Delegates and guests attending the 2025 LTS are responsible for making their own lodging reservations directly with the Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel. To make a reservation by
phone, please call the Marriott at (703) 920-3230. Reference the group's name: National Association of Postal Supervisors. You may also book
your room online using the reservation link below.
The LTS single/double room rate is $289, plus applicable state and local taxes. Check-in time is 3 p.m.; check-out time is noon. Room rate is subject to
To guarantee reservations, the hotel must receive a deposit of one night's room rate and tax by major credit card at the time of the reservation. Cancellations must be received at least 24
hours before arrival or the deposit will be applied to your credit card. The hotel confirmation is your responsibility. NAPS Headquarters does not confirm lodging reservations.