Fighting the Fight and Celebrating Our Successes

Fighting the Fight and Celebrating Our Successes
By Richard Green
NAPS Eastern Region Vice President

It’s important that we continue to focus on the fights we see in the future. We must continue to hold the Postal Service accountable for making decisions that impact our members moving forward. These include major operational plant changes, the consolidation of delivery units (S&DCs) and continued consultation to ensure goals created in the NPA process are reasonable and attainable to ensure members receive fair and equitable pay raises.

As the USPS restructures plants across the nation, we must fight to ensure we maintain jobs for our members. As we’ve done in the past, we also must ensure that every NAPS member has a job opportunity available when the restructuring is finalized.

As the USPS moves to consolidate delivery units, we must do the same. These large delivery units will require even more oversight by postmasters, managers and Customer Service supervisors to ensure their success. I am committed to being your voice to ensure we are discussing your concerns at NAPS Headquarters.

Last, but definitely not least, NAPS is committed to fighting to ensure members are receiving fair and equitable pay. We will continue to fight to make sure targets are reasonable and attainable for our members.

As you can see, we have a lot for which we are fighting. We must not become complacent and lose focus; our fight must continue. It’s also important to take a step back and recap our successes over the past few years.

NAPS has accomplished much for our members. Just as important as the fight is, we need to take a moment to celebrate our successes:

1. Lawsuit holding the USPS accountable for unfair wage practices (appeal won at the Circuit Court of Appeals).

2. Supervisor differential adjustment increases over multiple supervisor positions.

3. Supervisor workload credit changes increasing supervisor authorizations nationwide by over 1,000 positions.

4. Ratio changes from 35:1 to 15:1 in larger installations, adding additional Customer Service supervisor staffing.

5. Relief supervisors in Customer Service, plants and logistics, with a relief for every five authorized positions.

6. Apprentice Supervisor Pilot Program to grow the pool of qualified applicants for vacant supervisor positions.

As you can see, we have a lot of accomplishments of which to be proud, to name just a few. Please share these successes with your coworkers and friends who may not yet be members.

When they ask you what NAPS has done for its membership, you can share this list of recent accomplish-ments and proudly state: “This is why I think you should join NAPS.”

Let’s continue the work.