On September 19, H.R. 82, legislation to repeal the Social Security the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision, reached the required 218 signatures necessary to discharge the House Ways and Means Committee from further consideration of bill. This means that H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, is now on the “House Calendar” and likely will get a floor vote by the House of Representatives before the end of the year. You may view the discharge petition here. Repeal of these discriminatory Social Security provisions has long been a NAPS legislative priority. In fact, the September 9 episode of NAPS Chat focuses on the legislation.
Under House of Representatives rules, a member of Congress who signed the petition may notify the House, in a floor statement, of his or her intent to offer a “motion to discharge” the Ways and Means Committee from consideration of the bill at least 7 legislative seven days – not calendar days – after the petition was placed on the calendar (i.e., September 19). The Speaker would then be obligated to schedule a vote discharging H.R. 82 from the committee within two legislative days after the “statement of intent” is made on the House floor. Assuming the motion to discharge passes with a majority vote, the representative may immediately proceed to floor consideration of H.R. 82. Under House rules, H.R. 82 could be amended; however, H.R. 82 proponents could seek to limit the amendment process through the Rules Committee. It will be important for NAPS member to urge a favorable vote on both the motion to discharge and H.R. 82.
To be enacted into law, GPO/WEP repeal would still need to pass the Senate, where the Senate repeal, S. 597, presently has 62 cosponsors.
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