Submitted by Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
The June 6 Executive Board meeting via Zoom was called to order at 4 p.m. by Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum. All board members, except Myrna Pashinski, who was excused, were in attendance. Also in attendance was NAPS Legal Counsel Bruce Moyer.
The meeting agenda was to follow up on the May 30, 2023, meeting that addressed NAPS’ FY23-24 budget and dues assessment. President Ivan D. Butts thanked board members for attending to finalize the NAPS budget and dues assessment.
Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden gave an update on the finances. As of May 31, 2023, PNC investments were $7,112,418.48. In May 2023, no funds were withdrawn from investments; there was no gain in investments. There was a decrease of $63,898.25 based on losses and fees.
Warden, being on the prevailing side of Motion #1 from the May 30 Executive Board meeting, asked for reconsideration; the request was seconded by Executive Vice President Chuck Mulidore. The reconsideration was passed by voice vote.
Warden asked that the effective date of the assessment be changed from July 1, 2023, to Aug, 26, 2023, to allow branches time to consider either absorbing the assessment or holding a meeting to increase their branch dues to cover the assessment. Warden did not think it fair to give branches only three-weeks’ notice of the assessment. Therefore, Warden requested the motion be changed as follows:
Motion #1—Submitted by Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden, seconded by Northeast Region Vice President Tommy Roma, that:
“Effective Aug. 26, 2023, the NAPS Executive Board, in accordance with its authority under the NAPS Constitution & Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 2, shall levy a special assessment of $2.00 per active member and $1.00 per associate member, which shall be paid and collected along with per-capita funds during each pay period through Oct. 4, 2024. Despite the board’s adoption of cost-saving measures, this special assessment is necessitated by a significant shortfall in investments and realty revenue not anticipated when the Executive Board adopted the FY23 budget.”
The motion passed unanimously.
Motion #2—Submitted by New York Area Vice President Dee Perez, seconded by Immediate Past President Brian Wagner:
“1098-80-00-Presidential Assignments—Presidential assignments being approved for associations only related to NAPS postal business, eliminating associations that have nothing to do with our NAPS business.”
Voting “yes” were Warden, Roma, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Griffin, Laster, Trayer, Mooney, McCartney, Bock, Valuet. Voting “no” were Butts, Mulidore, R. Green, Johnson, Elizondo, Walton, Moreno, Studdard, S. Green, Davis and Wagner.
The motion passed 12-11.
Motion #3—Submitted by Perez, seconded by MINK Area Vice President Kelly McCartney:
“537-70-00-NAPS Auto Expense—The current budgeted $26,536, starting the new calendar year lease or at the end of the current lease—which-ever comes first, shall be cut by 55% in order to save $14,594.80, which allows a working balance of $11,941.12 a year or $995.10 per month.”
Voting “yes” were Mulidore, Warden, Roma, R. Green, Johnson, Elizondo, Walton, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, McCartney, Bock, S. Green and Valuet. Voting “no” were Griffin, Laster, Studdard, Davis and Wagner. Abstaining was Butts.
The motion passed 17-5.
Motion #4—Submitted by Perez, seconded by Wagner:
“551-70-01-SPAC Reception—$40,000, cut 50% from the current proposed budget to $20,000, which leaves a working balance of $20,000. If this amount doesn’t cover the party/reception, then open the reception up to other members who wish to pay what it costs per person in order to cover all expenses associated with this affair and avoid losing money.”
Southeast Area Vice President Robert Bock made a recommendation, seconded by Central Gulf Area Vice President Dwight Studdard, to table this motion until the fall board meeting. A voice vote was taken; the recommendation passed.
It was decided to go to Motion #6, then address Motion # 5, as Motion # 5 pertained to NAPS legal counsel who was in attendance at the meeting.
Motion #6—Submitted by Perez, seconded by Roma:
“833-65-75-DDF Provider to Attend Board Meeting—His presence can be done via Zoom for a scheduled hour if it is necessary at the fall and spring board meetings and eliminates attendance at the LTS. The savings will be the daily fees NAPS incurs for the entire week.”
The motion passed unanimously.
Moyer was asked to sign off the Zoom meeting before the board addressed Motion #5.
Motion #5—Submitted by Perez, seconded by McCartney:
“During Executive Board fall and spring meetings and at the LTS, NAPS legal counsel will make his presentation via ZOOM or a one-day, in-person presentation. The savings will be the daily fees NAPS incurs for the entire week.”
Voting “yes” were Warden, Roma, R. Green, Johnson, Walton, Austin, Perez, Mooney, McCartney, Bock, John Valuet and Wagner. Voting “no” were Butts, Mulidore, Elizondo, Dallojacono, Griffin, Laster, Trayer, Moreno, Studdard, S. Green and Davis.
The motion passed 12-11.
Wagner stated Motion #5, passed at the spring 2023 Executive Board meeting, needed to be addressed.
Motion #5—Submitted by Jimmy Warden, seconded by Central Region Vice President Craig Johnson:
“I move, based on the fiduciary responsibility bestowed on me when taking my NAPS oath of office and based on the opinion of our investment bankers in respect to the volatility and path of the stock market in the upcoming year, as well in addition to the direction that will be taken by our association in pursuing our lawsuit for proper pay of our members, I move that the resident officers contact our event planner, ConferenceDirect, to seek getting out of part of our contract with the Embassy Suites for the fall 2023 and 2024 board meetings.
“Said meeting(s) will then be conducted via Zoom. Number of days to be determined by the president. Potential cost savings would be at a minimum $180,000. The resident officers will request that ConferenceDirect seek minimal damages by breaking the contract and seek a contract with the Hilton Hotel for spring 2026, 2027 and 2028 board meetings to possibly offset any damages that may be incurred with Embassy Suites as it is the same hotel corporation.
“The objective should be to break the contract without penalty. ConferenceDirect will submit a report of a possible contract to the resident officers by April 14, 2023. Findings will be presented to the Executive Board by April 19, 2023, for decision. The Executive Board will then have as an agenda item on the spring 2024 and, if needed, spring 2025, board meetings to discuss whether to continue this practice or return to an in-person meeting for the fall 2025 board meeting.
“The objective of this motion should be to not incur any cancellation fee or, at the least, minimize any cancellation fee, as well as have a positive impact on our investment portfolio substantiating our fiduciary responsibilities.”
Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, Roma, R. Green, Johnson, Elizondo, Walton, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Laster, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, McCartney, Bock, Studdard, S. Green, Davis, Pashinski, Valuet and Wagner. Voting “no” was Griffin.
The motion passed 23-1.
Butts reported that ConferenceDirect spoke with the hotel regarding cancellation damage; NAPS would not incur any fee other than that of ConferenceDirect for mitigating on its behalf. After discussion, a motion was filed.
Motion #7—Submitted by Michiana Area Vice President Kevin Trayer, seconded by Bock, that:
“Due to the recommendations previously passed reducing the spring board meeting by two days, having only a one-day budget meeting and reducing the fall board meeting by one day, that the fall board meeting remain a three-day, in-person meeting—arriving on Sunday and departing on Thursday.
Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, R. Green, Johnson, Elizondo, Walton, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Griffin, Laster, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, McCartney, Bock, Studdard, S. Green, Davis and Valuet. Voting “no” was Wagner; Roma was absent.
The motion passed 21-1.
Motion #8—Submitted by Richard Green:
“Move to accept the 2023/2024 budget.”
Board Chair Chuck Lum ruled the motion out of order as the budget has not been updated and finalized due to changes just passed in these motions.
Western Region Vice President Marilyn Walton closed the meeting with a prayer. Butts adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
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