Resolutions: The Blueprint for Our Future
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
Summer is here and state convention season is alive and well. Although this is a busy time at NAPS Headquarters—our fiscal year ended May 31, with the new fiscal year beginning June 1—it’s a great time to attend state conventions; they are the premise of our national convention. The business conducted at the state level prepares us for the business to be conducted at our national convention—our guidance to the future.
Some of you may be asking, “Jimmy, what do you mean?” Well, let me tell you! The business conducted at state conventions is extremely important; it should not be taken lightly. Branches will be submitting resolutions to be voted on at their convention.
Resolutions passed at the state level will be presented to delegates at the national convention.
These resolutions have the potential to change our Constitution & Bylaws, which govern our association. Other resolutions will give the resident officers the direction our members want us to pursue in the consultative process with the Postal Service.
This is extremely important business that must be conducted properly. Resolutions give us the framework moving forward in the next two years based on members’ concerns and the direction in which they want us to work. This is the voice of our membership to seek change and provide direction. The process should not be rushed or taken lightly.
In the resolutions process, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Businessman William Wrigley Jr. of chewing gum fame is credited with saying, “When two men always agree, one of them is unnecessary.” General George Patton said, “If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn’t thinking.”
We need to respect others’ thoughts and opinions, even if we do not agree. This is what valuing diversity is all about: Value others’ thoughts and ideas, then come together with a common solution to provide a direction to lead NAPS into the future. We are a vast and diverse association. We must use this strength if we are to be successful.
Our 68th National Convention is fast approaching. Soon, we will be in the great city of New Orleans. Host Branch 73 President Tomica Duplessis and her fellow members eagerly are awaiting our arrival. They have been working diligently since 2018 preparing for the convention. I know it will be a fantastic experience for everyone!
And remember, increasing membership demonstrates leadership. Stay safe.
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