Submitted by Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
The May 30 Executive Board meeting via Zoom was called to order at 4 p.m. by Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum. All board members, except Northeast Region Vice President Tommy Roma, who was excused, were in attendance. Also in attendance was NAPS Legal Counsel Bruce Moyer.
The meeting agenda was to discuss the NAPS FY23-24 budget and dues assessment. President Ivan D. Butts thanked board members for attending, noting the NAPS budget and dues assessment needed to be addressed. He informed the board that Moyer and NAPS Parliamentarian Bruce Bishop reviewed the wording pertaining to a dues assessment and confirmed it is within the specifications of the NAPS Constitution & Bylaws.
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden gave an update on the finances. The May financials had not been finalized, but, as of April 28, PNC investments were $7,176,316.73. In April, $800,000 was withdrawn from the investments.
The withdrawal covered expenses of the 2023 LTS, spring Executive Board meeting and a three-pay-period DCO, as well as other regular expenses. With a minimal gain in NAPS’ investments of $70,082.68, total investments decreased by $729,917.32 due to withdrawals for expenses. No withdrawals have been made from the investment portfolio in May.
Motion #1—Submitted by Eastern Region Vice President Richard Green, seconded by Texas Area Vice President Jaime Elizondo, that:
“Effective July 1, 2023, the NAPS Executive Board, in accordance with its authority under the NAPS Constitution & Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 2, shall levy a special assessment of $2.00 per active member and $1.00 per associate member, which shall be paid and collected along with per-capita funds during each pay period through Oct. 4, 2024. Despite the board’s adoption of cost-saving measures, this special assessment is necessitated by a significant shortfall in investment and realty revenue not anticipated when the Executive Board adopted the FY23 budget.”
Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, R. Green, Johnson, Elizondo, Walton, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Griffin, Laster, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, McCartney, Studdard, S. Green, Davis, Valuet, Pashinski and Wagner. Voting “no” was Bock; Roma was excused.
The motion passed 22-1.
Lum stated he had additional motions submitted by board members. Richard Green said he would like to make a motion to reconvene the meeting at 6 p.m. in order to allow the board members time to review the additional motions that had not been sent to the board.
After discussion, Butts decided that another Zoom Executive Board meeting would be scheduled in the early part of the following week. The motions will be sent to board members for their prior review.
Warden informed the board that, with the new fiscal year starting June 1, 2023, NAPS will enter the year without an approved budget. Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore made a motion, seconded by Richard Green, to accept the NAPS FY23-24 budget.
After board discussion confirming that all motions had been set aside for a follow-up meeting, it was determined that allowing a new motion to be presented would be out of order. Lum ruled the motion would be tabled until the next meeting.
Butts adjourned the meeting at 5:19 p.m.
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