Positive Things Happening in NAPS
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
For years, we have been hearing the same concern: “I want to join NAPS, but I don’t want to put my Social Security number (SSN) on the application.” With so much identity theft occurring, it’s not secure to email applications or even use the mail. Although new members entered their full SSN on the membership application, it still was with apprehension.
Well, I have some great news! It longer is necessary to enter your full SSN on a NAPS membership application. All we will need are the last four digits. Now, when submitting an application, leave the first five boxes of your SSN empty. Once NAPS Headquarters exhausts its current supply of forms, the new forms will eliminate the first five boxes and ask only for the last four digits.
There’s still more good news. NAPS Headquarters established a QR code that will direct an applicant to an online Form 1187. We recently tested the code and it has been successful. We plan to place the QR code on future membership packets, as well as on the back of business cards should one wish to have them readily available.
Once an applicant scans the code, they will be directed to a site that includes a sizzle reel on which NAPS President Ivan D. Butts and NAPS members speak on the benefits of being part of the NAPS family. Applicants then will tap on a link that brings up a blank Form 1187 to complete. The sponsor section also can be completed at this time.
Once completed, the applicant will hit “submit” and the application will be sent to NAPS Headquarters. A copy also will be sent to the applicant at their personal email entered on the application—no postal emails!
Regarding associate members, January and February see the greatest number of members retiring. Many retirees would like to remain in NAPS as associate members, but don’t realize they need to complete and submit Form 1187-A. Converting to associate membership is not automatic.
I would like all branches to ask a member when they are about to retire or are retired if they want to continue as an associate member of NAPS. If they want to remain a member, have them complete Form 1187-A and submit the form to the branch so a branch officer can sign off and submit the application to NAPS Headquarters.
Associate members submit their yearly dues to their respective branch—not NAPS Headquarters. NAPS Headquarters deducts the dues from the monthly DCO. It is important that NAPS Headquarters receives a copy of the 1187-A.
We receive registrations for the national convention and LTS from members who are listed as nonmembers; some even are branch officers. Nonmembers cannot register. When checking with branches in these scenarios, we hear, “Oh yes, they are an associate member.” But NAPS Headquarters has no record of their 1187-A; the branch never sent it.
Another issue is to make sure you verify your DCO for February, which will be sent at the end of March. Many retirees (associate members) temporarily work during peak season for the Postal Service. As a result, they were placed on the USPS payroll. You might have seen names of retirees on your nonmember DCO for October, November, December and, possibly, January.
Because they were not associate members during these months, they are listed as nonmembers. But when they are removed from the USPS payroll, they are dropped off the DCO. It’s critical that each branch verifies its associate members are on their February DCO. If not, please notify Emily Christophersen and me.
Since March 2022, we have gained 763 active members. This is great! We lose an average of 150 to 200 members a month due to retirement, so not only have you signed members who replaced those who retired, you have exceeded the number of active members by 763.
Great work! Please continue your membership efforts as they are paying off. Increasing membership demonstrates leadership.
I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at LTS. We need to inform our elected officials of legislation important to NAPS: H.R. 594, the Managers and Supervisors Fairness Act, and H.R. 595, the Postal Employee Appeal Rights Amendment Act.
Stay safe!
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