

NAPS Chat is a weekly podcast intended to inform NAPS members about the latest legislative and political goings-on within our nation’s capital. 
Hosted by NAPS Director of Legislative and Political Affairs, Bob Levi,

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September 9, 2024 | Episode 213

Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA)

"Repealing GPO/WEP: Ending Pension Discrimination for Postal and Federal Retirees" 

Rep. Garret Graves joins Bob to discuss his effort to force a House vote on H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act. Rep. Graves talks about his bipartisan work with Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) to finally address the unfair Social Security treatment suffered by millions of Americans who either worked for federal, state and  local governments, or are their dependents. Rep. Graves commended NAPS for prioritizing this issue and for waging a multi-pronged legislative campaign to secure the signatures of at least 218 members of the House to sign a discharge petition to bring H.R. 82 to a floor vote. You can join this campaign by linking to the campaign here.

Bob also briefly talks about a Postal Service-hosted technical conference on the Delivering for America plan, which is a prerequisite for its request for an Postal Regulatory Commission Advisory Opinion on the plan.