Auxiliary Luncheon Tickets Now on Sale

Auxiliary Luncheon Tickets Now on Sale
By Bonita R. Atkins
National Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer

It’s that time again! Time to talk about our Auxiliary Luncheon at this year’s national convention at the Foxwoods Resort Casino, Mashantucket, CT. We again will sell tickets in advance; no tickets will be sold at the convention.

The luncheon will be at noon on Friday, Aug. 16, in the Celebrity Ballroom. Tickets are $50 per person and will be on sale through July 31.

I urge all branches and members to please send your registration form and payment as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last day to send payments as I may not be home when your mail arrives in August.

There will be no refunds; all sales are final. Each person must have their own ticket before entering the ballroom for the luncheon. Please complete the form (make copies, if necessary) and return it with your check or money order, payable to “National Auxiliary to NAPS,” to Bonita Atkins, Secretary/Treasurer, PO Box 80181, Baton Rouge, LA 70898. In addition, please indicate if you are allergic to shellfish or a vegetarian.

The person listed on the “pick up by” line on the registration form is the only person authorized to pick up the tickets. Tickets will be available for pickup on Sunday, Aug. 11, through Tuesday, Aug. 13.

We look forward to having you join us!