NAPS Requests Postal Service to Adjust FY2021 Pay-for-Performance Payout
The National Association of Postal Supervisors has requested the U.S. Postal Service to set its FY 2021 pay-for-performance payout for all EAS employees at 3 percent, or one-half percent above the initial USPS payout projection.
The annual pay adjustment of the 50,000 supervisors and managers covered under the USPS Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) is set by a pay-for-performance system called the USPS National Performance Assessment (NPA).
NAPS President Ivan Butts, in a December 13, 2021 letter to Deputy Postmaster General Doug Tulino, requested the USPS to adjust the ratings of certain NPA National Scorecard indicators from their end-of-year cell rating because of eight major events, factors and circumstances that worsened the NPA scorecard results. These events, factors and circumstances included the COVID-19 pandemic, USPS and Congressional liberal leave policies, the 2020 general election, the FY2021 peak season, USPS restructuring, employee availability, and commercial airline on-time performance.
Without mitigation, NAPS President Butts said, USPS performance will be inaccurately assessed and EAS employees paid at levels less than they deserve. Last year the Postal Service mitigated the NPA payout because of similar events, factors and circumstances.
The NAPS mitigation request is attached here.