Prior to recessing for the July 4th weekend, Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA) introduced bipartisan legislation (S. 4174) to provide the Postal Service with much-needed financial relief to help offset the impact of COVID-19. This assistance will help sustain the agency. Senators Steve Daines (R-MT), Jon Tester (D-MT) and Doug Jones (D-AL) joined Senators Collins and Feinstein as orginal cosponsors.
NAPS Executive Vice President Ivan Butts commented on the bill's introduction: "NAPS applauds and fully supports the introduction of the Postal Service and Emergency Assistance Act by Seantor Susan Collins and Senator Diane Feinstein. This critical, timely legislation speaks directly to the voice of America for the sustainability of the Postal Service as an essential provider of medicines and other goods in today's environment."
S. 4174 provides the USPS with up to $25 billion in COVID-19-related emergency funding, clarifies that the $10 billion loan previously authorized in the CARES Act would be subject to the same conditions extended in previous loans (i.e., no new Treasury Department conditions), and directs the USPS to transmit to Congress a plan to ensure the long-term solvency of the agency.
NAPS requests its members to urge their Senators to support S. 4174, the Collins-Feinstein postal relief bill, and request that Senate Leadership include the bill's provisions in the COVID-19 legislative package currently being crafted.
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