November 25, 2024
National Auxiliary Conducts Its Business at the 69th NAPS National Convention
Submitted by Bonita R. Atkins
NAPS National Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer
Session 1
Monday, Aug. 12
Pages escorted National Executive Board members to their seats. Laurie Butts, National Auxiliary president, welcomed attendees and called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. She introduced the national officers in attendance. The Collect was read by Hazel Green, Eastern Region vice president. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Elly Soukey, Central Region vice president; the national anthem was sung by Linda Thomas, president, San Francisco Branch 88.
Cathy Towns, Mideast Area vice president, and Jane Finley, Southeast Area vice president, gave the invocation and an inspirational Memorial Service, titled “An Angel of a Friend,” for our deceased Auxiliary members. Tributes were made to Joan Davis, North Suburban, IL, Branch 489; Sharon Mathews, Indiana State Branch 917; Helen Reganti, Illinois State Branch 916; Dolores Rodriguez, San Antonio Branch 103; Marie Scialla, New Jersey State Branch 933; and Janice (Jan) Yockey, Sacramento Branch 77, as well as special remembrances of other family and friends. There was a moment of silence, then a reading from John 15:12 and a closing prayer. Thomas sang a moving rendition of “Wind Beneath My Wings.”
Secretary/Treasurer Bonita Atkins conducted the roll call of officers. In attendance were President Laurie Butts, Executive Vice President Beverly Austin, Eastern Region Vice President Hazel Green, Central
Region Vice President Elly Soukey, Southern Region Vice President Felicia Hill, Western Region Vice President Patricia Jackson-Kelley, Michiana Area Vice President Heather Hommerson, Mideast Area Vice President Cathy Towns, Capitol-Atlantic Area Vice President Shearly Shawn, Illini Area Vice President Linda Rendleman, MINK Area Vice President Mary Caruso, Southeast Area Vice President Jane Finley, Cotton Belt Area Vice President Ruth Cushenberry, Texas Area Vice President Melva Seals, Central Gulf Area Vice President Willie Carter, North Central Area Vice President Sherry Mattfield and Pacific Area Vice President Jerry Eckert. The Northeast Region and New York area positions are vacant.
The chair called on Registration Committee Chair Evelyn Spears for her preliminary committee report: 20 states were represented with 40 votes, which qualified as a quorum. Represented were 22 local branches, seven national officers, 11 area vice presidents, five members-at-large and four past national presidents, with 67 delegates registered and 63 delegates in attendance.
Willie Carter, Rules Committee chair, read the rules of the convention and reported no additional rules needed to be added. There was discussion regarding a discrepancy in the printing of the rules. Several different copies of the rules were printed and distributed. The issue was General Rules, Rule #5.
It was moved that Rule 5 should read: “Cell phones will be turned off or placed in silent or mute mode. If a phone rings during general session, a $5 penalty will be enforced by sergeants-at-arms and donated to the Auxiliary treasury. No ‘texting’ during sessions.” The rules were adopted and the Rules Committee was discharged.
The chair called on Atkins to present the proposed agenda. Atkins moved to dispense from reading the minutes as everyone had a copy. She asked for adoption of the agenda as printed.
The motion was seconded by Felicia Hill and adopted.
Butts reminded delegates that the Auxiliary voted years ago not to have a professional parliamentarian, but, instead, have former National Auxiliary presidents serve in that capacity. This year, because Sue Elliott will be retiring after this convention, the board decided that any Auxiliary member interested in the position would be considered. Stephen Orloski, Michigan State Branch 925, was introduced with Sonya Bonenberger and Sue Elliott as this year’s presiding parliamentarians. Butts also introduced Connee Walters, Pittsburgh Branch 20, as assistant secretary to Atkins.
Atkins asked that delegates stand when their names were called to be assigned as chairs and members of the various convention committees.
The chair called Shearly Shawn, Ways and Means Committee chair, to give her preliminary report. She advised that the 50/25/25
“Split the Pot” will be drawn on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during the convention. To date, the gift card amount has reached $710 with more expected. The drawing will be held Friday afternoon. Tickets for both drawings are being sold at six tickets for $20.
The First-Timers Committee report was presented by Mary Caruso and Jane Finley. At the previous 2022 National Convention, a resolution was adopted that the Auxiliary would hold its own first-timers’ orientation. This was the first year the Auxiliary had an independent First-Timers meeting.
