NAPS 67th National Convention in 2021
Register for the 67th National Convention online by clicking here.
Registration Fee—$250
The 67th National Convention registration fee is $250 is submitted—online only—on or before July 10. After July 10, the fee is $325. No national convention registrations or payments will be accepted after July 24.
No onsite registration will be accepted.
Each official registrant will receive a confirmation receipt via email as soon as they register. If you do not receive your confirmation, email or call 703-836-9660.
Refund Requests
All refund requests must be submitted in writing via email to Full refund requests must be received at NAPS Headquarters on or before July 17. There is a$50 cancellation fee for refund requests received between July 18-31. No refund requests will be granted after July 31.
All substitution requests must be submitted in writing to no later than July 31. There will be no onsite substitutions. If you need assistance with a substitution, call NAPS Headquarter at 703-836-9660.
Hotel Rates and Reservations
Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center
1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051 877-491-5138
Delegates and guests attending the 67th National Convention are responsible for making their own lodging reservation directly with the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center. The national convention single/double rate is $189, plus applicable state and local taxes. The resort fee has been waived. Self-parking is complimentary from Aug. 11-Sept. 3; applicable only to those staying overnight at the Gaylord Texan.
To make a room reservation online, go to; under the “About Us” drop-down, click on “National Convention.” You also may make a reservation by phone by calling 877-491-5138. Use the group code: NAP. Check-in time is 4 p.m.; checkout is 11 a.m.
The room block expires on Aug. 4. Reservations made after that date may be at a higher rate, if available at all.
To guarantee reservations, the hotel must receive a deposit of one night’s room rate and tax by a major credit card at the time of the reservation. Cancellations must be received at least 24 hours before arrival or the deposit will be applied to your credit card. The hotel confirmation is your responsibility. NAPS Headquarters does not confirm lodging reservations.
Best Website Competition
The NAPS Best Website Competition again is being conducted in conjunction with the upcoming NAPS national convention at the Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine, TX, this August.
A branch wishing to enter the competition must email only its website address to by June 30, 2021, for forwarding to the competition judge.
Points will be awarded for content, design and technical merit, among other contest categories. The two entries receiving the highest overall point totals will be named the competition winners.
At the convention, all branches will be given the point totals of their entries by category, along with any comments the judge may make.
NAPS Newsletter Contest
The NAPS Newsletter Contest also is planned for the national convention. The entry deadline is June 30, 2021. Branches wishing to submit their newsletters may do so in four categories: “Overall Excellence,” “Best Layout,” “Best Bylined Column/Editorial” and “Best News/Feature Article.” Entries must have been published after August 2018.
“Overall Excellence”—Submit three consecutive issues of the newsletter, stapled together as one entry. Staple a Post-it note or similar to identify the judging category, your branch number and the newsletter editor.
“Best Layout”—Submit two issues (not necessarily consecutive ones) of the newsletter, stapled together as one entry. As in the item above, identify the judging category, your branch number and the individual who lays out/designs the newsletter.
“Best Bylined Column/Editorial”—Submit one entry clipped from your newsletter (please do not submit the entire newsletter). The entry must be an original work that carries the byline of the author, who may or may not be the editor, but must be a NAPS member. Identify the judging category and your branch number.
“Best News/Feature Article”—Follow the instructions immediately above.
Please mail—do not email—entries to NAPS Newsletter Contest, c/o Balent-Young Publishing, Inc., PO Box 734, Front Royal, VA 22630, to be received no later than June 30, 2021. Receipt of all entries will be acknowledged; please provide your email address. Winners will be announced at the convention.