Resolutions Make a Difference
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
Many of you probably have read my column in the May Postal Supervisor that referenced our upcoming 69th National Convention to be held at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT. Branches will be submitting resolutions that will direct the path of NAPS going forward.
Since the column was published and as well as before, branches have been contacting their respective region and area vice presidents, as well as me, asking if there will be a dues increase and, if so, how much is needed. Those who attended our 2022 National Convention might recall this question also being asked by delegates from the floor. In the past months, branches also have asked for a template as many have not submitted a resolution in the past and would like to submit a resolution at this year’s national convention.
Your Executive Board held a meeting via Zoom on April 4; one of the topics discussed was a dues increase. As you probably are aware, a motion was passed by the Executive Board on May 30, 2023, to levy an assessment of $2 per active member and $1 per associate member to take effect on July 1, 2023.
On June 6, 2023, I made a request for reconsideration as I was on the prevailing side to change the effective date from July 1, 2023, to Aug. 26, 2023, in order to allow branches to evaluate and ascertain if there was a need to change their dues structure. My request for reconsideration was passed, along with the motion to change to the later start date. The assessment will be in place until Oct. 4, 2024, ending on Oct. 5, 2024.
At our upcoming convention, a decision will need to be made. Income from dues covers just less than 50% of our yearly expenses. This latest dues assessment that will end in October partially assisted us with expenses; funds still needed to be drawn from investments.
I was asked to develop a template to request an increase in June 7-8 dues. When I presented the template, some eyebrows were raised. As your NAPS secretary/treasurer and ensuring our association is successful and financially sound, I must be as transparent as possible.
The current dues structure without the assessment gives us only less than half of what is needed to run the association yearly—even with all the cost reductions implemented by the Executive Board this past year. It has been recommended by our accountant that a per-capita dues increase of $4 per pay period is needed to meet yearly expenses.
Keep in mind the current $2 assessment will end Oct. 4, 2024. Financial advisers, including ours, have stated we will not see a bull market again as seen a few years ago. We need to not rely on investments to cover expenses. We also need to keep in mind that the per-capita dues have not been raised in 19 years, since Jan. 5, 2005.
I have been totally transparent regarding NAPS’ finances. I have demonstrated this when presenting the yearly budget to the Executive Board by developing a budget that shows the previous budget and final expenses, the present budget and trends, then allowing comparison to the proposed budget so tough discussions and decisions may be made.
At our upcoming national convention, decisions will need to be made. The business at hand will determine our path into the future. I have the fullest confidence that delegates at the convention will make smart, necessary fiduciary decisions to move our association forward. We currently are financially stable, but now is the time to ensure our future is, as well.
Remember, increasing membership demonstrates leadership. Stay safe!
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