Social Media and NAPS
By Chuck Mulidore
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
March has arrived; dare I say spring is in the air? After all, because Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on Groundhog Day, according to legend this portends an early spring! While in the past it often was necessary to rely on legends and tall tales for information, in 2019 it is apparent the internet and social media are the primary methods for receiving news and information.
When it comes to sharing news and information, the NAPS website is incredibly diverse and designed to be the one-stop shop for everything NAPS related. You will find it functional, user-friendly and packed with information. In December 2018 alone, nearly 10,000 people visited the website—a record!
The website is mobile-friendly, as well—obviously key in today’s world where we all use our cell phones to access various types of news and information. For NAPS advocates, the information flow is neat and organized and can be used to provide help to another member you may be representing as a NAPS advocate.
For example, from the home page of you can click on “Members,” use the drop-down menu to click on “Forms and Documents”
and readily find valuable information about many of the issues with which you deal daily in your job. In the “Legislative Center,” you’ll find breaking news about NAPS legislative efforts on Capitol Hill on behalf of the Postal Service.
For those seeking how to join NAPS or learn more about the association, information is easy to access without having to go through multiple screens to find that for which you are looking. The NAPS website is a great asset as you seek to better represent our members or sign new members, which, by the way, you have done an outstanding job already: over 27,300 members and growing!
Part of the versatility of the website is the ability of delegates to register for the Legislative Training Seminar held each March in Washington, DC, and for our biennial national conventions. The website has streamlined the registration process for these events and further helped us accomplish our mission of driving member traffic to the website. It is the key resource for news, information, legislative updates and advocacy efforts.
But there’s more! NAPS also is involved in social media through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. We post daily on these outlets to keep you better informed and give you the resources to pass this knowledge to our members. This also is a way for non-members to learn the benefits of being a member of NAPS.
NAPS Headquarters also just introduced NAPS News, a twice-monthly, online publication reaching the nearly 15,000 members for whom we have valid email addresses. Please check it out if you haven’t already done so and let me know your thoughts.
After all, our website and social media platforms are for you, our members, and we want you to find them beneficial and valuable resources. Please check us out—gain more information, get more involved and sign a non-member. Knowledge is power!
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