National Auxiliary Conducts Its Business at the 67th NAPS National Convention
Submitted by Bonita R. Atkins, National Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer
Session 1: Monday, Aug. 30, 2021
National Auxiliary President Patricia Jackson-Kelley called the meeting to order at 1:41 p.m. The national officers went to their seats at the podium. Jackson-Kelley introduced the national officers in attendance. Emanuel “Skip” Corley, Capitol-Atlantic Area vice president, read the Collect. May Nazareno, Western Region vice president, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jane Finley, Southeast Area vice president, gave an inspiring invocation and conducted the Memorial Service, recognizing all dearly departed Auxiliary members since our previous national convention: Patricia Howard, Houston Branch 122; Frances Jackson, Richard Pereira Branch, NJ, Branch 237; Mae McGhee, North Suburban Facility, IL, Branch 489; and Rebecca Turner, Southern California Bay District Branch 266. Finley asked for a moment of silence for all the souls of Auxiliary and NAPS members, as well as our own family members and friends.
Secretary/Treasurer Bonita Atkins read the roll call. Those in attendance were President Patricia Jackson-Kelley, Executive Vice President Laurie Butts, Secretary/Treasurer Bonita Atkins, Eastern Region Vice President Rick Hall, Central Region Vice President Elly Soukey and Southern Region Vice President Beverly Austin. Also, Western Region Vice President May Nazareno, Capitol-Atlantic Area Vice President Skip Corley, Illini Area Vice President Linda Rendleman, MINK Area Vice President Mary Caruso and Southeast Area Vice President Jane Finley.
Not in attendance were Mideast Area Vice President Cathy Towns and Texas Area Vice President Felecia Hill; both had excused absences. Elsie Vazquez resigned as New York Area vice president; Rebecca Turner, Pacific Area vice president, died while in office. The Northeast Region vice president position is vacant.
The chair called on the Registration Committee for its report. Atkins reported that 11 states were represented, with 24 votes, which qualified as a quorum: 16 local branches represented, six national officers, five area vice presidents, three members at large, three former national presidents, 52 registered delegates and 32 delegates in attendance.
Rick Hall, chair of the Rules Committee, reported that no additional rules needed to be added, but recommended that masks be worn while in session. A motion was made by Atkins, seconded by Austin, to accept the rules. A motion was moved, seconded and passed that the convention agenda be accepted.
Jackson-Kelley reminded delegates that the Auxiliary voted years ago to not hire a professional parliamentarian, but, instead, have former National Auxiliary presidents serve in that position during the Auxiliary’s convention sessions. For this convention, Sonya Bonenberger and Sue Elliott would serve as parliamentarians.
Atkins requested that delegates stand when their names were called as they were assigned as chair and members of the various committees. She advised each chair to schedule a meeting with their members. The Ways and Means chair reported on selling 50/50 tickets at six tickets for $20; the winner would be announced before the end of NAPS’ Monday business session.
Caruso reported that she, Finley and Jackson-Kelley attended the Delegates’ Orientation on Sunday that included both NAPS and Auxiliary first-timers. Therefore, they did not have a chance to speak personally with the Auxiliary first-timers.
Butts gave the first reading of the proposed National Auxiliary Bylaws changes. Copies of the proposed changes were distributed to the delegates. Door prizes were given and the meeting was recessed until 9 a.m. Tuesday.
Session 2: Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021
Jackson-Kelley called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. Finley gave another inspiring invocation.
Atkins read correspondence received from former President Rosa Norton who was unable to attend the convention due to a prior commitment. She also read thank-you notes for condolences and prayers given to board members who had lost loved ones the past three years.
Elly Soukey, chair of the Minutes Committee, gave her report from Monday, Aug. 30, and found them to be correct. One notation was made in asking delegates when making a motion and second to state their name so it may be recorded. Linda Rendleman reported on registration: 11 states were represented, 16 local branches, six national officers, five area vice presidents, three members at large and four former national presidents.
The Bylaws Committee, chaired by Laurie Butts, had a second reading of the first proposed Bylaws change to Article VII, sections 4, 5 and 6; she recommended adoption. There was no discussion; the proposed change was approved unanimously.
The second proposed Bylaws change, Article XIV, Section 2, was read and recommended for adoption by the committee. There was no discussion; the change was approved unanimously.
The third proposed Bylaws change, Article XII, Section 3.a.4, was read and recommended for adoption. There was discussion; clarification was given by parliamentarian Sonya Bonenberger. The proposed change was approved unanimously.
The proposal for a change to Article XII, Section 3.a.5, was read and recommended for adoption. A discussion ensued from parliamentarian Sue Elliott that this change should not have been listed as it was addressed in the previous amendment.
There was further discussion between parliamentarians Bonenberger and Elliott regarding the change. Elliott recommended the change not be adopted and be revisited at the next national convention. The motion was made to adopt the committee’s recommendation; the motion failed.
Jackson-Kelley asked Butts to remain standing and asked the delegates to wish her a very happy birthday by singing “Happy Birthday” as today was her birthday.
