Portland Branch 66 Event
Portland Branch 66 Event
By Marilyn Walton
NAPS Western Region Vice President
Portland, OR, Branch 66 hosted its annual retirement and installation dinner Saturday, March 11. President Aric Skjelstad and his committee welcomed NAPS members and guests.
Specially invited guest were NAPS President Ivan D. Butts and me. USPS guests were Customer Service MCSO Chris Knight and Senior MDO Titus Miguela.
The branch provided many great prizes for members to select by dropping a complimentary ticket in the basket for a specific gift. Branch 66 also awarded two scholarships to members’ children. A 50-50 SPAC raffle raised $350.
Ivan shared his observations from attending the six recent supervisor symposiums.. He commended the Postal Service for hosting these events and expressed his hope that something similar will be done for plant employees. He answered questions from members and said he looked forward to seeing Branch 66 delegates at LTS.
I congratulated the retirees and newly elected branch officers. I also shared information on legislation. Ivan and I installed the new branch officers.
We dined on a grand buffet and ended the evening with members drawing names. The winners took home some great prizes provided by the branch. It was a great time to relax and enjoy each others’ company.