President Ivan D. Butts, Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore and Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden attended the May 30 Zoom consultative meeting. Representing the Postal Service were Bruce Nicholson, Paulita Wimbush and Tomica Duplessis, Labor Relations Policies & Programs.
Agenda Item#1
NAPS asked USPS Headquarters to supply NAPS with the metrics identifying logistics pay levels for EAS employees.
This information was provided to NAPS in Feb. 7 correspondence. The workload model ranks logistics facility installation. This model comprises three sections—surface, air and complement. Each section was based on weighted calculations of workload factors. The workload model determines the appropriate level of Logistics facility installations. The workload model determines a standard work score that equates to one of the five levels of Logistics facilities.
Agenda Item #2
NAPS said offices currently are being singled out for not adhering to the CRDO team 60 minutes in the office requirement on the triangulation report. This does not consider DOIS projections or the fact an office may have an MOU that provides office breaks and wash-up time prior to going to the street, thus making it extremely difficult to achieve this metric. Can the CRDO team factor local MOUs into the equation in order to realistically achieve this 60 minutes?
This item was discussed during the March consultative meeting. The report measures office performance and highlights offices and facilities in excess of 60 minutes. It does not include additional data based on local agreements. The highlighted offices direct senior local leadership to investigate to determine whether the excess of 60 minutes is justified.
Agenda Item #3
NAPS contended the CRDO team currently is placing a lot of pressure on their subordinate leaders who, in turn, pass it down to AOs and EAS employees in mail plants and the field. Senior district leaders often disrespectfully pass along this message to their EAS employees, which is causing a very stressful and potentially hostile work environment.
NAPS continually has brought this issue of treatment of EAS employees in the field to the attention of senior postal leadership. What will USPS Headquarters do to stop this disrespectful treatment?
This item references plant operations no longer tied to the district structure. If NAPS is made aware of messaging sent in a derogatory manner, then it should be directed to local Labor Relations and specifics are provided. Publication 552, “Employee’s Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Reporting Harassment,” is a helpful guide to educate employees to determine whether another employee’s actions may be harassment. This guide also includes steps for reporting harassment.
Agenda Item #4
NAPS referred to Public Law 109-435, the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA), under Section 301, that reads, in part: “Prohibits the Postal Service from closing or consolidating any processing or logistics facilities without using specified procedures for public notice and input.”
Section 302 further outlines the processes the Postal Service must follow when consolidating or closing any processing or logistics facilities. Should the Postal Service propose consolidations or closures of processing or logistic facilities, the PAEA requires the Postal Service to provide adequate public notice to communities potentially affected by a proposed rationalization decision; make available information regarding any service changes in the affected communities, any other effects on customers, any effects on postal employees and any cost savings; afford affected persons ample opportunity to provide input on the proposed decision; and take such comments into account in making a final decision.
As the planned deployment of the S&DC and RP&DC initiatives involve the consolidation of postal plants and facilities into a new network, why has the USPS not followed the law in public notification and input?
This agenda item questions matters of public law and is not suitable for a consultative meeting.
Agenda Item #5
NAPS pointed out that Public Law 117-108, the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022, requires that “The Postal Service shall develop and maintain a publicly available website with an interactive web tool that provides performance information for market-dominant products that is updated on a weekly basis.
NAPS asked if the Postal Service has set up this website as required by law. If so, what is the web address to access this information? If not, when will the performance portal be available?
This agenda item is questioning matters of public law and is not suitable for a consultative meeting.
Agenda Item #6
NAPS requested the package volume trend data by week for FY23 with SPLY comparisons, nationally and by area.
This data was provided.
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