Executive Vice President Ivan D. Butts thanked LTS delegates for being instrumental in helping grow the Supervisors Political Action Committee (SPAC). “This is my favorite part of LTS,” he exclaimed. LTS is a signature event for helping raise funds for SPAC. There has been positive growth every year at LTS, although 2019 was down just slightly from 2018. “That really shows your commitment to supporting SPAC and helping us engage our leaders,” he said. “It helps us take care of business up on the Hill.”
“You’re professional, you have your documentation, you have your talking points and you impress on our leaders our support. We know that because it’s typical to see a 20% to 30% increase in cosponsorship two weeks after your Hill visits. We know you’re effective in what you do. It’s working; our advocacy helps move legislation down the road.
“I encourage you to go up to the Hill tomorrow as the leaders that we are. We run this agency day in and day out and we have to convey that to our legislative leaders. Thank you for what you did last year—here and in your home districts.”
SPAC contributions in 2019 totaled $238,831. Butts thanked the Southern Region for continuing to lead the way in contributions:
Top-five areas:
Top-five states:
Butts commended Florida for being #1.
“They do a tremendous job,” he declared. “Ann Strickland does a lot of dynamic things; all the Florida branches are 100% committed to their SPAC effort.”
Top-five states per-capita:
“Thank you, everyone, for all you’ve done for SPAC,” Butts offered. “It allows us to be successful in our legislative efforts.”
“We continue to increase our President’s Ultimate SPAC contributors—those who contribute $1,000 and more to SPAC in a year. I’m really proud to see our growth since 2014 when we had 35 Ultimate contributors. Last year, we had 64 Ultimate contributors. Thanks to each one of these contributors for making that commitment; it’s so beneficial to our efforts.
“I want to recognize the top-five Ultimate contributors. But I also want to celebrate everyone who is an Ultimate contributor; your commitment to NAPS is special.”
“We have a sign that reads, ‘SPAC is not a spectator sport!’” he proclaimed. “We have to be involved in SPAC. I’ve always said I can’t expect you to give your best unless I give my best. I’ve always been committed and I am blessed to work with an Executive Board that’s equally committed. Our board members support our Executive Board gift card raffle every year.
“Our ‘Drive for 5’ program is a vehicle in which we would love to have everyone participate. Contributing via payroll and OPM deductions allows us to budget and better forecast what we do. We appreciate those who participate and encourage everyone to enroll in
‘Drive for 5.’ In 2019, 266 members participated, totaling $96,584 in contributions to SPAC.
“Whatever you do, whatever you give, we appreciate it because it makes us the best that we can be. Thank you, NAPS!”
For more about the 2020 Legislative Training Seminar (LTS), click on the links below:
Harnessing the Power of NAPS Delegates to Effect Change for All EAS Employees
Congressional Representatives Address Delegates at LTS 2020
Do's and Don'ts of Conducting Visits with Lawmakers on Capitol Hill
H.R. 6085: The Postal Supervisors and Managers Fairness Act of 2020
The 2020 Stanley Gold Award for Legislative Excellence
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