At previous conventions, Auxiliary first-timers met with NAPS first-timers at a joint session. Caruso and Finley stated the first-timers asked many questions and seem to be very interested and want to learn. The 14 first-timers introduced themselves and were given a round of applause.
Beverly Austin gave the first reading of the proposed changes to the National Auxiliary Bylaws. Butts announced that the amendment to Article X, Section 1b, would be discussed Tuesday morning. Announcements were made and door prizes given. The meeting was recessed at 3:07 p.m.
Session 2
Tuesday, Aug. 13
Butts called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. The opening invocation was given by Jane Finley. Butts introduced the past National Auxiliary presidents in attendance: Sue Elliott, 1994-1996; Mary Caruso, 2000-2002; Sonya Bonenberger, 2006-2008; and Patricia Jackson-Kelley, 2016-2021.
Atkins read a letter from Rosa Norton, past National Auxiliary President, sending regrets for not being able to attend this convention.
Caruso, Minutes Committee chair, reported the minutes from Monday, Aug. 12. The minutes were read and found to be correct.
Evelyn Spears, Registration Committee chair, reported 20 states and 22 locals were represented. Also represented were seven national officers, 11 area vice presidents, five members-at-large, four past national presidents and 63 registered delegates in attendance.
The Bylaws Committee, chaired by Austin, had a second reading of the proposed amendments. There was discussion of an amendment to raise the allowance for the secretary/treasurer from $150 to $200 per month, with the change to take effect at the end of this convention. Voting on this amendment will be during the Tuesday afternoon session.
Butts called for a 10-minute recess at 9:20 to return to the session at 9:30 a.m.
Butts introduced Debbie Baker, Central Valley, CA, Branch 197, who informed delegates that for the first time in a long time, greetings to NAPS would be presented Thursday, Aug. 15, at 8:15 a.m. in the Premier Ballroom. All participating members should wear all white, if possible. There will be five team leaders; each participant will line up behind a leader. She gave a brief description of what is to be expected of all participants and the music to be played.
Butts introduced motivational speaker Cynthia Shefton, Union County, NJ, Branch 237. Shefton, a psychologist, spoke about life-changing events, stress and strategies. Her presentation generated interaction among the delegates and was very inspiring.
Door prizes were given and the meeting was recessed for lunch. The meeting resumed at 1:33 p.m. The afternoon blessing was given by Cathy Towns. Butts called Sonya Bonenberger for the Audit Committee report. Bonenberger advised that Caruso’s Tax Service performed the financial audit and her committee audited the treasurer’s books. It was recommended to conserve spending and keep the Auxiliary’s balance as high as possible. Bonenberger moved to adopt the report; the motion was unanimously accepted. The Audit Committee was discharged.
Austin read and had a vote on Bylaws Article X, Section 1b. Adoption of the amendment to raise the allowance for the secretary/treasurer from $150 to $200 per month was unanimously passed and accepted. The Bylaws Committee was discharged.
Butts called Patricia Jackson-Kelley for the Budget Report. She advised that the committee met on Sunday, Aug.11; she read the proposed budget. There was an amendment made to the budget to include the newly adopted allowance for the secretary/treasurer to be effective at the end of this convention. The motion to adopt with the amendment was approved. The Budget Committee was discharged.
Butts opened the floor for nomination of officers. The floor was opened for president. Shearly Shawn and Patricia Crowe nominated Laurie Butts; no other nominations were made.
The floor was opened for executive vice president. Felecia Hill nominated Beverly Austin; no other nominations were made.
The floor was opened for secretary/treasurer. Patricia Jackson-Kelley nominated Bonita Atkins; no other nominations were made.
The floor was opened for Northeast Region vice president; no nominations were made.
The floor was opened for Eastern Region vice president. Josephine Geter nominated Hazel Green; no other nominations were made.
The floor was opened for Central Region vice president. Sherry Mattfield nominated Elly Soukey; no other nominations were made.
The floor was opened for Southern Region vice president. Beverly Austin nominated Felecia Hill; no other nominations were made.
The floor was opened for Western Region vice president. Jerry Eckert nominated Patricia Jackson-Kelley; Barbara Kelly nominated Chanel Dodson. No other nominations were made.
Butts indicated that voting would be conducted for Western Region vice president on Thursday morning. She called for a recess at 2:23 p.m. to resume at 2:40 p.m.
