Hope for the Future
By Linda Rendleman
NAPS Illini Area Vice President
I hope everyone is well and safe and had a good summer. It has been a trying time with the coronavirus pandemic all around us.
There is new hope for the Postal Service with new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in office. It has been a trying time for all postal supervisors; maybe the changes DeJoy makes will help EAS employees.
The Auxiliary still is doing its major part to help with legislation and to support supervisors any way we can. Even though the national convention was postponed to next August, we still need to continue to do everything we can to assist supervisors when they need us.
We must continue to stay in touch with our representatives and senators, updating them with information on legislation to help the Postal Service. In November, we need to support candidates who support the Postal Service.
Even though the holidays are a few months away, I hope everyone has a good holiday season. Hopefully, we all will be able to be together next year for the Legislative Training Seminar and national convention.
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