Let’s Get Busy!
By Willie Carter
NAPS Central Gulf Area Vice President
I would like to challenge all National Auxiliary members to:
I also would like to challenge all members of the National Auxiliary to strive to increase our membership. Discuss ways to attract more members to your next meeting. This year, if each member committed to recruiting a new member, it would double the Auxiliary’s strength.
The National Auxiliary needs increased membership to show strong support for NAPS in Washington, DC. Added support can be obtained by calling, texting and emailing our state and national lawmakers. Once a year, NAPS branches go to Capitol Hill during LTS to highlight issues and concerns of the Postal Service and NAPS.
The National Auxiliary can show continued support for NAPS branches throughout the year with increased telephone inquiries. Continued support will truly get the attention of the decision-makers on Capitol Hill who affect the Postal Service. Remember, there is strength in numbers.
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