Your Perseverance Is Recognized
By Chuck Mulidore
NAPS Executive Vice President
Please allow me to wish you a wonderful Christmas and holiday season, a joyous and happy New Year and many blessings to you and your family. As fall mailing season has passed into peak, you know these are two of the most stressful times to be a supervisor, manager, postmaster or, really, any EAS-level employee in the Postal Service.
You perform heroic, oftentimes thankless work for long hours away from your family during the holiday season. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed. Not only has—and will—fall mailing and peak seasons be stressful, much of 2023 has been one stressful event after another.
While we know many EAS employees have had better NPA payouts this year than last—for which we are glad—I do not think we need to thank the Postal Service for rewarding your hard work. You earned that payout and you deserve even more because of your perseverance. Through it all, somehow the proud EAS employees of the U.S. Postal Service weather all the storms and still move the mail—all while serving America.
As a worldwide pandemic exploded across our country over the past several years, you persevered. As hurricanes and tropical storms rolled across the Gulf and Atlantic states, you persevered. As fires consumed much of the western U.S., Rockies and southwest areas of our country—most tragically in Lahaina, HI—you persevered.
As floods overran the banks of rivers in the Midwest, you persevered. As employee shortages made mail processing and delivery even more difficult, you persevered. As huge parcel volumes continued to descend on the Postal Service, straining our capacity to operate, you persevered.
As the American people once again trusted the U.S. Postal Service to deliver ballots on time in election after election, you persevered. As each EAS RIF has led to shortages in the organization’s ranks, you persevered and kept the nations’ mail flowing.
Now, as the Postal Service undertakes a massive reorganization of the nation’s mail processing facilities, you persevere. You have and continue to persevere through all this for one reason—because you care.
You put up with all the negatives directed at you by multiple postal sources because you care. You are the one thread that runs through all the challenges. You are the one constant that always comes through for America. You persevere.
NAPS appreciates you and all you do for the Postal Service and your family. You may not hear that from senior postal leaders; perhaps you hear politically correct platitudes. As Maya Angelou so eloquently said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
So, we see who you are; you have shown us time and time again. NAPS understands what you do each day in service to the public. You are the ones who come to work to face the challenges, run the plants, cover the vacancies, run the delivery units, get the trucks out on time and provide the support, plus all the many other functions that go into delivering the nation’s mail.
You are keeping the promise of more than 245 years that this essential agency, America’s Postal Service, created by the Founding Fathers in the U.S. Constitution, would persevere. And so it does—and always will—because of you, because you persevere.
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