RESOLVED, That Article VII, Section 1(b) be amended to read as follows:
Section 1.
“(b) These officers, all of whom must be active or associate members, shall hold office for the election period between biennial conventions, or until their successors are duly elected or appointed under provisions of Article VII, Section 2, paragraph 6, unless ineligible under provisions of Article III, Section 2, provided that not more than one (1) member from any one (1) local branch may hold any of these offices.”
NAPS Executive Board
RESOLVED, That Article VII, Elections, Section 2, paragraph 6 be amended to read as follows:
“The candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected in the order in which they are listed in Section 1 (a). If there are more than two (2) candidates for any office, or more than two (2) cities desiring the convention, and a majority vote is not obtained by a candidate or city, a runoff election shall be held between the two (2) candidates, or cities, receiving the greatest number of votes. If then, because of eligibility considerations under Section 1 (b), an otherwise elected candidate shall be ineligible to serve, a new election shall be conducted in such manner as recommended by the Ballot Committee to fill the vacancy thus occurring. The newly elected officers shall assume their respective offices at the time of the closing gavel for the final adjournment of the national convention and shall hold office for their respective terms or until their successors are duly elected or appointed. The city receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared the next convention city.”
NAPS Executive Board
RESOLVED, That Article XIII, Section 7, paragraph 3 be amended to read:
“The amount of $150,000.00 shall be allocated each fiscal year forthe Education and Training Fund, to be administered by the Executive Board.”
NAPS Executive Board
RESOLVED, That NAPS Headquarters contact the Postal Service to include the information in blocks 35 and 36 of PS Form 50 every month, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Membership Manager use this information to keep the member assigned to the branch associated with their domicile without requiring the submission of a Request for Exceptions of Branch Affiliation, and be it finally RESOLVED, that Article III, Section 6, of the NAPS Constitution & Bylaws be amended to add a section d):
“d) When a Finance number change occurs with no change in domicile as validated by PS Form 50 information in blocks 35 and 36, the member will remain in their domicile branch without requiring the submission of the Request for Exceptions of Branch Affiliation.”
Portland, ME, Branch 96
RESOLVED, That a new Section 5 be added to Article VII, Elections, to read as follows: Section 5. Effective after the
68th NAPS National Convention, any member, including associate members-at-large (MALs), who are in good standing with NAPS Headquarters and has paid the respective national convention registration fee may request a delegate-at-large (DAL) credential to the national convention from NAPS Headquarters, which must be approved and signed by two resident officers. An approved DAL with a paid registration will have access to the national convention floor to vote on official NAPS business by voice and division vote only. The DAL will not be affiliated with any local or state branch. A registered DAL is eligible to receive a national convention committee assignment. A DAL is prohibited from participating in any roll-call votes and collecting and/or casting any official election ballot(s).
Heart of Illinois Branch 255
27 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That NAPS Headquarters obtains and uses a Quick Response (QR) code that will be incorporated with the membership packetssent out to prospective members, membership promotions and other correspondence deemed appropriate by NAPS Headquarters or branches, and be it further
RESOLVED, That this QR code takes the prospective member to the NAPS membership page where they will have the option of joining by completing an online or hard-copy NAPS Form 1187. Any required signature for the online form is a digital, and be it finally
RESOLVED, That the completed online form be submitted electronically to NAPS Headquarters and the affected branch after completion. The completed hardcopy version would be mailed or emailed to NAPS Headquarters.
Montana State Branch 929
RESOLVED, That the Form 1187 be amended to allow new members to indicate their preference that their name will not be published in The Postal Supervisor on enrollment.
Virginia State Branch 951
RESOLVED, That USPS management pay the EAS employee’s requested leave at the time of the call per their submitted 3971.
California State Branch 905
34 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That the current waiting period for higher-level compensation for EAS employees be abolished, and be it further
RESOLVED, That a new higher-level compensation procedure be created that will serve to acknowledge and compensate EAS employees immediately when they are required to perform higher-level duties in full daily shifts.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That NAPS consults with the Postal Service to implement a policy where no NTE details will be granted to craft employees before EAS employees are made aware of the opportunity and given the first opportunity for the detail.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That NAPS enters into consultations with the USPS to develop and implement a Supervisor Staffing Workload model for Mail Processing facilities, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Supervisor Staffing Workload Evaluation process encompasses all duties, employees, machinery and responsibilities of SDO positions.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That NAPS enters into consultation with the USPS to finalize that encompasses all duties and responsibilities of a supervisor, Customer Service, within six months of the acceptance of this resolution.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That the USPS consults with local NAPS representatives prior to vacant EAS positions being held longer than 75 days.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That NAPS consults with the USPS to reimburse the full cash value to the postal employee who controls the unused benefit (lost benefit).
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That each time a new program or task is assigned to any EAS employee, the USPS will provide NAPS with an outline of how much time is required to effectively perform each new program or task that is added, and be it further
RESOLVED, That each time a new program or task is assigned to any EAS employee, the USPS will provide NAPS with an outline of how each new program or task is to be integrated into the existing workload and be prioritized with current duties.
Oregon State Branch 940
41 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That during pay consultations, NAPS seeks that no EAS supervisor shall earn no less than 5% more than the top of the pay scale of any craft employee they supervise, and be it further
RESOLVED, That no manager or postmaster shall earn no less than 5% more than the top of the pay scale of any employee they supervise, including subordinate EAS employees.