The meeting resumed at 2:40 p.m. Butts introduced Teresa Dillard of Dillard Financial Solutions, Inc. She played a version of “The Price is Right” with delegates participating. It was a lively and entertaining session.
Announcements and door prizes were made. The meeting was in recess at 3:15 p.m. until Thursday morning at 8 a.m. for the greetings to NAPS delegates.
Session 3
Thursday, Aug. 15
Butts reconvened the meeting at 10:51 a.m. She acknowledged a debt of gratitude for a great and enthusiastic greetings performance by everyone who participated. NAPS members seemed very appreciative.
The invocation was given by Finley. Minutes Committee Chair Caruso gave her final report and advised that the minutes from Tuesday, Aug. 13, appeared to be correct. Her committee was discharged.
Spears, Registration Committee chair, gave her final report. Represented were 20 states, 22 local branches, seven executive board members, 11 area vice presidents, five members-at-large and four past national presidents; total delegates in attendance was 63. Spears and her committee were discharged.
The election of officers was next on the agenda. Butts named all nominees; those who ran unopposed were reelected to their positions. She noted an election was necessary for the office of Western Region vice president. Only Western Region delegates were eligible to vote.
Atkins reviewed the voting criteria; eligible delegates voted. The Tellers Committee and parliamentarians were sequestered. Butts called for a recess to allow time for counting ballots.
The Tellers Committee and parliamentarians returned; Bonenberger gave the results. Out of 83 eligible votes, 78 votes were cast, with five no votes. Chanel Dodson was declared Western Region vice president. Bonenberger made a motion to destroy the ballots; Austin seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The Tellers Committee was discharged with many thanks to Bonenberger and her committee. This was the first election to be held in many, many years.
Butts asked all first-timers to approach the mic to give their impressions and experiences from this convention. Seven of the 14 first-timers expressed their views.
Resolutions Committee Chair Linda Rendleman gave her report. The committee recommended giving a standing ovation to Connee Walters for her service as assistant secretary. A standing ovation also was given to Butts for representing the Auxiliary with a professional and positive image. A standing ovation also was given to parliamentarians Sonya Bonenberger, Sue Elliott and in-training parliamentarian Steve Orloski for their shared knowledge and experience with this convention. The Resolutions Committee was
Ways & Means Committee Chair Shearly Shawn gave her report. She stated the committee raised $8,030 for the Auxiliary. The value of the gift cards was at $1,130. The committee was to be discharged after the final drawing Friday afternoon.
Announcements were made and door prizes given. The meeting was in recess for lunch at 12:03 p.m., to resume by 1:30 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 1:43 p.m. The invocation was given by Cathy Towns. Some members were late taking their seats because of an issue with the elevators.
Timekeeper Committee Chair Carolyn Mack reported the committee kept time during debates, as requested, for the convention. Her committee was discharged.
Properties Committee Chair Randolph Washington reported the committee prepared the meeting room and breakdown and would help with setup for the Auxiliary luncheon. His committee was to be discharged at the end of the Auxiliary luncheon on Friday.
Washington, also chair of the Sergeants-at-Arms Committee, reported that all duties were performed as needed, especially doing the voting and election for Western Region Vice President. His committee was discharged.
Elly Soukey gave the final pages report. She thanked everyone for helping with door prizes as assigned and distributing materials and escorting the Executive Board. The committee would be discharged at the end of the auxiliary luncheon.
Austin, Luncheon Committee chair, said the committee would meet 8:30 a.m. on Aug. 16 to help decorate the Celebrity Ballroom. She advised the luncheon was at full capacity, with 277 in attendance. She thanked her committee that would be discharged at the end of the luncheon.
Butts gave a final thank-you to the parliamentarians for their hard work and guidance. She also thanked chaplains Jane Finley and Cathy Towns, as well as Assistant Secretary Connee Walters.
Under new business, Bonenberger suggested the board invest in a small portable flag for Auxiliary meetings. It was noted there was no U.S. flag in the meeting room. Butts had shared that, prior to assembly of the meeting, there was a flag, but, apparently it was removed before the start of the Auxiliary meeting.
Butts announced that all committee and board photos would be taken in front of the Celebrity Ballroom at 10 a.m. Friday. A reminder was given that National Auxiliary dues are to be paid between Jan. 1 and June 30 of any given year.
Final door prizes were given. The meeting recessed at 2:21 p.m. until 10 a.m. Friday for photos, then the Auxiliary luncheon.
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