Jackson-Kelley next introduced NAPS Director of Legislative & Political Affairs Bob Levi. He discussed the appointments of several new USPS Board of Governors who oversee the Postmaster General’s decisions. He also focused on and spoke briefly about H.R. 3076, which addresses Postal Service finances and operations. Also, H.R. 3077, the “Postal Service Improvement Act.”
Levi complimented the Auxiliary on its efforts to support and raise money for SPAC. He said SPAC funds provide the opportunity to communicate with Congress outside congressional walls. Jackson-Kelley thanked him for coming and sharing.
Atkins introduced the second guest speaker, Paula Hoelzel, CEO of Signature Credit Union. She extended an invitation to all delegates to visit the Signature FCU table in the convention hall. Jackson-Kelley recessed the meeting until 1:30 p.m.
The meeting resumed at 1:40 p.m., with an invocation by Finley. Jackson-Kelley asked Bonenberger, chair of the Audit Committee, to give her report. She advised that the committee met on Sunday, Aug. 29, to review and audit the books; the books were in order. Bonenberger made a motion to adopt the Audit Committee report; the motion was passed. The Audit Committee was dismissed.
Rick Hall, chair, presented the Budget Committee’s report. He read the proposed budget. A question was raised and an explanation and clarification were given. The motion to adopt the budget was approved. The Budget Committee was discharged.
Corley, chair, gave the report for the Ways and Means Committee. He told delegates the committee does not have a formal meeting. Members meet every day at the raffle table and sell 50/50 tickets and gift cards. Thus far, they raised over $6,000 in the Auxiliary’s share of the 50/50 drawings and over $1,400 in gift cards.
Jackson-Kelley then opened the floor for nominations of officers, starting with president. Bonita Atkins nominated Laurie Butts; no other nominations were made.
The floor was open for executive vice president. Patricia Jackson-Kelley nominated Beverly Austin; no other nominations were made.
The floor was open for secretary/treasurer. Sue Elliott nominated Bonita Atkins; no other nominations were made.
The floor was open for Central Region vice president. Linda Rendleman nominated Elly Soukey; no other nominations were made.
The office of Northeast Region Vice President was requested; no nominations were made.
The floor was open for Eastern Region vice president. Skip Corley nominated Rick Hall; no other nominations were made.
The floor was open for Southern Region vice president. Beverly Austin nominated Felecia Hill; no other nominations were made.
The floor was open for Western Region vice president. May Nazareno nominated Patricia Jackson-Kelley; no other nominations were made. Nominations were closed.
Door prizes were given. After a lengthy discussion with the parliamentarians and president, nominations of officers were revisited. Because all nominees ran unopposed, Jackson-Kelley needed only a voice vote on each nominee. She then called out the nominees of each office and asked for a voice vote in favor of the nominee for that office. All nominees were elected unanimously for the 2021-2022 term.
Jackson-Kelley told delegates to enjoy their free day on Wednesday. The next meeting will be called to order at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday. The meeting was in recess.
Session 3: Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. The Auxiliary delegates were released to attend the NAPS session in the main ballroom for nominations of officers and presentations from the cities vying to host the 2024 National Convention. The meeting was in recess until 1:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m. The president was advised that the photographer was ready to take the Auxiliary photos. The meeting resumed shortly thereafter.
Minutes Committee Chair Elly Soukey gave her report. She advised that the minutes from Tuesday’s meeting were reviewed and appeared to be correct. Ways and Means Committee Chair Skip Corley reported that, on Tuesday, $3,520 was the Auxiliary’s share collected from the 50/50.
Timekeepers Committee Chair Nan Coppolella gave her report, noting there were no debates and time was not needed. The committee was dismissed. Pages Committee Chair Ruth Cushenberry reported that all assignments were completed.
Sergeants-at-Arms Committee Chair Randolph Washington advised that her committee performed their duties, kept order and secured the doors. The committee was dismissed. Sue Elliott advised that the Parliamentarians Committee offered support and information, as needed. The committee was
Jerry Eckert gave the report for the Luncheon Committee; Chair Beverly Austin was unavailable. Eckert said the committee met and folded the luncheon programs and completed the token gifts. She said the novelties were well-prepared and ready to go. The committee would be dismissed at the end of the luncheon.
Tellers Committee Chair Sonya Bonenberger reported there was no need for ballots. The committee was dismissed.
Linda Rendleman, Resolutions Committee chair, gave her report. The committee recommended giving Chanel Dodson a standing ovation for her exemplary service as assistant secretary and being a first-timer. A standing ovation also was given to parliamentarians Sonya Bonenberger and Sue Elliott for their continued support and outstanding job during the convention.
Another standing ovation was given to the Ways and Means Committee for their outstanding ticket sales in raising money for the National Auxiliary. The committee asked that a thank-you note be sent to the NAPS Executive Board for everything they do to support the auxiliary.
Lastly, the committee recommended that Patricia Jackson-Kelley, having served as president for five years under unusual circumstances, with dedication and commitment to the Auxiliary and its members, be given a standing ovation, as well as a monetary gift of
There were several announcements, including no morning session would be held on Friday. Everyone who paid is invited to the Auxiliary Luncheon at noon on Friday. Door prizes were given and the afternoon session was recessed at 3:24 p.m. until the Auxiliary Luncheon at noon on Friday.
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