Oregon State Branch 940
42 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That during pay consultations, NAPS seeks a COLA adjustment process to the EAS pay package.
Oregon State Branch 940
43 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That during pay consultations, NAPS seeks to change the supervisor differential adjustment in the EAS pay package to benefit all EAS employees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That each time the base salary of the EAS initial-level supervisor is adjusted to comply with the supervisor differential adjustment, all EAS employees will be adjusted by the same amount.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That ELM 519.733 be amended to compensate exempt field employees for all additional hours they are required to work due to staffing issues and operational requirements, and be it further,
RESOLVED, That ELM 519.733 be amended to allow exempt field employees who work additional hours be allowed to choose among:
1. Taking a day off not within the same service week,
2. Compensation with pay for all additional hours worked (additional time) or
3. Compensation of one hour of annual leave for one hour of required additional work added to their leave balance.
Oregon State Branch 940
45 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That NAPS consults with the Postal Service to change the language in the ELM 519.733 to reflect: “When an exempt employee is directed to work on a holiday or other day in addition to normal workdays, the supervisor shall grant a full day of personal absence without charging it to official leave, of the employee’s choosing.”
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That the Postal Service compensate all special-exempt and non-exempt EAS employees who work a non-scheduled day in a service week at a rate of 150% of their calculated base hourly rate for all hours worked on a non-scheduled day.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That NAPS consults with the USPS to partner with the agency to improve processes, pay and benefits used to successfully recruit, hire and retain entry-level craft employees.
Oregon State Branch 9
RESOLVED, That all EAS employees be paid a premium when working Dec. 25, and be it further RESOLVED, That this resolution is included in pay talks. Greenville, SC, Branch 228
RESOLVED, That NAPS consults with the USPS to ensure all vacant EAS positions be posted to EAS employees prior to being posted to craft employees.
Oregon State Branch 940
52 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That at every convention there be scheduled a two-hour period for questions and inquiries of the Executive Board, resident officers and legal team during the convention to air and address any questions or concerns the delegates may need to be addressed, and be it further
RESOLVED, That each delegate be allotted three minutes to ask their question at the microphones, and be it further
RESOLVED, That such time be suspended when the answer is ren-dered from the resident officers, Executive Board or legal team to allow for discussion and clarifying ques-tions, and be it finally
RESOLVED, That the time will resume when the answer from the aforementioned parties is concluded until the delegate’s time expires.
Georgia State Branch 912
RESOLVED, That all IMIP investigation teams should have at least one vetted NAPS representative who all are thoroughly trained, with follow-up training as deemed necessary, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the accused EAS employee and NAPS representative be afforded the right to review evidence gathered during the investigation, and be it further
RESOLVED, That if there should be a need to separate the alleged harasser and harassee, it should not be automatically assumed that the EAS employee is moved, as that has its own negative implications, and be it finally
RESOLVED, That an appeals process be initiated to appeal adverse decisions.
South Jersey Branch 74
54 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That NAPS take an exhaustive look at all fringe benefits that were in effect at the codification of Title 39 and make a comparative study as to the benefits, levels of benefits, percentages and all other governing factors of such benefits, and be it further
RESOLVED, That NAPS takes the necessary due diligence and weighs whether (and when and how) to pursue litigation in response to the unfavorable situation.
Atlanta DNC Branch 567
63 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That NAPS initiates immediate action to support legislation that could result in reducing or eliminating the impact of WEP/GPO on Postal Service retirees, and be it further
RESOLVED, That all NAPS members support and request their representative to cosponsor legislation that would repeal the GPO and WEP that unfairly target federal retirees who participated in the Civil Service Retirement System, as well as their surviving spouses, and reduce the Social Security benefits of these individuals.
California State Branch 905
64 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That NAPS members contact legislators and ask them to cosponsor legislation to ensure postal employees have the support and assistance of Postal Police in cities and communities where they are assigned.
California State Branch 905
RESOLVED, That the NAPS National Legislative Representative contact and consult with NARFE about issues and bills in Congress that we should pursue as a joint effort.
Minnesota State Branch 926
70 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That any hotel selected to host NAPS must accept delivery of packages and/or shipments for NAPS conventions from the United States Postal Service without additional charges or the hotel cannot be selected for NAPS national conventions.
Brooklyn Branch 68
RESOLVED, That upon selection, the EAS employee’s salary is discussed and resolved in writing before finalizing the selection.
Southwest Florida Branch 420
72 (as amended)
RESOLVED, That the NAPS resident officers and Executive Board abide by the wishes and concerns of NAPS membership in alignment with resolutions adopted at the NAPS national convention.
Detroit Branch 23
RESOLVED, That excess, defined term expense allowance funds not used by a NAPS area vice president be rolled into the next defined term for purposes of engaging, supporting and facilitating training NAPS members in their area of responsibility.
Oregon State Branch 940
RESOLVED, That, effective immediately, hotel rates in The Postal Supervisor or NAPS website for any event provide the expected “all-in” costs. Examples include, but are not limited to: Room rates, all taxes and fees, parking, transportation (to/from airport), shuttle service, public transportation and more and any hotel-related expenses.
South Jersey Branch 74
1727 King Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314-2753
703-836-9660 (phone)
703-836-9665 (fax)
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