The Efficacy of SPAC
By Chuck Mulidore
NAPS Executive Vice President
In these times of the COVID pandemic, we have heard “efficacy” used regarding medicine and vaccines; specifically, the ability of a vaccine to have its desired effect—protection from a virus or disease. The term efficacy also has other meanings, including a political definition.
According to Wikipedia, political efficacy in political science is citizens’ trust in their ability to change the government and belief that they can understand and influence political affairs. Efficacy commonly is measured by surveys and used as an indicator for the broader health of civil society.
As I am sure you are aware, there are many issues in our country today related to the health of our political system and Americans’ trust in their government, as well as their belief that government can improve their lives. By now, you possibly are wondering what this information has to do with your job as a Postal Service EAS employee and, just as importantly, your membership in NAPS.
Well, NAPS continually is involved in our political system through lobbying members of Congress, the administration and federal agencies. The purpose of this lobbying is to advocate for legislation and regulations that impact the lives of active USPS managers, postmasters and supervisors. Just as importantly, we also advocate for our retirees who continually face legislation in Congress that would reduce or, in some cases, eliminate the benefits and rights they were promised during their working careers.
Why is your NAPS organization involved in these political activities? Because we believe in our ability to impact the government and influence political affairs to promote better working conditions for our members through effective legislation, protect the earned benefits and rights of federal retirees and promote the long-term survivability of the U.S. Postal Service.
How does NAPS accomplish these various initiatives? We meet regularly with congressional leaders in person or via Zoom to impress on them the importance of NAPS’ legislative agenda and gauge their willingness to introduce, cosponsor and support legislation that NAPS considers vital to its members. What is the incentive for these political leaders to support or advance NAPS’ agenda? It is our Supervisors’ Political Action Committee (SPAC).
Jesse Unruh, speaker of the California Assembly from 1961 to 1968, is credited with coining the phrase, “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” For better or worse, that most often is the case. So, to have our legislative priorities heard and supported, NAPS must have a healthy political action committee. Thanks to the generous support of many NAPS members, we have just that—an effective, strong and influential voice on Capitol Hill!
In order to keep that effective voice on the Hill, we need your continued support. Please look at the NAPS website for ways to contribute to SPAC, such as our “Charging into ’22 SPAC Raffle.” SPAC’s “Drive for 5” makes contributing easy by simply deducting contributions from your paycheck. Whatever way you choose to help, know that the dollars you give will benefit your job and retirement—it is an investment in your career and your future.
Our job as leaders of your NAPS organization is to ensure that political efficacy remains a strong force moving forward for our members.
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