The 2023 Legislative Training Seminar will advance NAPS’ core legislative priorities: To enact a fair and equitable consultative process over EAS pay and benefits, legislate an adverse action appeal process that covers all EAS-level postal employees, ensure Congress fully exercises its oversight responsibilities regarding USPS operations and finances and protect the earned retirement and health benefits of current and future NAPS retirees.
NAPS legislative advocates will come to the U.S. Capitol at the dawn of a newly sworn-in 118th Congress, with many new legislators who need to be educated about the Postal Service and the issues important to the employees who supervise and manage its operations. LTS offers one of the most effective opportunities for supervisors, managers and postmasters to bring their message directly to the ears of their elected representatives.
NAPS will equip LTS delegates with the effective tools and essential information to be successful citizen lobbyists, conveying crucial information to members of the House and Senate on behalf of the almost 48,000 members of the EAS postal workforce. Whether first-timers or Washington veterans, LTS delegates will benefit from engaging legislative seminars, listening to key legislators and delivering our message to Capitol Hill on legislation that impacts NAPS members and the U.S. Postal Service.
A major component of LTS is to become acclimated to the political tone on Capitol Hill and how to best use the different communication channels on which our federal legislators and their staff members rely. Letters and phone calls are not enough anymore. The clear-cut message LTS delegates will deliver is that the Postal Service and its employees are integral components of our nation’s essential infrastructure. And, just as importantly, this fact cannot be obscured by whatever is on Congress’ radar screen at the time.
NAPS LTS delegates will urge legislators to fortify the Postal Service and ensure the mail, its employees, its facilities and its properties are well-protected. In addition, a universal, affordable, accessible and vital Postal Service benefits all America.
Finally, NAPS LTS delegates will be traveling to Washington at a crucial time—just as the White House and Congress will be taking up the Fiscal Year 2024 federal budget. Therefore, we will be fighting to protect our well-earned benefits and fight budget-vultures who seek to cut the benefits earned by NAPS members.
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