our second meeting was with Senior Plant Manager Milton Kokubun and his staff. He said peak season was successful. Their concern regarded ranking as they wait on nationwide changes to processing centers.

It was great to hear all the EAS employees at both meetings were NAPS members. We thanked management for their time and hospitality, stressing we are available to assist with any concerns. Local NAPS officers are doing a fantastic job representing their members.

Branch 214 hosted its annual post-holiday dinner at a local restaurant. Laurie’s entire EAS staff from the Waipahu Post Office attended to recognize fellow employee Catalina Itokazu on her retirement from the Postal Service. Special thanks to our Hawaii ohana (family) and coworkers for a great visit!