Be Engaged and Involved

Be Engaged and Involved
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer

Time is fast approaching as final preparations are being completed for our upcoming 69th National Convention at the fabulous Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT. There has been great preparation this year to make this convention one of the best!

Host New Haven Branch 3 members, led by President Denis Wright, have been diligently working to make this an exciting event. They now are waiting to welcome NAPS and Auxiliary delegates from around the country to that warm New England hospitality. I know I can’t wait!

What will make this the greatest convention ever is you—the delegates! Engagement is key in making an event successful. Your engagement will help your National Executive Board in determining the direction you want your association to go. Your engagement will build the foundation for our future.

As I wrote in previous columns, the basis of the direction of our association takes place at the national convention and with the resolutions submitted by you, the members. Your engagement will make our 69th National Convention and NAPS a success.

If you are a first-timer, make sure you attend the orientation meeting on Sunday, Aug. 10. You will learn the process used during the convention business sessions. The orientation will give you a better understanding of how you can be constructively engaged in the process and events. True engagement should allow everyone to feel free to express their thoughts, ideas and be part of the process, as well as be appreciated.

Those who attend our national convention become part of the process. Help move NAPS into the future. We welcome you and your participation!

Regarding engagement and being involved, I must speak about membership. I truly want to thank all those who sponsored a new member in April and May. In those two months alone, our membership total has grown by 889 to 28,615 strong. Thank you!

Remember, increasing membership demonstrates leadership. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone soon at Foxwoods Resort Casino.

Stay safe!