March 5, 2021
2021—A Year for NAPS Membership
By Chuck Mulidore
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
I’m sure many of you made New Year’s resolutions as we welcomed 2021 from a very tough 2020. If you are like me, you probably already have broken most of those resolutions. But I am going to go ahead and make this one for all of us; let’s not break this one!
Let us commit to making 2021 a year of increasing NAPS membership across the country. While membership recruitment must be an ongoing process for all of us, with so many potential changes on the horizon for the Postal Service, now is the time for all EAS employees to join NAPS.
On Sept. 7, 2020, NAPS turned 112 years old. The need for our organization to exist is as real now as it was in 1908 when 50 supervisors met in Louisville, KY, to chart the future of NAPS! Could those 50 men have imagined that, thanks in large measure to your efforts, membership has increased to over 27,000 EAS employees?
Most impressively, over 95% of our members are actively working EAS employees. They include supervisors, managers, postmasters, SDOs, MDOs, MMOs, plant managers, HR personnel, OPS support and district, area and Headquarters personnel—over 500 EAS job titles!
Unlike the other postal management organization, where only 49% of its members currently are working EAS employees, our members are actively doing the work daily—making NAPS the best, largest and most effective management organization representing EAS employees in the Postal Service.
As EAS pay talks with the Postal Service roll out this spring, remember: NAPS consults for pay for all those 500-plus job titles but one. The other postal management organization conducts pay consultations for only one of all of those myriad job titles. NAPS is strong, growing and financially stable. We are well prepared to meet the challenges of the future, and meet them we will!
Thus, as the number of NAPS members rises, so does the value of your membership. Our voice at L’Efant Plaza is greater, our voice on Capitol Hill is louder and our message to the American people is clearer.
Your resident officers at NAPS Headquarters, your Executive Board members across the country and your local branch leaders are committed to maintaining the high standard of effective representation that has been the hallmark of NAPS. One of the greatest values NAPS offers is our Disciplinary Defense Fund (DDF), which will represent all NAPS members in any type of adverse action.
This benefit is offered as part of your membership in NAPS. In other words, DDF representation will not cost you any additional money out of your pocket, unlike the other management organization that literally charges thousands of dollars upfront. Imagine being an EAS employee facing an adverse action and having to pay the organization several thousand dollars in order to get adverse action representation!
That does not happen to members of NAPS. Of course, our primary focus always has been to educate and train our members on how to stay out of trouble. But, if, by some chance, something adverse should happen to you as an EAS employee, we will be there with world-class representation from our DDF cadre of attorneys, former USPS labor managers and retired MSPB judges.
You see, we represent all EAS employees and have been doing so for a long time. We are, and will continue to be, working hard to grow membership. That is a legacy and responsibility that has been passed down to each of us over the past 112-plus years, allowing NAPS to meet the challenges of today and, most importantly, the future.
We know that never-ending change is the one constant in the Postal Service, but there is one thing that will never change: As long as there is a Postal Service, there will be a National Association of Postal Supervisors. Oh, and by the way, for each new member you sign, NAPS Headquarters will send you a $25 check.
So, let’s get to work and sign those nonmembers in 2021—the year of NAPS membership!
Categories: The Postal Supervisor
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