Keeping Our Members Informed
Keeping Our Members Informed
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
Representing and advocating for the members is the main purpose the National Association of Postal Supervisors exists. Those in management need an association they can turn to when they seek assistance and are in need of guidance. Members are the key to our great association.
Our latest membership report shows our percentage has increased to 74%. This positive trend is a good thing, but what we also need to look at is our overall membership has dropped. The primary impact on the increase in our membership percentage is the fact we lost a large number of nonmembers. Though some recently have joined NAPS—realizing the benefits that come with being a NAPS member, especially those affected during the recent RIF—many have elected to retire.
Membership also has been affected by the recent freeze on management positions. Now that the freeze is being lifted and positions posted, we have a great opportunity to increase membership as approximately 900 initial-level positions have been posted. I urge all branches to reach out to all the newly promoted supervisors and tell them about NAPS.
Verify your branch’s nonmember report and contact those who are on the list. The New Supervisor Program training classes will resume in January. Reach out to your district leadership and ask when the class will be scheduled and ask to attend so you can speak to the new supervisors about the benefits of joining NAPS. They need to know what NAPS can do for them.
Many times, I have been approached by a supervisor who was issued corrective action, but who was not a NAPS member. When told we are an association and don’t provide representation to nonmembers, they often respond that no one approached them about joining.
Branches receive a change report on a monthly basis. This report needs to be looked at closely. With the recent RIF, many employees have been placed in new positions and/or had their finance numbers changed. This has resulted in many members being placed in another branch associated with the new finance number, but still domiciled in their previous branch.
If you notice this has occurred on your change report, I recommend reaching out to them. Ask them, being they remain domiciled in the area represented by your branch, if they want to file an exception to return to the branch or belong to their new branch.
Many members probably haven’t realized their branch affiliation has changed. In the event the member would need representation, their branch may be located in another part of the country. Reach out to them and inform them of the option. Many NAPS areas have been proactive in this process. Members need to be aware; it is our responsibility to inform them.
Membership is everyone’s responsibility. There is strength in numbers.
I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving! Let us not forget everything for which we should be thankful—especially family, friends and health.
Stay safe!