Let's Stay the Course
Let’s Stay the Course
By Laurie D. Butts
NAPS Auxiliary President
I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed holiday. As we embark on this new year, let us all “stay the course” for the good of our organization. Per the Oxford dictionary, "stay the course" is defined as “needing to keep going strongly to the end of a race or contest.” Or, to put it in simpler terms, hold on or persevere to the end.
We must continue to make a conscious effort to support our Supervisors’ Political Action Committee (SPAC) that enables us to have valuable input on Congress. SPAC makes NAPS’ presence known.
In order to do this, we need funds to support our allies. These funds are available to any NAPS member who is rallying to support our allies. SPAC monies also are given as contributions to our allies.
As we move into this election year, NAPS’ presence is essential to the Postal Service for many reasons, including our postal police. We have to “stay the course.”
While we rebounded in 2022 in SPAC donations, in 2023 we fell under. However, we must keep in mind it was not a national convention year.
In this election year, please continue with your generous support of SPAC; consider increasing your contributions. The Auxiliary is at most functions and will continue fundraising for SPAC, including raffles, 50-50s and other activities.
As I am more than confident you will increase your financial support, I am asking you to also help increase our Auxiliary membership by spreading the word about the Auxiliary and its usefulness.
Auxiliary member numbers have increased significantly over the past year, which is beneficial to NAPS. We always are here for NAPS to help and support you in any way possible. We will stay the course!
Let this election year be beneficial to all postal employees.